View Full Version : Heart palps all day, is this normal??

02-28-2014, 11:10 AM

I'm on a vacation with my friends right now and I'm having the worst heart palps ever. Never been so bad. It feels like my heart stops or start beating fast a few seconds and then it gets back to normal. My heart is beating fast and I'm freaking out. I'm shaking alot too.

I did a EKG, took some blood test and they checked my lungs. Everything came back normal. This was a month ago.

I feel as if I'm going to die. I've been having them all day. Is this dangerous or harmful??

Any help is appreciated!!

02-28-2014, 11:22 AM

No it isn't dangerous or harmful or fatal..it just means that you're letting anxiety get the best of you!
So, go have some fun with your friends, stop thinking about your heart or you'll end up being a hypochondriac, and distract yourself from it...
It's because that's all YOU'RE FOCUSING ON...bruh......
There is 0 wrong, its in your MIND!!!.....
Now, go have fun....and That's an E-Man ORDER!!!

Enduronman.. :)

02-28-2014, 11:27 AM
Nah, I get them sometimes still. I was never a heart worrier, so doesn't bother me luckily, but I can see why they freak people out terribly. Occasionally my heart feels like it's doing summersaults. I stop and think wow, is this actually safe, this is nuts!

But it's all good. Nothing to fear or worry about.

02-28-2014, 11:28 AM

No it isn't dangerous or harmful or fatal..it just means that you're letting anxiety get the best of you!
So, go have some fun with your friends, stop thinking about your heart or you'll end up being a hypochondriac, and distract yourself from it...
It's because that's all YOU'RE FOCUSING ON...bruh......
There is 0 wrong, its in your MIND!!!.....
Now, go have fun....and That's an E-Man ORDER!!!

Enduronman.. :)

Thank you man!!

Nothing dangerous then. I googled it to get a quick answer but instead I freaked out. Someone said it could lead to heart problems and other shit.

02-28-2014, 11:28 AM
And Emans right, focus is an important thing when it comes to anxiety symptoms. I know you yourself even said this yetrday. Get focused on the fun stuff! Enjoy yourself man! You're on vacay

02-28-2014, 11:34 AM
At a sudden moment, my heart likes to get freaky and do those palpitations.. for a second it really makes me stop and go, "wtf, heart? You doing alright??" ..and in the past, I would feed that fear, like direct all my thoughts on it, and it made everything so much worse, to the point of shaking really bad.. but the good news here is that you are perfectly fine! Just like everyone else is saying here, so I'll add to it for reassurance; Don't think about it, distract yourself and your heart will sort itself out. Remind yourself that your tests came back normal.

Now try and enjoy your vacation! :)

02-28-2014, 11:40 AM
Thank you everyone!!

I'm gonna go back and enjoy my time. I'll try to not focus on it. Once again, thank you!

02-28-2014, 11:53 AM
Awesome bro. Any cute girls where you're at? If you're gonna get heart palps, might as well at least getting them by doing something useful ;)

02-28-2014, 11:59 AM

I'm on a vacation with my friends right now and I'm having the worst heart palps ever. Never been so bad. It feels like my heart stops or start beating fast a few seconds and then it gets back to normal. My heart is beating fast and I'm freaking out. I'm shaking alot too.

I did a EKG, took some blood test and they checked my lungs. Everything came back normal. This was a month ago.

I feel as if I'm going to die. I've been having them all day. Is this dangerous or harmful??

Any help is appreciated!!

Hon you are young and handsome focus on your GF and then palps will not bother you. Just calm down, go and check the list of anxiety symptoms.
Every one on this sites has it!!!

02-28-2014, 12:56 PM
Lots of them Jesse, maybe that's why I'm getting heart palps lol. Nah, my gf is watching me 24/7 haha

Thank you Dahila, appreciate your kind words! :)

02-28-2014, 02:01 PM
Hi, I'm on a vacation with my friends right now and I'm having the worst heart palps ever. Never been so bad. It feels like my heart stops or start beating fast a few seconds and then it gets back to normal. My heart is beating fast and I'm freaking out. I'm shaking alot too. I did a EKG, took some blood test and they checked my lungs. Everything came back normal. This was a month ago. I feel as if I'm going to die. I've been having them all day. Is this dangerous or harmful?? Any help is appreciated!! I completely understand as I went thru this exact same thing on my vacation last week, the palps and thoughts tried to ruin my time but I did not let it!!!!! Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it! I've had these things for three years, too many tests to count, and the docs keep saying its normal normal normal. As hard as it is sometimes we need to take comfort that our tests came back normal. Best of luck and have lots if fun!!!

02-28-2014, 03:28 PM
now I think is all this hot girls causing the heart palps

02-28-2014, 03:33 PM
I completely understand as I went thru this exact same thing on my vacation last week, the palps and thoughts tried to ruin my time but I did not let it!!!!! Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it! I've had these things for three years, too many tests to count, and the docs keep saying its normal normal normal. As hard as it is sometimes we need to take comfort that our tests came back normal. Best of luck and have lots if fun!!!

Really trying to forget about it. But it reminds me every time, I feel as if I'm losing my breath for 2-3 seconds. Horrible feeling, really hoping nothing is wrong. I've never gotten them so bad and so often. And my heart races up to about 80-100 bpm. Will this ever go away? UGH