View Full Version : Having an off day

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 09:44 AM
Not so much anxious or anxiety but my constant thoughts are back and ever since I woke up iv felt in a really bad b!t@hy mood lol not directed towards anyone just internal...

Could this have to do with my meds being increased?
Or has anyone else just had days where they feel down and angry?

02-28-2014, 09:50 AM
I'm having that today too!! Things have been going very well recently, and today I woke up and just instantly felt low, confused - not so much angry but just teary and sad - tried to get up and go to the gym, lost my trainers, broke the zip on my coat....you know one of those days when things just keep going from bad to worse? Forgot my code at the gym, forgot to wash the conditioner out of my hair - basically just like my mind was elsewhere, couldn't focus. When I got out of the gym I found I had a voicemail message from my friend asking if I'd forgotten that we were meeting up - I'd accidentally stood her up for coffee cos I'd forgotten we had an appointment. I just lost it at myself, started panicking and tingling - I was so frustrated, guilty, ashamed of myself - this has happened once before with another friend and I lost the friendship because of it, so I just cried right on the street!

I hope it helps to know that sometimes everyone just has a bad day - I've retreated to the sofa with a duvet and I'm not leaving it this evening - sometimes you just need to cut yourself some slack - maybe for you because you are feeling a bit angry, play a video game or do some exercise or something where you get to use some physical/mental energy and 'take it out' on something?

It could be the meds too, if you are onto a new routine give it a few days to settle.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh! Watch a sitcom or something you know you enjoy, have a chat with someone :) Big hugs from my sofa!!x

02-28-2014, 10:16 AM
Oh no!!!

Thank God I'm not in your 1st grade class!! Runnnnn!!!! Hide under the desk!!! Maybe, she won't see us!!! Quick, let's glue her butt to the chair!!!
Yes, it could have everything to do with the medication increase, or the fact that you forgot to wash the conditioner out of your hair...LOL!
Hi Kateb!

Have a good day otherwise, make it a good day!

Enduronman.. :)

02-28-2014, 10:20 AM
Every single time I changed med dosage, I got bad moods for a few days. So yeah may be that. :)

Get all the kids to wear helmets

02-28-2014, 10:35 AM
.^^^^^^^^^....especially if kids try glueing your butt to a chair, lol.

Hope the sofa thing works for you for the rest of the day. :)

Hehe yeah.

Made me think of Kate's comment. Sometimes you've just gotta laugh.

Very true.

I'm having a really miserable day myself. Seems to be going around today.

Time to watch some funny vids of dogs I think. :)

Let's try and laugh at something. Eman, we need you bruh!!

02-28-2014, 10:54 AM
Eman is here!!! YAY!!!

Let's all form a circle for a BIG group hug!!!

Cheer to the up!


Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 11:01 AM
Wow you all literally just made me LOL
thank you... So glad I found this forum hahaha
Thank you for all the personal experiences and ideas :)
Appreciate it a lot :)

Niicole Lynne
02-28-2014, 11:01 AM
Also hope everyone else having a bad or okay day can find some happy feelings as well :)

02-28-2014, 11:15 AM

That's all you needed was some good ole forum spirit!! (I just tried to kick my leg up like a cheerleader, didn't work to well!)..
Some forum energy your way friend!!!
and check yer seat, I spoke to some of the kids in your glass....
also, check to be sure they didn't super glue the door knob so the door is glued closed...
Yes, OK!!!..I was awnry in school...I admit..

Smile and have a great day!

Enduronman.. :)

02-28-2014, 12:35 PM
Haha this cheered me right up too! :D Dog videos haha! :D

02-28-2014, 12:37 PM
This video has been making me smile today - yeahhh it is an advert haha, but a funny advert


02-28-2014, 12:38 PM
Sometimes it is the silly ones :D

03-01-2014, 01:30 AM
LOL that vid is so random. I can't believe I never saw that in tv.

The woman's face just makes the vid for me!