View Full Version : Skipped heart beats and Heart palpatations

03-27-2008, 07:21 AM
hey all,was just wondering if any1 has had really bad heart palpatiations/skipped heart beats iv had them constantly for 2 weeks now im starting to get a little worried iv had them b4 but they usually last no longer then a day or 2..ive been lookin up on it(propebly not the best thing i did) and it could be heart disease ...now im only 25 and keep tellin myself this cant be true and its just anxiety but am still panicing ..any advice any1 could give me would be great cheers guys....

03-29-2008, 03:05 AM
Hi there,
I know what you are going through i have had these skipped beats now for close to ten years, some days they are all the time and then they go away for a few weeks.
The Doctors seem to think they are stress related. So try and relax because they wont kill you.

03-29-2008, 11:35 AM

about 3 weeks ago i had a run of these flutters that lasted for over a week. they will pass m8. they will not harm you in anyway. its easy to say ignore them, but as i found out, they are impossible to ignore but they should get less frequent.

have you had an ecg done or a 24 hour recording of your heart done??

03-29-2008, 07:10 PM
Such thing is caused by:

- usually magnesium deficiency
- sometimes hypothyroidism
- in some rare cases lack of balance between other ions

both of them (lack of magnesium and hypothyroidism) is cause of anxiety and depression, both of them might be pretty hard to diagnose. Check for symptoms here:

www.neurosis.aquahobby.eu/magnesium_deficiency.html (http://www.neurosis.aquahobby.eu/magnesium_deficiency.html)

www.neurosis.aquahobby.eu/hypothyroidism.html (http://www.neurosis.aquahobby.eu/hypothyroidism.html)

Then ask me here if you find yourself affected :D

03-29-2008, 08:42 PM
verty interesting tomtom, i have heard that there could be a link to magnesium deiciency and skipp beats.
I have had the whole barage of testing such ecg and 24hr holter but everything checks out.
Take care

03-30-2008, 06:11 AM
have u ever thought that maybe its just due to you overthinking and worrying too much? skip beats are normal.

03-30-2008, 05:36 PM
I had it too, thanks to "admin diet" - cola + pizza for like year :P And I can say that in my case it was caused by lack of magnesium. Few magnesium pills "cured" it completely.

03-30-2008, 11:47 PM
I had it too, thanks to "admin diet" - cola + pizza for like year :P And I can say that in my case it was caused by lack of magnesium. Few magnesium pills "cured" it completely.
Ok i will try these Magnesium pills this week

03-31-2008, 01:33 PM
Read article I linked for you, one week is NOT enoug. Deficiency of magnesium is something that need years to arise, then at least some weeks, preferable months to "cure" it.

04-01-2008, 02:52 AM
Thanks for that tomtom