View Full Version : spirit guides

03-01-2014, 10:02 PM
I'm just curious, I've been interested in learning more about healing with crystals and being able to be in tune with my spirit guide. If you don't believe in this I respect that. But please let me know if you know anything about this. Thank you.

03-01-2014, 11:41 PM
You know, Alaina, I have a girlfriend who uses crystals and swears by them

I do t really know enough to base a opinion about it

But every time I se her, she is explaining some color and shape to me that she has for the day

I'm curious that if you do try this, if it works for you or you thinks it's nonsense

03-02-2014, 12:05 AM
A friend at work introduced me to the concept, I've always been a receptive person to things like this and I seem to connect with it. I have had a quartz crystal for the last two days. And I've been able to do a lot more than I was able to. Mind over matter? Placebo? Not sure.. but I'm very open to the idea. I do believe in spirit guides. Kind of like guardian angels. Hmm....

03-02-2014, 02:20 AM
I have had a quartz crystal for the last two days. And I've been able to do a lot more than I was able to. Mind over matter? Placebo? Not sure.. but I'm very open to the idea...

Your conscious thought gave you both explanations.

Proving you know more about quartz than it knows about you . :)

Which means YOU managed to do more , don't let some crappy rock take all the credit.

03-02-2014, 10:52 AM
It's just all so interesting to me all of a sudden! I'm definitely going to keep looking into it. I'll let you all know if I find some great success with it. :) lol

03-02-2014, 11:59 AM
Alaina crystals are a tool, nothing more nothing less, the tool have a nice vibes when treated in adequate way, must be cleansed in sea salt and cold water, and put it on sunny window for a few minutes... or on windows with full moon up to whole night
It is the tool that helps you to focus. :))

03-02-2014, 12:12 PM
I don't know much about guides because I haven't really connected with mine yet, but as far as crystal healing goes, I really suggest Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible books(I believe there are four editions out now?)

Anyways, I can give a little advice as far as finding your guide. Meditation with the intent of finding out who or what your guide is. You'll be surprised at how much you can get from just doing that. You could even meditate with a crystal associated with clarity of mind or finding the truth. I REAAAALLY(like I can't suggest this person enough like really) suggest looking at Natural-Magics' page on Tumblr for all things witchy/occult. She's got an extensive page on crystals, how to use them, their association etc. I really can't recommend her page enough. From there you can also find other resources from other people. Just ask around. :)

03-02-2014, 12:16 PM
Alaina crystals are a tool, nothing more nothing less, the tool have a nice vibes when treated in adequate way, must be cleared in sea salt and cold water, and put it on sunny window for a few minutes... or on windows with full moon up to whole night
It is the took that helps you to focus. :))

Yes, kind of how I feel about it. For me it is the conscious effort to release fear and worry through the day. And I cleanse it every few days. Or after a real bad day. It really helps me focus. :) and thanks petal...I really appreciate the information

03-02-2014, 03:52 PM
Yes, kind of how I feel about it. For me it is the conscious effort to release fear and worry through the day. And I cleanse it every few days. Or after a real bad day. It really helps me focus. :) and thanks petal...I really appreciate the information

Another way you could think about it is, by the same reckoning people with granite kitchen work tops would be more mentally cleansed than those with formica or "wood effect" ;)

Ps. I am not trying to be mean, you must know me enough by now to realise I have the inability to believe anything unless it has a reasonable explanation for its use.

Happy rock cleansing :D

03-02-2014, 04:10 PM
I think if said person believed their countertops had the effect that it would. Our minds are powerful enough to beleive we are in serious trouble and even create the symptoms, so the opposite effect can be had with our minds in healing. If crystals have that effect with Me.. then I am all for it too. :) It is just interesting to me:)

03-02-2014, 04:22 PM
I think if said person believed their countertops had the effect that it would. Our minds are powerful enough to beleive we are in serious trouble and even create the symptoms, so the opposite effect can be had with our minds in healing. If crystals have that effect with Me.. then I am all for it too. :) It is just interesting to me:)

