View Full Version : Scared of dying in rabies after possible exposure...

02-28-2014, 08:44 PM
Hello, am new here. Never really had much anxiety before, so maybe I dont belong here. But I have great fear and anxiety now, so I do belong atm, I guess..
Anyway, am in Thailand and had a tourist monkey sit on my shoulder. On my skin, cause I had a bare shoulders- dress. (A man just put it there, didnt ask). Wasnt scared at the time, but after a week or so, looking at the pictures, saw the monkey first trying to lick his foot, and then putting that foot on my shoulder/neck area. He was also holding his paws on my head. He did not bite or lick me, directly. Had no open wounds on my skin, as far as I know. But. After 10 days or so, started to feel an itch where he had sat. Saw a small birth mark, (sort of tiny skin flap, sort of). The birth mark/skin flap was pink aorund it, and pained me a little. It fell off from my body the same day. (The birth mark was very near to where collars are on shirts, so it could be that birth mark was irritated by the shirt. and just fell off cause of that....)

But, I got scared to death after reading about rabies. On day 11 after this "exposure" I finally got around to going to a Thai hopsital starting rabies shots. (You're supposed to get them within 24 hours) :-( Anyway, I have so far had 2 shots of rabies vaccine (2nd shot yesterday). Doctors were not worried at all at the Thai hospital, said it was a low risk, but gave me the shots when they saw me worrying. They did not at all recommend rabies immunoglobulin, since there was no actual bite.

But now I am literally scared to death... Scared it might be too late, I started the shots too late. Just waiting for symtoms to appear, fearing it. Knowing there is no cure, etc. If by any chance I got that monkey's saliva into my body, it was almost certainly too late to start rabies shots on day 11, and then I will... die. Within a month or so.
The nurse who gave me the 2nd shot wasnt worried at all, said I should relax and it will be fine, she thought that I would be safe now, after the 2nd shot. But I can't relax. Got a bit of sore throat today, also have had some tenderness in that shoulder. (and those "could be" symtoms, ofc). So scared!! Any words of consolation are deeply appreciated. Anyone who lived thru similar situations are extremely welcome to reply also, since that would give me hope..... Thanks everyone.

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 08:47 PM
Hello, am new here. Never really had much anxiety before, so maybe I dont belong here. But I have great fear and anxiety now, so I do belong atm, I guess.. Anyway, am in Thailand and had a tourist monkey sit on my shoulder. On my skin, cause I had a bare shoulders- dress. (A man just put it there, didnt ask). Wasnt scared at the time, but after a week or so, looking at the pictures, saw the monkey first trying to lick his foot, and then putting that foot on my shoulder/neck area. He was also holding his paws on my head. He did not bite or lick me, directly. Had no open wounds on my skin, as far as I know. But. After 10 days or so, started to feel an itch where he had sat. Saw a small birth mark, (sort of tiny skin flap, sort of). The birth mark/skin flap was pink aorund it, and pained me a little. It fell off from my body the same day. (The birth mark was very near to where collars are on shirts, so it could be that birth mark was irritated by the shirt. and just fell off cause of that....) But, I got scared to death after reading about rabies. On day 11 after this "exposure" I finally got around to going to a Thai hopsital starting rabies shots. (You're supposed to get them within 24 hours) :-( Anyway, I have so far had 2 shots of rabies vaccine (2nd shot yesterday). Doctors were not worried at all at the Thai hospital, said it was a low risk, but gave me the shots when they saw me worrying. They did not at all recommend rabies immunoglobulin, since there was no actual bite. But now I am literally scared to death... Scared it might be too late, I started the shots too late. Just waiting for symtoms to appear, fearing it. Knowing there is no cure, etc. If by any chance I got that monkey's saliva into my body, it was almost certainly too late to start rabies shots on day 11, and then I will... die. Within a month or so. The nurse who gave me the 2nd shot wasnt worried at all, said I should relax and it will be fine, she thought that I would be safe now, after the 2nd shot. But I can't relax. Got a bit of sore throat today, also have had some tenderness in that shoulder. (and those "could be" symtoms, ofc). So scared!! Any words of consolation are deeply appreciated. Anyone who lived thru similar situations are extremely welcome to reply also, since that would give me hope..... Thanks everyone.

