View Full Version : Anxiety and the media…** possible trigger **

03-01-2014, 01:21 PM
So, I wanted to make this post because lately I have been seeing things in the media that actually makes me anxious.

A few months ago, I was reading my local newspaper and I saw a shocking story of a 4 year old girl who had died. She had been ill for a while and kept being sick and had a belly ache, her father took her to the doctors and they were told she had a viral infection. A couple of days later she was being sick and she died in her dad's arms. She had a bacterial infection that the doctor had missed. At the time, I had a viral infection so as you can imagine I was really worried after!

The amount of anxiety sufferers have gone up in the last few years (sorry I don't have the figures) and i think the media has a big part to play in this. I don't even watch the news anymore because all they ever talk about is who's been murdered and it is all just negativity. We are living in, to be honest, a pretty fucked up world and we all know that but the news just throws it in our faces. On the train in the mornings, I catch a glimpse of headlines and it makes my chest tighten. It's just all negative.

I heard a really tragic story the other day, a girl who I went to school with, and who's mum taught me how to drive, she died in a car crash the other day. She was just 20. It really got to me and I felt really sad. Although i wasn't really friendly with her, I felt like I knew her as her mum used to always talk about her in our driving lessons and always saying how proud she was of her. I do not even want to imagine what her parents are going through. It was put into the local newspaper just hours after it happened… they don't care they just want to make money from it.

Does anyone else share the same opinion as me that the media has some part to play in our anxiety??

03-01-2014, 01:37 PM
Of course the media fuels people's anxiety

And so many stories they cover are tragic. You know why?

Because that is most people want to read about. They just do what people want to see

It is actually a raggedy in itself

I watch a station called ID all the time that does nothing but murders and disappearances

And they are so glamorized the way they deliver them

I always tell my wife that I feel bad being entertained by someone's loss or tragedy

The feel good stories are great sometimes but I don't read a bunch of them at a time

Easier to read about the bad stuff and complain that they only put bad news on the news

I guess it does ask the question if we are subjected to so much bad news from the media because that's what we want from them or they put so much on becasue that is what they want us to know

03-01-2014, 01:51 PM
I see where you're coming from. I personally get really scared and upset with some of the things I see published. I know why they publish stuff like that, but can't they give us something else to moan about rather than making us anxious about dying. I can understand when someone famous dies but i just think, keep it personal, you don't have to let the whole world know. Just my opinion. The media is a very powerful thing!

03-01-2014, 01:55 PM

Some days the newspapers are just brutal. You wake up and read them and kids have died, there have been natural disasters, people sharing their stories of dying with cancer. Makes me think why do I read this!

I mostly just read sports these days. I'm pretty hardened, but some stories do still make me a little uneasy. Like Nixon said, drama sells. Their job is to shock you. Some people are excited by the shock, others disturbed.

I did give up most forms of news for about 2 years. Probably pretty good for my healing. Harder to avoid now though.

And I'm sorry about your friends mum, that's sad!

03-01-2014, 01:56 PM
It is also the era of the 24 hour news cycle and it's easier to fill it with such things. When we only had the lunch and 6pm news it would always end on an entertainment lifestyle story but they are few and far between these days.

I tend to read my news on the net as it often has good and funny human interest stories too.

Yeah. this is exactly what I mean!! Yeah, i like to look at stories like, i used to be a man and now i'm a woman type of thing. We just hear too many negative stories!!!

03-01-2014, 01:57 PM
I see where you're coming from. I personally get really scared and upset with some of the things I see published. I know why they publish stuff like that, but can't they give us something else to moan about rather than making us anxious about dying. I can understand when someone famous dies but i just think, keep it personal, you don't have to let the whole world know. Just my opinion. The media is a very powerful thing!

I don't think it is true with everyone but what I have found is the more time that goes by hearing of those bad news stories, the more I am desensitized to them

That is a shame

Makes you feel like you may be coming heartless

And for some good news.......Ashlee's new Facebook picture has appeared on her avatar here. Details tonight on Eyewitness News

03-01-2014, 02:00 PM

Some days the newspapers are just brutal. You wake up and read them and kids have died, there have been natural disasters, people sharing their stories of dying with cancer. Makes me think why do I read this!

I mostly just read sports these days. I'm pretty hardened, but some stories do still make me a little uneasy. Like Nixon said, drama sells. Their job is to shock you. Some people are excited by the shock, others disturbed.

I did give up most forms of news for about 2 years. Probably pretty good for my healing. Harder to avoid now though.