Rocks or no rocks. I don't know what the right answer is

But I do agree with you, Alaina. If you BELIEVE it to be true, it could become true

Of all the types of people in this world, us anxiety folks have concocted all types of things we believe that are negative

We seldom use our overly creative mind to believe in something that can work for you instead of against

03-02-2014, 04:24 PM
I think if said person believed their countertops had the effect that it would. Our minds are powerful enough to beleive we are in serious trouble and even create the symptoms, so the opposite effect can be had with our minds in healing. If crystals have that effect with Me.. then I am all for it too. :) It is just interesting to me:)

I hope you get some good from it :)

03-02-2014, 04:29 PM
Alaina, is this how you do crystals?


03-02-2014, 04:33 PM
Alaina, is this how you do crystals?

Well now I'm a believer in crystals! LOL

03-02-2014, 04:36 PM
Well now I'm a believer in crystals! LOL

I don't know much about crystals really, so I just google image searched it, and that's what I found.

They've even put some crystals under her top. Those ones must be full of special boob job energy.

03-02-2014, 04:38 PM
I don't know much about crystals really, so I just google image searched it, and that's what I found. They've even put some crystals under her top. Those ones must be full of special boob job energy.

I was more concerned with what's going on with the gemstone vajazzle ?

03-02-2014, 04:50 PM
I was more concerned with what's going on with the gemstone vajazzle ?

We clearly have much to learn about crystals 14. At least her arms seem in perfect health!

03-02-2014, 04:52 PM
We clearly have much to learn about crystals 14. At least her arms seem in perfect health!

Ha ha ha :D

03-02-2014, 04:54 PM
Hehehe...hehe! :) lads, c'mon?

I'm serious Frankie! What on earth are they treating on the pubic bone?

03-02-2014, 04:58 PM
I guess you will have to get your answers from your over active imagination 14! :)

I hope the therapist uses a sterile scrub!

03-02-2014, 06:07 PM
Hey guys, you are laughing.... Is the rock a part of this planet? Yes ,
Is 14 or Nixon or Alaina a part of this planet ? Yes
Are we connected to everything around us? Yes, Yes yes....

The only difference between rock and human is different density and energy
Go and laugh;) it helps for anxiety:)

Thank you for your attention gentlemen

03-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Lmao. .yes Jesse that's how I do it!!:) haha. No you carry it with you. And imagine it taking your negative energy from you, or aiding you in having positivity. Hahahhaa

03-02-2014, 06:13 PM
Sorry Auntie Dahila :D

03-02-2014, 06:14 PM
Lmao. .yes Jesse that's how I do it!!:) haha. No you carry it with you. And imagine it taking your negative energy from you, or aiding you in having positivity. Hahahhaa

Ok, I get it. That makes some sense actually. Almost like the law of attraction meeting meditation. Thank you :)

03-02-2014, 06:17 PM
Jesse you meditating, you must sense the energy in everything around us, in the fire, in the water, air and earth......spirit:)

03-02-2014, 07:59 PM
I like how you think dahlia and I agree:)

03-03-2014, 12:44 AM
Hey guys, you are laughing.... Is the rock a part of this planet? Yes , Is 14 or Nixon or Alaina a part of this planet ? Yes Are we connected to everything around us? Yes, Yes yes.... The only difference between rock and human is different density and energy Go and laugh;) it helps for anxiety:) Thank you for your attention gentlemen

I consider myself told off Dahila ;)

I still don't buy it though.

Meditation i do buy simply for the proven benefits on heart rate and stress reduction.

Jesse, Law of attraction again is up there with the Bachs remedies, but worse in what it implies to those living in places like Ethiopia during famine and disease, are they simply just putting out "negative vibes"?

I just prefer the idea of working towards living reality and logic, otherwise to me it is simply the case of irrational thoughts being replaced by more exotic, but equally as irrational thoughts. :)

Obviously these are my opinions I am not trying to upset people here.

