View Full Version : BP!

03-01-2014, 12:51 PM
Hey all,

I have anxiety about my blood pressure. I'm 31 y/o, and for the longest time it was fine, I didn't even think about it. The last time I had a check up, last year, it was a little higher than normal when they initially checked me. The doctor didn't make a bid deal about it but I asked them to check it again at the end of my appt, sometimes I'm a little nervous going in and I thought it was higher due to that. When they checked it again at the end of my appt it was even higher and I started to freak out a bit. They hooked me up to one of those EKG things and I was really starting to freak it, so BP went up even higher. The doc said he thought my heart was fine but prescribed me some BP meds. Anyways, I figured it was just my anxiety and went on with my normal life, but now I get freaked out about my BP and haven;t been back to the doctor's since. I even went and bought my own BP reader but haven't used it because everytime I put it on my wrist and start it, I freak out and turn it off. I'm determined to go through with it and try to get a normal reading this weekend! it's tough because I get really anxious and I'm worried that will throw off the reading. Any tips out there or something I can do to help me through this? Thanks!

03-01-2014, 01:01 PM
Hey all, I have anxiety about my blood pressure. I'm 31 y/o, and for the longest time it was fine, I didn't even think about it. The last time I had a check up, last year, it was a little higher than normal when they initially checked me. The doctor didn't make a bid deal about it but I asked them to check it again at the end of my appt, sometimes I'm a little nervous going in and I thought it was higher due to that. When they checked it again at the end of my appt it was even higher and I started to freak out a bit. They hooked me up to one of those EKG things and I was really starting to freak it, so BP went up even higher. The doc said he thought my heart was fine but prescribed me some BP meds. Anyways, I figured it was just my anxiety and went on with my normal life, but now I get freaked out about my BP and haven;t been back to the doctor's since. I even went and bought my own BP reader but haven't used it because everytime I put it on my wrist and start it, I freak out and turn it off. I'm determined to go through with it and try to get a normal reading this weekend! it's tough because I get really anxious and I'm worried that will throw off the reading. Any tips out there or something I can do to help me through this? Thanks!

My honest advice is throw the BP monitor in the bin!

If you want an accurate BP go see your doc/health centre.

I used to get pre emptive anxiety every time I put the arm band on with the home monitor and got 11 different readings on 11 different times.

The minute it starts inflating the minute it will go up.

03-01-2014, 01:23 PM
I used to do the same thing

I would take my BP at home and I would get anxious. Then I would wait and see and it would be about 150

And I knew my anxiety made it go up so once I saw that it wasn't off the charts, I would take it a few more times

Each time it would go down to finally being around 125-130

03-01-2014, 01:54 PM
I used to do the same thing

I would take my BP at home and I would get anxious. Then I would wait and see and it would be about 150

And I knew my anxiety made it go up so once I saw that it wasn't off the charts, I would take it a few more times

Each time it would go down to finally being around 125-130
Sound advice. I use my bp monitor so I know what's going one.... If it is higher than usually lows, you need to think, maybe you had supper and was heavy and salty..Maybe you had stressful day? I do first some calming breaths, sit down for ten minutes to calm down, then I measure it.... You need to measure a few times if you do not have advanced monitor to get the average...

I do not obsess with it, I measure it only when I feel pressure in my ears, and get headache, and from experience I know that in ten times of measuring it, twice I have elevated BP.
If it was not for my measurements and putting it down with heartbeat my GP would kill me ten years ago :))
She pushing AD on people who do not tolerate it:)