View Full Version : Sad

11-14-2005, 05:17 PM
I feel so sad right now, I feel like things in my life are not going to work out the way I want them to. Everything in my life seems so hopeless right now, and I feel like I am not going to get anywere, no matter how hard I try. I just feel like I am such a failure and am worthless. I have thought about wanting to start cutting again, I had a major urge last night and I am really considering to start again, cause I really need the relief it gives me.

11-15-2005, 06:18 AM
Hi Chris.
Trust me, I understand about the need to do something like that for the release. But, you have to remember, it doesn't solve anything to do that, only causes more problems because then you have the cuts you have to deal with also.
I know the release you are talking about, but have you ever tried a different way to get it other than cutting? Like punching something. When I say that I mean like a punching bag or a something like that. I'm not talking about walls or people.
I guess I just wanted to ask if you have ever tried a different outlet instead of cutting ever? Maybe just try something else that would be less threatening to your health. You never know, it might work. :wink:

Your friend,
Cath :)

11-15-2005, 07:21 AM
Chris, I've been there.. I know how hopeless it can all seem at times. Just hang in there, with a bit of persistence things will get better. Try to bask in the things you enjoy (that don't involve pain hehe) when you can.

One thing I've thought of trying is aromatherapy when I'm feeling down.. I'm not sure how much it can do for me, but its at least something simple to try. I usually like to listen to upbeat music when I'm depressed and if I'm lonely I'll turn the TV on as background noise.

11-16-2005, 12:35 PM
Hi Guys thanks for you replies, I am feeling way better today though. I just hate having times when I feel so down about things, and just don't want to do nothing more but to sleep all day, and cry.

Well Cathy, I have tried another outlet instead of cutting once. I used ice cubes, I held one in my hand and could get the same realease that I do from cutting, that is how I stopped cutting before, but well I did have times were I just didn't want to get up and run to the freezer and have to get one when I would have something better near by. I am proud of myself for not cutting though and getting through this, I mean I feel better today then I did on Monday. Also Shoe you are right, music does help as well, I also at times like to sit down and watch a movie, to try and get my mind off of things.