03-03-2014, 09:03 AM
14 I know you aren't trying to be offensive. I respect everything you are saying. If it brings releif. I believe!!!:) lol

03-03-2014, 10:09 AM
14 you do not have to buy it. Bach; you are the only person I know who knows the stupidity of that system.....rest of the world believe it works
Is fine :)) please post, :))

On the other hand; I like fairy tales, and exotic and romantic thoughts, it gives our life a bit of color...

03-03-2014, 10:21 AM
14 you do not have to buy it. Bach; you are the only person I know who knows the stupidity of that system.....rest of the world believe it works Is fine :)) please post, :)) On the other hand; I like fairy tales, and exotic and romantic thoughts, it gives our life a bit of color...

On this one we agree! Life would be dull if wasn't for difference and ..... well..... I would have nothing to complain about then! :D

03-03-2014, 11:55 AM
14 you voice of reason, you!

I do agree though. The law of attraction - the way I see it anyway - is simply a romantasized way of saying selective perception. Perhaps if you change your mindset so you look for the positives in situations, and opportunities instead of problems, you have a great chance of finding them.

As far as using vibes to bring about tangible gains - well - you've got to sign up for the seminar to make that work ;) haha

When I was young my mum bought me some crystals. I always thought they were good luck, cos they were so pretty. And marbles too. I had lucky crystals and marbles. I used to keep them in a little white bag for safety, and only bring them out when I needed good luck! Might have to hunt them down, that was almost 15 years ago now.

03-03-2014, 12:59 PM
Luck is nothing more than mindset :))

03-03-2014, 01:06 PM
True, I entered a competition for a video camera, and rubbed my lucky crystals and marbles over my application form, but didn't win :(

That was a harsh lesson for 10 year old me!

03-03-2014, 01:43 PM
I have a crystal! I found on an unmade road just laying in the dirt, that was about 10 years ago. I keep on the dashboard of my van! I don't know if it has any sort of power, but I would never get rid off it just in case.

03-03-2014, 02:48 PM
14 you voice of reason, you! I do agree though. The law of attraction - the way I see it anyway - is simply a romantasized way of saying selective perception. Perhaps if you change your mindset so you look for the positives in situations, and opportunities instead of problems, you have a great chance of finding them. As far as using vibes to bring about tangible gains - well - you've got to sign up for the seminar to make that work ;) haha When I was young my mum bought me some crystals. I always thought they were good luck, cos they were so pretty. And marbles too. I had lucky crystals and marbles. I used to keep them in a little white bag for safety, and only bring them out when I needed good luck! Might have to hunt them down, that was almost 15 years ago now.

Awwww that's pretty sweet.....a bag of marbles and crystals for good luck at 10 years old, that's a genuinely endearing story Jesse (I am being serious btw).

I was the kid who snuck behind the puppet show curtain at 8, swiftly drawing it back and yelling to the viewing audience of 5-9 year olds that "it's a man with his hand up their bottom"

At 10 I told my 5 year old sister there was no Santa (she didn't believe me), so I woke her at 11:30pm snuck downstairs and made her peer through the crack in the hall door to see our parents putting gifts under the tree. (She is stilled scarred by it to this day).

At 12 I was banned (and I mean my mother being asked to not bring me back EVER), from Sunday school because I asked too many questions and upset the other children's parents by demonstrating putting my foot in a bucket of water to show it was impossible to stand on it.

And at 14 I was the only kid in the entire school year group to proudly stand up in sex education in front of a full room of sniggering red faced teenagers to explain a biologically accurate account of how an erection occurs.

My friends and family tell me they think I have a disease.

It goes some way to explaining my posts perhaps?

Maybe I need crystals after all!

03-03-2014, 03:44 PM
14 you just brightened my gloomy day:))) sorry but I am laughing out loud:)

03-03-2014, 06:04 PM
Lmao! 14 that is pretty funny. I went to the metaphysical store today and thoughts some pretty rocks ans crystals and I will be saging my home, and I have some yummy incense burning. Lol:) I can't just do it halfway!!! I'll update you if there are any miracles. :)

03-03-2014, 07:58 PM
In this case I am subscribing this thread;)))

03-04-2014, 11:19 AM
Seems it took me 15 years to become the cynic 14 was born as!

