View Full Version : Mental symptoms

03-02-2014, 11:21 AM
Good afternoon everyone! I'm just wondering about a very disturbing MENTAL feeling that I get. I've suffered anxiety for so many years that physical symptoms no longer scare me. You know, heart pounding, flushing, dry mouth, shaking, trouble breathing...I've learned they can't hurt me & so mostly I don't even get them much. BUT, I do get a "feeling" mentally that I can't explain but will do my best.
It almost feels like a memory but it's different every time. It's a feeling of dread, despair, and deep darkness that sucks all well being from me. It so bad and yes, it panics me plus makes me feel like I'm going crazy or dying OR already have and I'm remembering it. It's very hard to explain but after it came on me last night, I realized it is what I fear. If I knew for a fact it was part of panic disorder, I think I wouldn't fear it. But it feels different and I start fearing I've got something else mentally wrong. I've googled this and looked everywhere for others who can describe it and say they have it too but to no avail. My therapist doesn't know what I'm talking about either but she does believe it's a symptom of an overly stimulated nervous system. Simply stated, when my brain and nervous system are stressed, they can play tricks on my perceptions.
Does anyone else experience something similar? Thoughts? I'm at the end of my rope...I don't want to go back on meds but healing on my own has been long and up and down. That can't be healthy!

03-02-2014, 12:28 PM
I asked a psychologist about something similar. About things I would think that scared me. things I would feel because I was afraid of my thoughts. And I believe his answer was simply correct. He said not to be afraid of your thoughts. They cannot harm you. You can think of anything you want, but they are merely thoughts and cannot manifest themselves into truths or anything more. If they are getting to you you need to let them go, just let them go. They will never hurt you, they can't. Accept that they can't, they can't make you go crazy even if you believe you might, it is all a thought in your mind and that is all. It is really nothing, but it scares you and that's what causes worry in everyone. When we are scared, when we believe in something negative. You can think all day like this and at the end of it all you'll find yourself completely fine in a room of wasted time. Of course this is a symptom of anxiety. Anxiety essentially means to worry. About this, about that, Everything. Let the thoughts come as they please. But they are only thoughts and will never be anything more, eventually they will go away if you let them, Be Well friend

03-03-2014, 03:30 AM
I had the same experience as you and it is just a simple thing
Believe me i am just like you and that feeling you have i ve experienced it so many times before we in arabic express it in one word
Katma which is a feeling of gloom and despair that manifests itself sporadically and leaves you emotionally drained and scared to have this experience again
The positive thing about it is that it lets out a big deal of your negative emotions in a physical form so dont involve yourself emotionally with how your body copes it is just a bodily mecanism to let off steam
I hope and wish you get well

03-03-2014, 10:48 AM
hi i am the master of idiotic thoughts. and my advice is it is just a stressed mind thats all. our mind constantly thinks negative and non normal things. but i dont mind anymore. see they are harmless. it is like we have an immense imagination. thats nice :). just go on living normally. dont get obsessed on those thoughts. they are just word in your head. exercises are very good.

03-03-2014, 12:00 PM
hi i am the master of idiotic thoughts. and my advice is it is just a stressed mind thats all. our mind constantly thinks negative and non normal things. but i dont mind anymore. see they are harmless. it is like we have an immense imagination. thats nice :). just go on living normally. dont get obsessed on those thoughts. they are just word in your head. exercises are very good.

I'm hoping I'll get to the point where I, too, realize they are harmless & then they won't bother me anymore. I do get obsessive with the feeling. It leaves me shaken for several days after. You say exercise is good...I'm assuming you mean physical exercise? I've been spinning (stationary biking) for about a month. I've heard it takes awhile for physical exercise to make an impact on brain activity. Do you find this to be true? Thanks for replying. That goes for everyone! :)