View Full Version : shower anxiety

03-02-2014, 11:48 AM
Anyone else have a fear of taking a shower?
Ever since I read an article of someone passing out and dying in the shower ive gotten a dreadful fear of getting in the shower..
Its becoming an issue because I move around a lot at work and I sweat a lot out in the sun and I have to go days before I can brave it up and take a shower..

03-02-2014, 12:00 PM
yes, I am sometimes. Are you afraid your going to pass out too?

03-02-2014, 12:11 PM
There had to have been something that caused the person to pass out and die in the shower, I don't think the shower could have something to do with it. Showers are actually very calm creatures that mean no harm. Ok seriously though, I kind of had the same fear, but it wasn't because I was afraid of being in the shower. It was because I was at the beginning of a bad panic disorder, and I was afraid something would happen to me and no one would be able to get to me in time. thankfully I overcame all of that. If you're afraid but need to shower then go in and scrub your body quickly, rinse and get out. That's what I would do when I was in my worst times.

03-02-2014, 12:20 PM
If you pass out you will wake up, you would have passed out anywhere if you were going to pass out... just keep the drain plug out. I had a dumb drunk night and decided I wanted a shower...passed out and someone hit the drain plug to keep the bathwater in...and luckily my husband found me with the water up to my neck. But I don't let that phase me I. Just take the drain plug out. If anything by the time that water gets cold it will wake you up better than anything. And That's if you are alone. If you aren't..a big thud will usually warrant someone coming to look for you. Showers are peaceful places. That's my safe place.

03-02-2014, 12:49 PM
Do you live alone?

If you live with someone, would leaving the bathroom door unlocked help ease your anxiety a little?

03-02-2014, 12:55 PM
Anyone else have a fear of taking a shower?
Ever since I read an article of someone passing out and dying in the shower ive gotten a dreadful fear of getting in the shower..
Its becoming an issue because I move around a lot at work and I sweat a lot out in the sun and I have to go days before I can brave it up and take a shower..

Its the total opposite for me , showers are my only safe zone during a panic attack. However I ALWAYS sit. Because during panick my vision gets questionable and so does my balance but I LOVE the small private space. I get why it could be a fear, anything can be when we worry right? I take anywhere from 5 to 6 showers on a bad night/morning/day I would never lock your bathroom door, keep your cell close to you and keep your drain plug out and maybe it will help your fear :)

03-02-2014, 01:00 PM
Maybe you need to find a really dirty therapist that can shower with you and give you some CBT. :)