View Full Version : Nervousness and negative thinking

03-02-2014, 02:32 PM
Hi guys. I've noticed that a lot of my depression comes from me being nervous and thinking negatively. I am the queen of thinking something bad is going to happen that it ruins my life. I wish I wasn't like this. It also affects my health. Does anyone else have this problem,

03-02-2014, 02:37 PM
I think everyone with anxiety has this problem

We tend to take the "half empty" glass philosophy

Anxiety and depression are so closely related by the fact that people can feel so awful with their anxiety and be overly worried for so long that depression sets in

As with anyone with anxiety, being able to dismiss your negative thoughts without reacting to them is what gets you on the right track

03-02-2014, 02:41 PM
Hi guys. I've noticed that a lot of my depression comes from me being nervous and thinking negatively. I am the queen of thinking something bad is going to happen that it ruins my life. I wish I wasn't like this. It also affects my health. Does anyone else have this problem,

I'm with you! My Dr said I have OCD (always thinking something bad will happen)

You're not alone & I know it sucks! Hang in there!

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 02:45 PM
I'm with you! My Dr said I have OCD (always thinking something bad will happen) You're not alone & I know it sucks! Hang in there!

I'm the same way and my doctor also told me I have OCD characteristics with my thoughts

03-02-2014, 02:52 PM
I'm the same way and my doctor also told me I have OCD characteristics with my thoughts

See sgran, you're not alone! :) it's nice knowing that!

Are you taking any meds or doing any therapy for this?

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 03:03 PM
See sgran, you're not alone! :) it's nice knowing that! Are you taking any meds or doing any therapy for this?

I just started venlafaxine (Effexor) for my anxiety and it seems to be helping
and going to my counsellor on a regular basis which also seems to be helping

03-02-2014, 03:22 PM
I just started venlafaxine (Effexor) for my anxiety and it seems to be helping and going to my counsellor on a regular basis which also seems to be helping

Oh good! I'm trying to get into seeing a therapist but either they aren't calling back or the wait is 2 months!! Ridiculous.. Thank God for this forum so I can talk on here & get all my questions out! Lol

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 03:24 PM
Oh good! I'm trying to get into seeing a therapist but either they aren't calling back or the wait is 2 months!! Ridiculous.. Thank God for this forum so I can talk on here & get all my questions out! Lol

It's true. I completely agree
My counsellor likes to wait 2-3 weeks between sessions so it's like ugh!!!

04-04-2014, 09:53 PM
See sgran, you're not alone! :) it's nice knowing that! Are you taking any meds or doing any therapy for this?

Glad to see I'm not alone :) I'm taking the generic brand for Zoloft. I just started.

04-04-2014, 09:55 PM
It's true. I completely agree My counsellor likes to wait 2-3 weeks between sessions so it's like ugh!!!

Does counseling really help you?

Niicole Lynne
04-04-2014, 10:23 PM
Does counseling really help you?

Iv noticed it has yes
It has helped me open up to more of my friends and family which has helped
It's helped me understand some things about me better
So I would say it has definitely had an affect

04-05-2014, 07:38 AM
I second Nixon's comment. When I experience anxious, intrusive thoughts, they are never about happy, stress-free "what ifs," as in "What if I get a tenure-track job at Harvard"? or "What if I win the lottery and have $45 million to spend on a house in Kensington" ? ...
I also think that for me, negative thinking becomes a kind of strange charm. If I think these negative thoughts, then they won't actually happen in real life, or, if they do happen, I'll be prepared. Conversely, if I think positive thoughts, then I'm jinxing myself. I'm just going to get my hopes dashed.

Niicole Lynne
04-05-2014, 07:54 AM
I second Nixon's comment. When I experience anxious, intrusive thoughts, they are never about happy, stress-free "what ifs," as in "What if I get a tenure-track job at Harvard"? or "What if I win the lottery and have $45 million to spend on a house in Kensington" ? ... I also think that for me, negative thinking becomes a kind of strange charm. If I think these negative thoughts, then they won't actually happen in real life, or, if they do happen, I'll be prepared. Conversely, if I think positive thoughts, then I'm jinxing myself. I'm just going to get my hopes dashed.

Agree :)
and very true

05-02-2014, 09:41 PM
See sgran, you're not alone! :) it's nice knowing that! Are you taking any meds or doing any therapy for this?

I was taking the generic brand for Zoloft but it doesn't work