View Full Version : Anxiety getting worse and worse and worse...

Cody Stanley
02-28-2014, 09:42 PM
Well I've posted here before.. but I just want to tell my story again. I am 20 years right now and have struggled with anxiety since I was in third grade. It used to happen alot at home but now it's only out in public places but it's getting worse and worse each day. Basically when I am anywhere that there are lots of people and I feel like I can't escape easily (Crowded bus, subway, mall, etc) I start to get this fear that I am going to vomit and I get a lump in my throat which makes me constantly have to swallow (I know this sounds really weird) and I feel like I am going to choke. It's come back and gone away in phases throughout the years, for example from sometime in grade 6 up to the beginning of high school I was fine until it all came back and it got bad enough that I had to switch to a school for students with mental health disabilities where I was only in a classroom with about 5 other students. About 2 and a half years ago my doctor prescribed me Zoloft and Rhisperidal and I was finally starting to see some positive results, and the anxiety was alot more tolerable, I only once in a while had a bit of problems taking public transit and such. But Last October my doctor switched my medications around because I was diagnosed with OCD and was struggling with intrusive thoughts. He took me off the zoloft completely and put me on prozac and clonazepam and moved the rhisperidal to be taken at night time and slowly from there I started to feel more and more anxious one small step at a time until I was having these full out anxiety moments where I was experiencing gagging fits which made me afraid to go in crowded places in case one of those moments happened. So basically I am back at where I was before not being able to take public transit or go in the mall without being scared that I am going to gag or puke or choke or something like that, it just all builds up and I start to panic and I usually ending up avoiding these situations. So basically I just want to know if anyone has experienced anything similar and if they got over it that would be great if you could share your story, thanks

Cody Stanley
03-02-2014, 12:18 AM
I guess no one cares.

03-02-2014, 12:21 AM
Hello there!

Cody Stanley
03-16-2014, 01:37 AM
Hello there

03-16-2014, 01:43 AM
How are you?

03-16-2014, 01:45 AM
Hi, don't think that no one cares, sometimes posts can get missed or someone isn't sure how to reply, I wish I had more answers but I don't know how to relate to this type of anxiety. I know there are others who do, just be patient

03-16-2014, 02:35 AM
I'm going through an extremely rough time right now myself. I used to be the same way. So no way are you alone. My problem was whenever I left my comfort zone ( home) I felt I had to go to the bathroom. Not urination. It scared the hell out of me and caused major panic attacks because I couldn't use public restrooms. I finally conquered it at the age of 21 after I was put on Zoloft and Xanax. It will get better. I also went to a support group where we went places in groups as a sort of experiences those things in small doses. I can't stress support groups enough. I plan to start one again on Monday. Don't lose hope because I'm trying not to. Pm me is you need to. Remember I've been thee and conquered it. So can you.

03-16-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi, I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time. I am too,trust me. My anxiety is so bad that I'm scared to be left alone. My doc has me on klonopin and just put me on Risperdal. I avoid public, crowded places if I can. I know this is no way to live, and I wish I knew the answer. However, I do know what you're going through. Feel free to PM me anytime!

Cody Stanley
03-23-2014, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'm doing alright.. just getting over a really miserable winter we've had up here in good ol Canada (which does not help much for the anxiety) The anxiety seems to be getting better and worse in some places, what's stressing me out the most is I am having alot of trouble taking the subway (I tried to take it yesterday and couldn't even get on it let alone stand in the middle of the platform) and I need to take the subway to go to and record with my band soon.. it's always the worst when it interferes with what you want to do with your life