View Full Version : kidney infection worries

02-28-2014, 03:19 PM
hi guys, been off the site for a while( got rid of my blood clot fears) and now I have back aches, on both of my sides just above my hips, its not an intense pain by any means but it hurts to touch like its a muscle problem or whatever, I have a very long back and since anxiety I have had all round back aches, but the bottom of my back feels kinda numb and aches feels like abit of a trapped nerve, I feel ok no temperature or anything, any helps is appreciated, thanks

02-28-2014, 03:31 PM
hi guys, been off the site for a while( got rid of my blood clot fears) and now I have back aches, on both of my sides just above my hips, its not an intense pain by any means but it hurts to touch like its a muscle problem or whatever, I have a very long back and since anxiety I have had all round back aches, but the bottom of my back feels kinda numb and aches feels like abit of a trapped nerve, I feel ok no temperature or anything, any helps is appreciated, thanks

Lower back pain isn't uncommon with anxiety, but I would book a doctors appointment just to check it out (it's most likely nothing to worry about) but worth getting peace of mind with it being both sides that are effected.

02-28-2014, 03:37 PM
been to the doctors a week ago didn't seem to concerned, its not so much as a pain, its just like a 1cm place on both sides where it hurts to touch,ive had it before im sure, but if it gets worse ill definitely see a doctor again, but its more of a niggle than a pain really

02-28-2014, 03:44 PM
could it be something to with my bowels, ivee been abit constipated just lately, with like a pressure to take a poo(lol)

02-28-2014, 03:44 PM
I used to have a similar fear even though I had back surgery

When both sides hurt i was sure it was my kidneys

Health anxiety is such a pain in the ass

02-28-2014, 03:47 PM
could it be something to with my bowels, ivee been abit constipated just lately, with like a pressure to take a poo(lol)

It's probably more a minor strain/pull somewhere in the lower back (may be a bit of deferred pain), constipation would normally cause abdominal pain, but it's possible.

02-28-2014, 03:54 PM
yeah does feel like its a nerve or pull in the bottom of my back could of been why I had leg pains(blood clot fears) but my girlfriend walked on my back earlier and it didn't hurt anymore, so I doubt hopefully its kidney related,just worried it is and could go undetected,thanks for your help means alot

03-01-2014, 01:23 AM
It's at least something that you got over the blood clot fears. Just shows if you got over one, you can get over all ;)

03-01-2014, 07:11 AM
What aabout eating some veggies with high level of fiber. It takes care of constipation, pains in colon and gives your body minerals and vitamins..

03-02-2014, 02:47 PM
touch wood not had any pains today, I know im worried about nothing never had a medical issue in my life so I don't know where it stems from, next stop girlfriends birthday meal on Friday, and im scared to eat cus im scared of choking to death and feels like I cant swallow and what not, tired of this anxiety lark