View Full Version : Biopsy

03-01-2014, 10:07 AM
I had my biopsy done yesterday. I feel bad for the doctor because I'm always such a difficult patient. But it's all because of my anxiety.
It hurt so much worse than I thought it would. And I'm still in pain today. I can't even put a bra on.
Now I such wait for the results. I'm trying to distract myself as much as I can but I feel like I'm just stuck in limbo. Anxiety is off the charts.
Does anyone have any experience waiting for test results or ways to get through this with a little more ease?

Niicole Lynne
03-01-2014, 10:10 AM
I had to have a ultrasound of my breast a few years back and I remember just bursting into tears and freaking out in the office because I knew I would have to wait for the results
Because I was so freaked the doctor on staff came in and told me I didn't need a mammogram because it was normal
So unfortunately I don't have tips for you but I do understand how scary waiting can be <3
Hope u feel better

03-11-2014, 06:28 AM
Waiting for test results is so stressful; it's like that time slows way down for that entire period you are waiting. Distractions help, but the mind always comes back to wander to what is bothering you. How long do you have to wait? Hopefully it is nothing serious! Try to just hope for the best; put yourself in a better mindset. And realize that it could be bad (unlikely) but if it is, just tell yourself that you'll cross that bridge when you get to it. It helps to know that there is nothing you can do to change things, good or bad. We just deal with the situations as they come. Good luck, Scdg17. Sorry you are in pain, although by this time, I'm hoping you feel better :) ..Let us know how the results went if you want!

03-11-2014, 06:30 AM
Sorry to hear that. I had been there and it come ok. Hopefully yours will come ok as well. I am not surprised you feel so bad, I could not eat , sleep and function at all. I had waited two weeks for results...