View Full Version : Just had to get this out...

03-01-2014, 09:52 AM

Sorry for what may come to be a slightly rant-ish post, I just have to get this out of me and know that someone else has seen it (and to know that I'm not actually crazy). I went out for a few drinks with friends last night, I know I shouldn't have, hangover-anxiety is just hell and I feel so stupid for risking it during a week when my anxiety is a little more on edge than usual.

I'm getting to a point in my relationship where I'm really not sure if it's worth it. Everything around it makes me so anxious and nothing, NOTHING is a worse trigger than my relationship, that's where it's usually manifested itself the strongest for me. I don't know if the main trigger is my girlfriend as a person, it's probably mostly me who's doing it, but what does it matter, the fact is still that the anxiety is there and connected to the relationship, and if the relationship ended the anxiety around it would too eventually. Right now it's not worth it but I'm still too scared to break up since one main fear is that the relationship will end. Ironic.

Right now she's upset about something in her life, she said I shouldn't worry and that it has nothing to do with me, told me to please not be upset, but the fact that she doesn't want to talk to me about it or talk to me at all right now (since last night so I guess it's been around 14 hours or so), she said she wanted to be alone and deal with it, just makes my thoughts spin out of control. Does she not like me anymore? Has she gotten tired of me? Is she going to break up? And so on and so forth.

The anxiety is so strong right now and so very present I don't know what to do. Exercise usually help me a lot but today I just can't make it, and this week the anxiety has been so present that not even exercise helped like it usually does. I've taken a bunch of valerian pills but they don't even take the edge off it.

I feel so guilty for being so anxious about things like these. I mean there are people who are forced to sleep on the street in freezing cold, I live a comfortable life, I have no right to complain or worry and I certainly shouldn't be doing it about things like this.

Thanks for reading, only that helps. I will seriously consider just cutting alcohol out of my life completely because it is absolutely not worth it, not in any sort of way, with this sort of anxiety coming the day after.

03-01-2014, 10:55 AM
Those damn women can be such a pain in the ass!

I guess a question I have after reading is, is it THIS girlfriend or has it been girlfriends in the past as well?

The reason ask is, if it is just this one, maybe she is the trigger because you consciously, or subconsciously want out of the relationship

Or maybe it is just you are unsure what you want, and being that you have that obsessive and anxious mind, think and worry about it so much that you begin to get physical symptoms

I would be bothered to if my wife wouldn't talk to make about something she was dealing with that upset her

I'm supposed to be the go-to-guy, right?

But.....if your relationship is relatively new, then I would understand her keeping things to herself that may be embarrassing or painful

So everything I did just write probably doesn't help much, but maybe gives you a thought or two as the reasons you are where you are

And as far as feeling guilty about being so upset over things compared to the bigger problems of others, don't

You are used to your life and fortunately never experienced living on the street. And this anxiety is a big deal in your life right now and you should not feel any guilt considering it is hurting you

Things upset people differently usually based on our circumstances through life

You have not had the displeasure of being homeless and have been fortunate

There is never a reason to apologize for your success