View Full Version : and the sickness continues.......

02-28-2014, 05:13 AM
So...im still sick. This virus appears to be going through phases.......first, headache, then stuffy head, hot flashes to cold and shivering...now upset stomach, diarrhea...slight pain in the chest (probably gas)......I have had to reschedule a doctor's appt for a preventative female test that I am Dreading for the second time. ...and they want to do a BP check at the same time which I know will not be good..... Ugh....not a good start to my Friday.

How are each of you doing today?

02-28-2014, 05:50 AM
Trini, if I was feeling bad about my day. I am not anymore after reading how you feel LOL

That just sucks

My youngest was telling me yesterday that he felt he was getting sick

He is a little dramatic when trying to set himself up for a day off school

Woke up at 2:00 throwing up everywhere

I guess he was telling the truth after all

Hope you feel better quick!

02-28-2014, 06:00 AM
Awww...sorry to hear about your son. Its so much worse when the kiddos are sick. Ive been trying to keep mine away from me so they don't get it. I just feel like im in a half human state. Something must be going around.....alot of people I know seem to have the same thing....along with my dad.

I usually get anxious when I feel sick....but ive been doing a good job of holding that end of things together. ...bp and hr were good this morning. ....a little low....but im not worrying.

I just need to feel better soon. I feel like ****.
So until then, im going to live through you guys.....anyone doing anything interesting this weekend?

02-28-2014, 06:29 AM
Guys I am sorry to hear about your health problems..... may I join????????
Getting first cold in like 5 years oh hell
Trini focus on the good aspect of preventive tests. They are not nice and easy, sometimes very difficult for some woman (anxious woman ; poor souls) but at least you have access to it:))
Do you have problem with bP?

02-28-2014, 07:13 AM
Guys I am sorry to hear about your health problems..... may I join????????
Getting first cold in like 5 years oh hell
Trini focus on the good aspect of preventive tests. They are not nice and easy, sometimes very difficult for some woman (anxious woman ; poor souls) but at least you have access to it:))
Do you have problem with bP?

I cancelled today's appt, I cant do that test with stomach upset and diarrhea. Second time in two days im cancelling.
Yes, ive had some problems with my bp. I had great bp till immediately after my second c section. My bp shot through the roof. I was placed on meds and it has been regulated and for a while, I was able to get off of them. Then once my anxiety issues flared up, the bp went back up and I was placed back on the same bp med. It is in really good shape now, but it always spikes when I go to the doctors office. I usually end working myself up anytime I have to take my pressure in the docs office and on top of not looking forward to the "metal umbrella" (speculum) as I call it...I know it would be sky high. I cancelled though which has caused me to feel somewhat guilty even though I TRULY am sick. Screwed up, huh? When I feel better....im going to head over, suck it up, and just get it over with.

I swear though.....whoever invents a more comfortable way to take those test will be my hero and will make a ton of cash.

02-28-2014, 07:15 AM
Oh, and sorry you are getting sick as well. Its all this "polar vortex", not fit for human temps we have been having.

02-28-2014, 07:19 AM
I'm not bad trini. Not in a good mood today for some reason, but trying to knuckle down, and make it really productive. Get painted already house!

Buuuuuut.. I'm only saying that to be polite and keep up a conversation with you :) I feel guilty talking about me being a bit tired when you're sick.

Hope that's short lived for you!

Are there any Trinidadian remedies to sickness? Or is it just all rum. Rum cures all ails haha

I hope Crista didn't pass on a bug with her pom poms in the other thread!

Get well soon Trini and Nixons kid!!!

02-28-2014, 07:43 AM
Jesse...hope you perk up today....its Friday, after all.. ...and please dont feel bad about sharing....I would really rather hear about what others are doing...it at least allows me for a bit not to focus on just how sub human I'm feeling.

I certainly wish there was some type of Trini remedy I could pull out and use....although rum could still be the answer....maybe it could render me unconscious until this thing runs it's course. Lol. Im always trying to laugh to keep from crying.

02-28-2014, 07:54 AM
I hope Crista didn't pass on a bug with her pom poms in the other thread!
^ Pom poms are suppose to bring cheer, not bugs :(

I'm fairing okay. Not up to anything spectacular, the weather took a turn for being nice, so that's a plus ..but, Trini, Dahila, mini Nixon, you all get plenty of rest and feel better soon! Being sick is so not fun.. but the rum sounds like a good idea--well, maybe not for mini Nixon.. but just try to get comfortable and do some little things that make you smile. :)

02-28-2014, 08:01 AM
^ Pom poms are suppose to bring cheer, not bugs :(

I'm fairing okay. Not up to anything spectacular, the weather took a turn for being nice, so that's a plus ..but, Trini, Dahila, mini Nixon, you all get plenty of rest and feel better soon! Being sick is so not fun.. but the rum sounds like a good idea--well, maybe not for mini Nixon.. but just try to get comfortable and do some little things that make you smile. :)

There were no bugs in your pom poms, I'm sure! ! :)

Hope you enjoy that nice weather and enjoy the weekend. I do plan on getting plenty of rest and taking it easy. I have been watching lots of T.V. past few days and lots of sleeping. I found a new series on the History channel that I plan to watch and my show Hannibal starts again tonight. I cant wait to see it! Hope I can stay awake!!