And I'm sorry about your friends mum, that's sad!

Exactly… its full of horror stories! Or about how the government is scheming a way to take more of our money!!

I don't watch the news anymore.. It just angers me. And advertisements don't help either. the latest one on smoking is bad! if a young child was to see that and their parents smoke it would worry them!

It was the girl I went too school with not her mum!

03-01-2014, 02:01 PM
I don't think it is true with everyone but what I have found is the more time that goes by hearing of those bad news stories, the more I am desensitized to them

That is a shame

Makes you feel like you may be coming heartless

And for some good news.......Ashlee's new Facebook picture has appeared on her avatar here. Details tonight on Eyewitness News

i understand what you mean because if I see a title like 'child dies unexpectedly' then I have to read it to find out how they died.

Hahahaha now that's interesting news!!

03-01-2014, 02:03 PM
Oh yeah, sorry.

Cash, if you like reading about men who used to be women, don't they have those gossip mags for that? ;)

03-01-2014, 02:05 PM
It keeps me happy not to watch TV. Most news is such Bs trying to take our attention from what is wrong in the world, and what the governments and Politician do to brain wash average Joe: us
Justin Biever is not F**** breaking news for f***sake, so in not death of 21 drug addict who acted in a few movies, that's not breaking news....

Nixon is the context ok??????????:)

03-01-2014, 02:08 PM
Dahila, Apparently the words all people learn to use properly when learning another language are cuss words. :)

03-01-2014, 02:10 PM
Exactly!!! Breaking news is a Tsunami killing thousands of people in Thailand and Sri Lanka!! justing beiber is just a twat. who cares!!


03-01-2014, 02:11 PM
Exactly!!! Breaking news is a Tsunami killing thousands of people in Thailand and Sri Lanka!! justing beiber is just a twat. who cares!!

Right!!!! Tsunami is breaking news, Mandela passing is breaking news but not twerps :)) thank you Ashley:)

03-01-2014, 02:13 PM
There was a recent university study led by a psychiatric consultant on this topic, they believe the recent years of increased volume and access to negative media has led to both the recent growth of anxiety disorders and a spike of teen suicides (in the UK) social isolation of living in rural communities also further increases risk, so if you live in the Hebrides with SKY news24, Facebook and Twitter, you are kind of screwed.

03-01-2014, 02:16 PM
Hahahahaha!!! No, i live not too far away from London and work in London… all I see is restaurants and coffee shops.. So i'll probably get fat so either way, i'm screwed!!

03-01-2014, 02:19 PM
You can even get it on your phone and tablet now, I see them advertising that a lot these days. You never have to miss a second.

For a joke they should start marketing it 'Get Sky News on your mobile and tablet where ever you are. You need never let your nervous system recover ever again'

03-01-2014, 02:22 PM
Hhahahhaa JD i like that… lets right them a strongly worded letter with your idea!! You reckon they would like it?? hahhaa

03-01-2014, 02:23 PM
Hahahahaha!!! No, i live not too far away from London and work in London… all I see is restaurants and coffee shops.. So i'll probably get fat so either way, i'm screwed!!

I've mentioned this before on the forum, but whilst BAD news SELLS, the average death rate in the UK each year under 65 years old (all causes) is approx 153,000 which is roughly 0.27% of the population.

Makes a difference when you put it into GOOD news??

Unfortunately doesn't sell papers-

Ironically when the figures were released the BBC reported is a "SHOCKING 153,000"

NO ... What is surprising is the 62,847,000 Brits that are alive as a result :)

03-01-2014, 02:29 PM
I've mentioned this before on the forum, but whilst BAD news SELLS, the average death rate in the UK each year under 65 years old (all causes) is approx 153,000 which is roughly 0.27% of the population.

Makes a difference when you put it into GOOD news??

Unfortunately doesn't sell papers-

Ironically when the figures were released the BBC reported is a "SHOCKING 153,000"

NO ... What is surprising is the 62,847,000 Brits that are alive as a result :)

hahahaha I like you.. your funny

03-01-2014, 02:30 PM
14 we love your statistical position. You always bring the perspective with you. It really does confirm Ashlee's questioning the role the media plays in our lives. Ashlee is 100% on the money with her analysis :) I just like to throw a % in here and there :D

03-01-2014, 10:58 PM
Hi guys,

I found this website where you can download cbt forms to use for your self. I understand not everyone here has access to a therapist.

Check it out and see if you find it helpful.


Put www in front please

Its free!

Hope this helps