Try and relax
A lot of times anxiety can make u feel like u have whatever you're afraid of
Try and trust the doctors <4

02-28-2014, 10:21 PM
Oh hey. And thank you for replying! Means a lot that someone bothers to try to calm me down here. :) I know symtoms may be psychological sometimes, so thats what I am hoping for when I feel the smallest thing in the body at different times right now. I had a sore throat this morning, but it disappeared about 10 mins. And then I thought: Oh, hmm, wait, I actually do, sometimes, get a sore throat in the morning, which disappears quickly. That has happened to me countless times in the past. So why in the **** should it be because of rabies this time. I am trying to be logical, thinking that if it was rabies, the symtoms would probably stay/ get worse (not disappear quickly), etc. I am hanging in there! Keep writing positive things, etc ,folks. Especially if anyine has had similar experience as me, and survived. Gives me hope! Thanks :)

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 10:28 PM
Oh hey. And thank you for replying! Means a lot that someone bothers to try to calm me down here. :) I know symtoms may be psychological sometimes, so thats what I am hoping for when I feel the smallest thing in the body at different times right now. I had a sore throat this morning, but it disappeared about 10 mins. And then I thought: Oh, hmm, wait, I actually do, sometimes, get a sore throat in the morning, which disappears quickly. That has happened to me countless times in the past. So why in the **** should it be because of rabies this time. I am trying to be logical, thinking that if it was rabies, the symtoms would probably stay/ get worse (not disappear quickly), etc. I am hanging in there! Keep writing positive things, etc ,folks. Especially if anyine has had similar experience as me, and survived. Gives me hope! Thanks :)

Anytime :) keep being tough

03-01-2014, 12:16 AM
Obviously you are extremely concerned over this, but I can only put it into very simple terms.

1. Itchy skin is most likely either a mild irritation or nervousness.

2. Without breaking the skin (biting you), it's more or less impossible to contract Rabies.

03-01-2014, 02:50 AM
You can search the forum for people who have gone through the same anxiety. The search box is at top right.

03-01-2014, 07:33 AM
Hello, am new here. Never really had much anxiety before, so maybe I dont belong here. But I have great fear and anxiety now, so I do belong atm, I guess..
Anyway, am in Thailand and had a tourist monkey sit on my shoulder. On my skin, cause I had a bare shoulders- dress. (A man just put it there, didnt ask). Wasnt scared at the time, but after a week or so, looking at the pictures, saw the monkey first trying to lick his foot, and then putting that foot on my shoulder/neck area. He was also holding his paws on my head. He did not bite or lick me, directly. Had no open wounds on my skin, as far as I know. But. After 10 days or so, started to feel an itch where he had sat. Saw a small birth mark, (sort of tiny skin flap, sort of). The birth mark/skin flap was pink aorund it, and pained me a little. It fell off from my body the same day. (The birth mark was very near to where collars are on shirts, so it could be that birth mark was irritated by the shirt. and just fell off cause of that....)

But, I got scared to death after reading about rabies. On day 11 after this "exposure" I finally got around to going to a Thai hopsital starting rabies shots. (You're supposed to get them within 24 hours) :-( Anyway, I have so far had 2 shots of rabies vaccine (2nd shot yesterday). Doctors were not worried at all at the Thai hospital, said it was a low risk, but gave me the shots when they saw me worrying. They did not at all recommend rabies immunoglobulin, since there was no actual bite.

But now I am literally scared to death... Scared it might be too late, I started the shots too late. Just waiting for symtoms to appear, fearing it. Knowing there is no cure, etc. If by any chance I got that monkey's saliva into my body, it was almost certainly too late to start rabies shots on day 11, and then I will... die. Within a month or so.
The nurse who gave me the 2nd shot wasnt worried at all, said I should relax and it will be fine, she thought that I would be safe now, after the 2nd shot. But I can't relax. Got a bit of sore throat today, also have had some tenderness in that shoulder. (and those "could be" symtoms, ofc). So scared!! Any words of consolation are deeply appreciated. Anyone who lived thru similar situations are extremely welcome to reply also, since that would give me hope..... Thanks everyone.

Hello...there are a lot of variables here, I'm sure that's just what you wanted to hear. Rabies is most often transmitted by a bite but it can be transmitted by salvia IF the animal was indeed rabied, did indeed lick you on an open sore, and if you did indeed get infected. Those are a lot of IFS if your favor :) I would be worried too, since that's what we do but based on the fact you started your series of shots and you were not bitten or licked on an open would I would dare say your chances of becoming ill with rabies is zill. JMO I am not a doctor and I would definitely finish your series of shots. Most rabies cases show symptoms (severe) within 20 to 60 days so there is an end in sight to the worry. How long has it been now? What do the doctors say about your "symptoms" I know I can convince and obtain and illness and symptoms if I worry enough.