02-28-2014, 09:04 AM
Good luck with your doctor's appointment! I always feel nervous about going to the doctor, but I'll probably have to see mine soon about my coughing and sneezing. I don't know if it's allergies or the cold, but it kept me up last night.
Also, I'm pretty new to this forum and I'm also Trinidadian, nice to meet you. :)

02-28-2014, 09:15 AM
Good luck with your doctor's appointment! I always feel nervous about going to the doctor, but I'll probably have to see mine soon about my coughing and sneezing. I don't know if it's allergies or the cold, but it kept me up last night.
Also, I'm pretty new to this forum and I'm also Trinidadian, nice to meet you. :)

Nice to meet a fellow Trini on here....now aren't you ready to hop aboard a Caribbean Airlines flight and join in with all the carnival festivities? This winter has taught me a lesson. Im going right back home during carnival next year.

02-28-2014, 09:21 AM
Haha, yes. I miss my family back in Trinidad so I'd rather be there right now instead of studying for school. I guess I'm not a "true" Trinidadian because I was born and raised in the US, so I quite like cold weather. My parents make fun of me for it. :)

02-28-2014, 09:26 AM
Haha, yes. I miss my family back in Trinidad so I'd rather be there right now instead of studying for school. I guess I'm not a "true" Trinidadian because I was born and raised in the US, so I quite like cold weather. My parents make fun of me for it. :)

No...whether you were born here or not...you were still raised in a Trini home..so claim it! I personally am so done with thr cold weather it isn't funny.....I need a direct non stop flight to Piarco airport. Lol.....

02-28-2014, 09:30 AM
That's why my Trini relatives live in Florida. So where are you now? A cold state, I guess?

02-28-2014, 09:56 AM
That's why my Trini relatives live in Florida. So where are you now? A cold state, I guess?

Maryland. It is typically not that terrible here...but this year...I feel like i have moved to North Dakota......

02-28-2014, 10:01 AM

Hope you feel better soon dear! Sending something for you in the mail, hope it doesn't leak out and smell like vinegar....mmmmm and gooey like honey..
(cure ALL!)

TRY to have a better day!!!

Enduronman.. :)

02-28-2014, 10:05 AM
Yeah, this winter has been unusually cold. I'm supposed to go for walks to help with my mood, but it's 18 degrees right now, so looks like I'm staying home again.

02-28-2014, 10:24 AM
Yay two Trini's. Happy Christmas to Jesse :)

02-28-2014, 11:00 AM

Hope you feel better soon dear! Sending something for you in the mail, hope it doesn't leak out and smell like vinegar....mmmmm and gooey like honey..
(cure ALL!)

TRY to have a better day!!!

Enduronman.. :)

Yes, definitely trying to have a better day!! How are you doing today?????

02-28-2014, 11:01 AM
Yay two Trini's. Happy Christmas to Jesse :)


02-28-2014, 11:02 AM
Yeah, this winter has been unusually cold. I'm supposed to go for walks to help with my mood, but it's 18 degrees right now, so looks like I'm staying home again.

Yep......definitely too cold for a walk outside........what about just a walk on the treadmill?

02-28-2014, 11:11 AM
Yes, definitely trying to have a better day!! How are you doing today?????

I am doing just fine...tryiiinnnngggg to adjust to this new medication for pain (tramadol) but it knocks me out at night until like 11am! I also take (lyrica) at night too though to deal with some other types of pains I guess...so they say.

I feel pretty good right now though, so that's what counts BUT we've gotta get you feeling better..

I was "serious" about that vinegar and honey thing Trin...Mix it up in some warm water and it will virtually knock anything out, especially upper respiratory issues and sinus issues too.. You should at leasssstttt try it! You may be pleasantly surprised and feeling better too!! Together, they are strong anti-biotics, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-anything.....:)

Feel better soon!..

Enduronamania.. LMAO! :)

02-28-2014, 11:53 AM
Yep......definitely too cold for a walk outside........what about just a walk on the treadmill?

I wish I had a treadmill... there's always yoga though.

02-28-2014, 12:36 PM
I am doing just fine...tryiiinnnngggg to adjust to this new medication for pain (tramadol) but it knocks me out at night until like 11am! I also take (lyrica) at night too though to deal with some other types of pains I guess...so they say.

I feel pretty good right now though, so that's what counts BUT we've gotta get you feeling better..

I was "serious" about that vinegar and honey thing Trin...Mix it up in some warm water and it will virtually knock anything out, especially upper respiratory issues and sinus issues too.. You should at leasssstttt try it! You may be pleasantly surprised and feeling better too!! Together, they are strong anti-biotics, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-anything.....:)

Feel better soon!..

Enduronamania.. LMAO! :)

Im willing to try. How much of each? How much honey, vinegar, etc? I will have to let you know how it works out.