There's a special place reserved in hell for the types of kids that ruin puppet shows though. Not too sure why they reserved it to be honest, as those cynical enough to believe the puppets aren't real, don't believe in hell anyway ;) haha

So anyway, Alaina, how are your crystals treating you?

03-04-2014, 11:34 AM

03-04-2014, 02:26 PM
Well, honestly nothing is helping today . I'm very grumpy and unapproachable. I'm irritated that after all my hard work I still had an episode at work, and had to leave.. and today I'm weak from it and have to build up all my tolerance just for it to probably happen again. I'm just pissy today. =$!!:×:

03-04-2014, 02:36 PM
Well, honestly nothing is helping today . I'm very grumpy and unapproachable. I'm irritated that after all my hard work I still had an episode at work, and had to leave.. and today I'm weak from it and have to build up all my tolerance just for it to probably happen again. I'm just pissy today. =$!!:×:

Sounds like you need an amethyst body wrap and quartz facial to unwind Alaina.

(Couldn't resist sorry) ...... :D

03-04-2014, 02:40 PM
You're in for it now 14 :D

Never cross an angry woman. That advice is as legit now as it was 3000 years ago!

Sorry you're not feeling so hot Alaina. Sometimes you have to fight a battle many times before you can win it :-/

03-04-2014, 04:02 PM
You're in for it now 14 :D Never cross an angry woman. That advice is as legit now as it was 3000 years ago! Sorry you're not feeling so hot Alaina. Sometimes you have to fight a battle many times before you can win it :-/

I was trying to lighten the mood Jesse ...... Oh no!

Perhaps watching Joan rivers and Kelly Osborne bitching about the Oscar couture would be a better bet, always cheers me up, Kelly's hair is normally hilarious, and Joan Rivers is the most inappropriate 109 year old with eyes fastened to her scalp, great trash TV though.

03-04-2014, 04:16 PM
I was trying to lighten the mood Jesse ...... Oh no!

Perhaps watching Joan rivers and Kelly Osborne bitching about the Oscar couture would be a better bet, always cheers me up, Kelly's hair is normally hilarious, and Joan Rivers is the most inappropriate 109 year old with eyes fastened to her scalp, great trash TV though.

You did a great job, I'm just ribbing :)

I may give Miss Rivers a watch. I've gotta do something to pass the time until they post up some more Hollywood pizza boy jobs that I can apply to!

03-04-2014, 04:32 PM
You did a great job, I'm just ribbing :) I may give Miss Rivers a watch. I've gotta do something to pass the time until they post up some more Hollywood pizza boy jobs that I can apply to!

Are you wanting to move to the US Jesse?

03-04-2014, 05:09 PM
Hey guys, you are laughing.... Is the rock a part of this planet? Yes ,
Is 14 or Nixon or Alaina a part of this planet ? Yes
Are we connected to everything around us? Yes, Yes yes....

The only difference between rock and human is different density and energy
Go and laugh;) it helps for anxiety:)

Thank you for your attention gentlemen

It's easy to laugh at things we do not understand. Quite human, and yet dissonant. We've been conditioned to think habitually that we are not connected to the earth, and sadly people

believe this. It's a great research Ab, and I encourage you to seek the correct information out. Keep in mind like Dahila said, It's a "tool". One of many. I think it's a positive one and

integrative, therefore exponentially a move in the right direction. Go barefoot in the summer, reach down and touch the earth, hold onto the bark of a tree, look at a leaf. Grounding

tools, all of them. Maybe that's my Cherokee genes? Peace

03-04-2014, 06:20 PM
We have connection to everything, we are everything, and everything is us.
Gene I have only one good old gene of witches :)) Just kidding
Native people know and respect connections to everything, animals, trees, soil, rocks,(very similar believes as mine) the ones who are not ruined by our time. I have a close friend she is half Cherokee, and her mother is from one of the tribe of 6 nations, sorry I do not remember....
She is very spiritual and we have incredible connection....the best person ever. never doubt what I say, and she is open , very open.. maybe this is why she can tap into old wisdom with no problem.... very good kind of energy...

