View Full Version : freaking out!

03-02-2014, 04:22 AM
I had a post yesterday about having a sore stomach and back & was scared of what it could be. Tmi but i went to the toilet a few times yesterday & this morning so i've put it down to constipation. I went just there & when i wiped there was blood!! I'm now terrified about it! I have the doctors tomorrow so i'll say to him. I'm so so scared, i'm crying!

03-02-2014, 05:56 AM
I know how scary that can be.

Let's think this through though ok. You've said you have been constipated which seems likely if you're going to the loo lots to no or little avail. Sore stomach and back can certainly result from that. After all of those painful attempts when you wipe you can see blood.

I presume blood isn't heavily dripping etc but purely from wiping some blood has resulted? This has happened to me before. It frightened me too. It can happen very often if a person has experienced constipation. The most I noticed on the paper was about 2cm diameter of blood. There was not a continual blood flow.

Cooked and dried fruits like pears, prunes, pineapple, peaches, apricots are good for this. Raw fruits can sometimes be difficult. I find a few bits of chocolate actually make things happen!

You can talk to the doc naturally tomorrow as you have an appointment but honestly from what you've said it sounds quite a common occurrence from constipation.

Thank you for the advice. I'm hoping it's nothing serious, maybe a small tear or something. I've been told not to worry about it from my partner but saying & doing is two different things lol. It wasn't a continous flow, just when i wiped. I get constipated quite often but this is the first time i've ever had this. I'll see what the doctor says tomorrow!

03-02-2014, 06:03 AM
This happened to me when i was constipated turned out to be a tear i'm sure ur fine