View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

03-02-2014, 05:36 PM
I'm new to this forum but I have a problem that I would like to share and would be interested to hear peoples response. It may seem strange but I feared the question "what came before the Big Bang?" When people say "nothing" the thought of there being nothing for an eternity before freaked me out, I believe I have apeirophohia (the fear of infinity). I displayed the symptoms of a panic attack, I lost all my appetite and had general anxiety about it for a few years. After learning about physics and reading a few of Stephen Hawking's lectures I realised I was worried about something that didn't exist, as eternity cannot exist in nothingness and the concept of nothing is very difficult to grasp. He said that to ask what came before the Big Bang is meaningless and his "you can't go any further south from the South Pole" analogy had provided a great deal of comfort for me. However, I recently read about The Big Bounce theory which I hope can be disproved because of my fear of eternity. I suppose my questions are: am I just confused? Should I find treatment for my apeirophohia? Am I just mad? Can people relate?
If anyone has had similar experiences I would be great full to hear from you.

Thank you