View Full Version : Cant make plans

02-28-2014, 02:09 PM
Anyone else feel anxious whenever they try and make plans for the future?

Whenever I try and plan something I think of everything that could possibly go wrong so I'm not disappointed, consume myself with anxiety and end up ruining it :-(

Amy Smith
02-28-2014, 02:39 PM
Hi, im the exact sams way, im always.afraid ill disappoint someone so i feel pressured keeping the plans which i then think all the what ifs.

02-28-2014, 02:54 PM
Soo hard to break the negative thought circling :-(

02-28-2014, 03:26 PM
Soo hard to break the negative thought circling :-(

But you've hit on the cure

Breaking the reactions to thoughts that are negative and not real

We can be concerned of things and that is fine

Often, when we worry, we figure if we do it enough, it will somehow improve the odds of success

No one ever worried a problem away or worried sunny weather for their vacation

The worry of the future will only do one thing and that is prevent you from living a great life

But you already know that so you just have to make the decision of what thoughts you will perceive as reality

The ones your rational mind sends or the ones your anxiety sends

I hear you are really smart so I can take a guess which way you will lean

You will get through this quickly

Read lots and post as well