03-04-2014, 06:25 PM
We have connection to everything, we are everything, and everything is us. Gene I have only good old gene of witches :)) Native people know and respect connection, the ones who are not ruined by our time. I have a close friend she is half Cherokee, and her mother is from one of the tribe of 6 nations, sorry I do not remember.... She is very spiritual and we have incredible connection....the best person ever. never doubt what I say, and she is open , very open.. maybe this is why she can tap into old wisdom with no problem.... :)

Crystals aside, I have to admit I have a lot of respect for Native American culture, they had intelligence (intuition if you prefer) beyond their time, and an admirable respect for nature and natural resource. :)

03-04-2014, 06:34 PM
Crystals aside, I have to admit I have a lot of respect for Native American culture, they had intelligence (intuition if you prefer) beyond their time, and an admirable respect for nature and natural resource. :)

Intelligence is much better word for that, they do know how to be a part of the nature:)
They have also highly developed intuition

03-04-2014, 09:48 PM
I don't believe in spirit guides. I also don't believe in the tooth fairy, but that's just me. :B

Actually, I kind of have a problem with judgement. I will admit it.
When I meet people who actually believe in this stuff, I tend to think they're loony and not all there. Or just very gullible.
I always think...if there were spirits and things of that nature, wouldn't we interact with them more...I mean there would be billions and billions, no?
I realize that maybe they'd be on a different 'plane', but still...

I do like to read about that sort of thing, though. I can't bring myself to actually believe in it. I would like to stop judging others when it comes to things like that. Like when people say that God gives them signs and does things for a reason. I just think it's life and your choices. There's an older lady I work with and she's always talking about how God does this and that...how he assigned a path for her, etc. I smile and nod, but I think she's just a little out there. I wanted to believe in God so so much when my dad got cancer. I even prayed and tried to read the bible. I just can't believe it, no matter how hard I try.

03-04-2014, 11:47 PM
I think the point of this all is we all have different opinions, and it is refreshing to hear all sides. I truly feel the connection with earth and my spirituality when I can focus on leaving my other problems at the door. It is interesting to read into. Janey, I agree with you, and I felt the same way you do. I just had an experience. Can't explain it But I did...and now I believe this is a tool for my healing.. just a tool in my toolbox. Lol:) but on a side note. My day got shittier.. on the way home from the grocery store. I got pulled over and given a ticket for no insurance. I have a long standing deal with my mother in law that she covers the insurance on my vehicle, due to some arrangements we have with a vehicle that used to be mine that she is driving (which is a lot more valuable) than the one I'm driving becaude she watches my kids... she gets her car free plus pays my ins. And I don't have to pay daycare. Any who!! Lucky I didn't get towed. But now will have this on my record. And I'm so mad now I'm calm . Screw today. On with tomorrow!

03-05-2014, 09:01 AM
I do like to read about that sort of thing, though. I can't bring myself to actually believe in it. I would like to stop judging others when it comes to things like that. Like when people say that God gives them signs and does things for a reason. I just think it's life and your choices. There's an older lady I work with and she's always talking about how God does this and that...how he assigned a path for her, etc. I smile and nod, but I think she's just a little out there. I wanted to believe in God so so much when my dad got cancer. I even prayed and tried to read the bible. I just can't believe it, no matter how hard I try.

Janey you should see mine reaction to G word hehehe.

No one can negate the connection to earth and our environment, we have it. We are part of it. I do not believe in guides either, but I believe that our energy we have, is not going to waste, it is still here, lingering long after we go, then it changes in something else.... I like this tread, and I like Alaina, I like her motivation.

It is a tool and use it. It helps you to focus:)

03-05-2014, 03:22 PM
Thanks Dahlia!:) it is interesting to hear how the world is perceived through another's eyes though!! :) I'm still here truckin along...that has to mean something:)