View Full Version : Visit cardiologist

02-28-2014, 07:33 PM
Went for my cardiologist visit today! To be honest I felt, yesterday I felt like no one ! I mean no one would help me feel better, I was down in the drain thinking I had a heart issue that the doctors kept missing! But what happened yo day was completely different, this doctor was the best, he analized hospital documents, labs and told me I was completely healthy! I was still not convicted and broke down in the exam room. I explained to him I couldn't leave my house and that this crap was taking over my life. I also told how hard it was for me to pay for medical expenses and continue visit doctors. He stayed in the exam room more than 25 min. Decided to offer me a FREE echocardiogram!! I can't even explain the relief I walked out of that office with! Haven't taken any meds today. He said I was a healthy 26 year old! To young to be in a cardiologist office and that my heart was so healthy he would offer to trade with me since his heart had a bad valve and leaked! What a day! So happy. Not a 100% there, but much better than last night. I really encourage you to look for a good doctor if you need reassurance! There are amazing ones out there and can change your life our at least bring so relief! There's hope! We all need to fight this cruel anxiety, it's possible!

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 07:39 PM
Wow such an awesome story! I too have a wonderful doctor so I know how much of a blessing it is <3
Glad to read this :)

03-01-2014, 12:44 AM
Went for my cardiologist visit today! To be honest I felt, yesterday I felt like no one ! I mean no one would help me feel better, I was down in the drain thinking I had a heart issue that the doctors kept missing! But what happened yo day was completely different, this doctor was the best, he analized hospital documents, labs and told me I was completely healthy! I was still not convicted and broke down in the exam room. I explained to him I couldn't leave my house and that this crap was taking over my life. I also told how hard it was for me to pay for medical expenses and continue visit doctors. He stayed in the exam room more than 25 min. Decided to offer me a FREE echocardiogram!! I can't even explain the relief I walked out of that office with! Haven't taken any meds today. He said I was a healthy 26 year old! To young to be in a cardiologist office and that my heart was so healthy he would offer to trade with me since his heart had a bad valve and leaked! What a day! So happy. Not a 100% there, but much better than last night. I really encourage you to look for a good doctor if you need reassurance! There are amazing ones out there and can change your life our at least bring so relief! There's hope! We all need to fight this cruel anxiety, it's possible!

Good to hear your visit went well. It's really important though that you keep the information he gave you handy (write it down, or print this thread off and keep it somewhere).

Health anxiety is a "doubting illness" if you read through the many threads, people have similar stories being checked out and given the all clear , and feel relieved, then 3 days later they have an anxiety attack and then start doubting what the doc said or that something new is happening.

Keeping the information as a regular reminder that your heart is perfectly healthy will help you to dismiss any new thoughts as simply "thoughts".
