View Full Version : Hypochondria

03-02-2014, 05:37 PM
I've had this issue for about two years now, or rather, I've had anxiety for two years.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Anxiety symptoms are all symptoms of other things. Whenever I have a panic attack its never clear what set it off. So what am I to assume? I just think something has to be wrong. I've gone to the doctors..the ER...

"Well we don't see anything, must be anxiety" or "Oh you have anxiety, yeah its probably just that"

No other explanations. Nobody takes you serious once the word anxiety comes up. Explain to me why it CANT be an issue, or rather what issues would be possible, that they have already checked for. Only a simple "you have anxiety, you should get meds"

It just sucks.. It sucks because I'm sitting here wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, feeling all of these unwanted physical symptoms, and theres just no answer I can believe.

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 05:41 PM
I've had this issue for about two years now, or rather, I've had anxiety for two years. I just don't know what to do anymore. Anxiety symptoms are all symptoms of other things. Whenever I have a panic attack its never clear what set it off. So what am I to assume? I just think something has to be wrong. I've gone to the doctors..the ER... "Well we don't see anything, must be anxiety" or "Oh you have anxiety, yeah its probably just that" No other explanations. Nobody takes you serious once the word anxiety comes up. Explain to me why it CANT be an issue, or rather what issues would be possible, that they have already checked for. Only a simple "you have anxiety, you should get meds" It just sucks.. It sucks because I'm sitting here wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, feeling all of these unwanted physical symptoms, and theres just no answer I can believe.

It really is okay
Anxiety sucks and the symptons it can give you can definitely be unbearable
At some point u gotta try trusting the doctors and believing that you will be okay
Even though you are feeling these symptons it is more than likely from stress or the anxiety
I know it's a lot easier said that done
Iv been to the doctor... The er....
And same thing I was so frustrated
I recently started medication and I don't know if ur against it but I seem to be doing better
If a pill can start getting ur mind healthy and back on ur feet so u can start fighting ur anxiety then why not
Maybe talk to a counsellor or therapist as well
Hope you find some comfort on here
It's been good to me

03-02-2014, 05:54 PM
I've had this issue for about two years now, or rather, I've had anxiety for two years. I just don't know what to do anymore. Anxiety symptoms are all symptoms of other things. Whenever I have a panic attack its never clear what set it off. So what am I to assume? I just think something has to be wrong. I've gone to the doctors..the ER... "Well we don't see anything, must be anxiety" or "Oh you have anxiety, yeah its probably just that" No other explanations. Nobody takes you serious once the word anxiety comes up. Explain to me why it CANT be an issue, or rather what issues would be possible, that they have already checked for. Only a simple "you have anxiety, you should get meds" It just sucks.. It sucks because I'm sitting here wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, feeling all of these unwanted physical symptoms, and theres just no answer I can believe.

This is common I would guess in most countries (it certainly is in the UK).

The biggest problem with general medical staff is they do not often receive a great deal of training in mental health.

If you are not presenting with typical symptoms of serious physical illness (and tests confirm it) then there is little they can do, other than refer you or prescribe meds.

Health anxiety is on the rise at a rapid rate, coupled with the pressure on hospital triage unfortunately can result in a swift dismissal.

It's not right, but it is often the case.

If you are medically fit (by general practice standards) you will more likely get more in depth answers to the physical symptoms you are feeling from a psychological therapist.

But yes you are totally correct - it SUCKS!

03-02-2014, 05:56 PM
I am going to start seeing a therapist soon, I have an appointment in march. As for the meds, I'm not sure.
I would rather not go on meds until I can convince myself this is an anxiety thing for sure. Its one thing to acknowledge it could all be anxiety, its another to fully accept it.

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 06:01 PM
I am going to start seeing a therapist soon, I have an appointment in march. As for the meds, I'm not sure. I would rather not go on meds until I can convince myself this is an anxiety thing for sure. Its one thing to acknowledge it could all be anxiety, its another to fully accept it.

That's true
I was against medication for a long time until I just could barely function anymore
But good on u for seeing a therapist
That's a good step!