View Full Version : How is everyone doing this evening??

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 06:33 PM
Checking in with everyone tonight??
My day got a little bit better with some good work news so hoping everyone else did as well :)

02-28-2014, 06:45 PM
Glad your day was good, and that you got good work news! You deserve it!

Mine has been rotten, sorry! Driving to my outpatient program when my stepfather called to tell me that he had some very bad news (long pause). I started to freak. My mother was in the ER with an injured hip (she'd fallen and dislocated a bone near her hip replacement). But then he said he was picking her up in an hour! Turns out she's spending the night at the hospital. I have no idea how bad the damage is, because he doesn't have information and my mother won't answer her phone. My mother injures herself a lot, and often thinks she has pneumonia, etc. (when she doesn't), especially when I need her help (like to pick up the kids today as originally planned, so that I can attend this treatment program). It's a long story, but the therapist suggested that this may be my mother's way of telling me she can't/won't help me. I know that sounds like I'm callous and paranoid, but trust me.... we have a long history.

So I go to the outpatient program and have a major crying spell in front of like 40-50 people. I feel kind of sick about that. But they were so nice, bringing tissues and hugs. Had another meltdown later, but got that one resolved more easily. Obviously I need help. My funny psych doc gave me such good advice - I wish I could tuck him in my pocket and consult him every 20 minutes as a resource! :)

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 06:50 PM
Glad your day was good, and that you got good work news! You deserve it! Mine has been rotten, sorry! Driving to my outpatient program when my stepfather called to tell me that he had some very bad news (long pause). I started to freak. My mother was in the ER with an injured hip (she'd fallen and dislocated a bone near her hip replacement). But then he said he was picking her up in an hour! Turns out she's spending the night at the hospital. I have no idea how bad the damage is, because he doesn't have information and my mother won't answer her phone. My mother injures herself a lot, and often thinks she has pneumonia, etc. (when she doesn't), especially when I need her help (like to pick up the kids today as originally planned, so that I can attend this treatment program). It's a long story, but the therapist suggested that this may be my mother's way of telling me she can't/won't help me. I know that sounds like I'm callous and paranoid, but trust me.... we have a long history. So I go to the outpatient program and have a major crying spell in front of like 40-50 people. I feel kind of sick about that. But they were so nice, bringing tissues and hugs. Had another meltdown later, but got that one resolved more easily. Obviously I need help. My funny psych doc gave me such good advice - I wish I could tuck him in my pocket and consult him every 20 minutes as a resource! :)

Awe girl I'm sorry to hear that. All of it. I hope your mom is okay and I hope things with you and her work out :)
Also, sometimes it's easier to cry and meltdown infront of people not so close to us so don't feel bad about the meltdown <3
I love my counsellor but he is very monotone
If uv ever watched South Park he is like a living me garrison lol.... He gives good advice but is always so serious! Lol
I don't know what time u r on but I hope ur day/evening get better! Any fun plans??
My plan is to cuddle on my couch with a blanket lol and hopefully not think too much haha

02-28-2014, 06:52 PM
I'm wiped out, completely..like a house left in wreckage just after being ripped through by an anxiety tornado.. :(

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 06:57 PM
I'm wiped out, completely..like a house left in wreckage just after being ripped through by an anxiety tornado.. :(

Here for ya if you wanna vent <3
Try and relax and sorry to hear ur not doing so great :(

02-28-2014, 09:19 PM
Awe girl I'm sorry to hear that. All of it. I hope your mom is okay and I hope things with you and her work out :)
Also, sometimes it's easier to cry and meltdown infront of people not so close to us so don't feel bad about the meltdown <3
I love my counsellor but he is very monotone
If uv ever watched South Park he is like a living me garrison lol.... He gives good advice but is always so serious! Lol
I don't know what time u r on but I hope ur day/evening get better! Any fun plans??
My plan is to cuddle on my couch with a blanket lol and hopefully not think too much haha

I'm here cuddling on the couch with a blanket and cat, so you got that right :) . Lots of health anxiety in our family now... my mom just came home from the hospital, my stepfather is very old and mentally not quite there, we're wondering if my mother is taking too many pain meds... our relationship is pretty bad, so I need to figure out how to protect myself.

Hope your plan to not think too much is working! :)

02-28-2014, 09:20 PM
I'm wiped out, completely..like a house left in wreckage just after being ripped through by an anxiety tornado.. :(

I know that feeling, really well. It's exhausting. We all need a better day. I think I personally need to switch from feeling like a victim to feeling powerful.

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 09:21 PM
I'm here cuddling on the couch with a blanket and cat, so you got that right :) . Lots of health anxiety in our family now... my mom just came home from the hospital, my stepfather is very old and mentally not quite there, we're wondering if my mother is taking too many pain meds... our relationship is pretty bad, so I need to figure out how to protect myself. Hope your plan to not think too much is working! :)

One day at a time hun
I'm sure things will work out
And cats always help haha
If U wanna watch something ridiculous look up boots and cats on YouTube.... Lol

02-28-2014, 09:22 PM
Here for ya if you wanna vent <3
Try and relax and sorry to hear ur not doing so great :(

And I hope you feel better soon... chat whenever you're ready, if you'd like!!

02-28-2014, 09:23 PM
One day at a time hun
I'm sure things will work out
And cats always help haha
If U wanna watch something ridiculous look up boots and cats on YouTube.... Lol

I'll have to look that up :)

02-28-2014, 09:24 PM
Having a better night than I did day. I let my anxiety get the best of me and slept quite a bit. Feeling good, for the time being. Trying hard not to wait for the next episode. :) Hope your night is great!!

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 09:27 PM
Having a better night than I did day. I let my anxiety get the best of me and slept quite a bit. Feeling good, for the time being. Trying hard not to wait for the next episode. :) Hope your night is great!!

Good to hear your night is good :)
Hope it stays that way!!

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 09:45 PM
And I hope you feel better soon... chat whenever you're ready, if you'd like!!

are you online tonight?

03-01-2014, 02:10 AM
Thanks, I felt better later on, but now feel crappy again, I just woke up five minutes ago, and feel so off kilter, I kept remembering my dreams, woke up in a weird position and had to pee really bad. blah, not a real good sleep. :(

03-01-2014, 07:38 AM
Thanks, I felt better later on, but now feel crappy again, I just woke up five minutes ago, and feel so off kilter, I kept remembering my dreams, woke up in a weird position and had to pee really bad. blah, not a real good sleep. :(

I'm sorry :(. I get those anxiety dreams a lot, and it's amazing how much power they can have over our emotions.

I slept well, woke up fine, and then anxiety hit - hard. I talked to my mother on the phone and then everything went downhill.