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03-02-2014, 01:13 PM
went to the er and got tricked into saying i was a harm to myself and to others, which was the only thing you can say to be admitted into a psych facility.

i want help with my anxiety nothing else. and i thought lying would be the best way. well was i wrong.

two things i learned while being there. in the state of florida they ONLY hold you for 72 hours despite the fact that after 72 hours if the doctor doesn't agree to let you go then you can still walk out nut thats something they will never tell you. its legal because i did it yesterday.

and the second you'll be baporized which means you'll be watched 72 hours prior to getting to a facility thats open or has a bed to offer you. youre not allowed to pee with the door closed or locked. food goes to you. and where i was at i ended up in the hallway instead of an er room due to the amount of people coming into the er.

a girl that watched me was baporized told me the facilities here were okay. but my anxiety being so high ive been on a downward spiral.

i smoke weed. i drink during the day. i smoke cigarettes. the medications dont help me and im thinking to myself what a way to start out 2014. why cant i just get a job and be in school and do normal shit? oh right because my anxiety is so high im ready to freak out. my rights were stripped but after coming out of the er i do feel better but not enough to drive to a place by myself. im that anxious for no reason.

im never gonna have a life feeling this way. and no one in my family believes me they think im lazy and worthless considering i haven't worked in three years almost 4 now.

03-02-2014, 01:16 PM
if you need help why did you leave?

You need to give up the weed, alcohol and smokes .... not that I don't drink I'm just saying it sounds like it makes your life more maniac. No one will ever take care of you like you....start now.

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 01:22 PM
if you need help why did you leave? You need to give up the weed, alcohol and smokes .... not that I don't drink I'm just saying it sounds like it makes your life more maniac. No one will ever take care of you like you....start now.

^ completely agree
Other people can do a million things to help you but if you can't and won't help yourself then it won't matter

03-02-2014, 01:27 PM
i because in the 72 hours i was there i got no help i wasnt going to stay in the hallway for another night. it was a worse experience than being at home with anxiety

03-02-2014, 01:29 PM
no one will ever take care of me like me. whats that mean?

Niicole Lynne
03-02-2014, 01:34 PM
no one will ever take care of me like me. whats that mean?

Meaning only you can take care of yourself the best