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02-27-2014, 08:56 PM
Just woke up in a dead panic, fearing for my life, dizzy and lightheaded and heart banging out of my chest with an out of the blue panic attack. What can I do ? I am so scared right now. what brought it on ?

Niicole Lynne
02-27-2014, 09:02 PM
Just woke up in a dead panic, fearing for my life, dizzy and lightheaded and heart banging out of my chest with an out of the blue panic attack. What can I do ? I am so scared right now. what brought it on ?

Could have been a dream or too much on your mind.
My go to is "rainy mood" online it's the sound of rain and I listen as I sleep and if I really can't sleep I play sudoku because it gets my mind and hands occupied and makes me sleepy again
Hope u feel better :)

02-28-2014, 12:56 AM
Anything can bring this on Blessed. Any variable can make it happen sadly. Hormones, built up stress etc

Unless there's an obvious reason, the really important thing to do is to learn to talk yourself down from these moments, and let them pass.

Were you able to do that dear? It's a good sign if you were.

02-28-2014, 05:02 AM
Thank you, sorry I fell asleep after that which I guess is a good sign , it scared the day lights out of me,. I hope everyone has a better day today, me included

02-28-2014, 05:53 AM
Thank you, sorry I fell asleep after that which I guess is a good sign , it scared the day lights out of me,. I hope everyone has a better day today, me included

That's the spirit!

Just another chance to get better at dealing with things

You did well again

02-28-2014, 06:35 AM
Hon you going to have panic attacks as we do. You know now how it feels not to have them. I still get them too, more stress and I get it. It is scary cause son of a b**** are always different. You need to do some good to the body, go and read meditation thread. there is so many youtube videso posted, I mean links. You need to start control it. You can... :) YOU Will!!!
I will link you
click me otherwise Dahila will spank you (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?25235-meditation-help-share-and-surport-thread&highlight=meditation)

02-28-2014, 08:36 AM
Thank you all. It just boom happened so fast this time. In a span of 45 seconds, I got up felt faint seen my life flashing before me, felt such doom like I wasn't going to make it, splashed water in my face. I pray I never feel it that intense again. It felt just like it did my very first attack 3 years ago, but thank God it didn't last near as long. Sorry dont mean to whine just needed to get that out

02-28-2014, 11:23 AM
Just woke up in a dead panic, fearing for my life, dizzy and lightheaded and heart banging out of my chest with an out of the blue panic attack. What can I do ? I am so scared right now. what brought it on ?

no it's not...

E-Man.. :)

02-28-2014, 11:32 AM
Thank you all. It just boom happened so fast this time. In a span of 45 seconds, I got up felt faint seen my life flashing before me, felt such doom like I wasn't going to make it, splashed water in my face. I pray I never feel it that intense again. It felt just like it did my very first attack 3 years ago, but thank God it didn't last near as long. Sorry dont mean to whine just needed to get that out

I feel for you, the night ones are so scary. I went 40 hours without sleep last week, when I finally dozed off, I woke up an hour later feeling kinda off, got up, and was just hit by this rush. Freaked out so bad. It was gone in a minute, I was like WTF.

I prepared myself next day for if it came to get me again. It never came back.

You did well Blessed. Those moments are easy to take and run with, and go freaking out more, but you seem good.

Hope,it helped getting it out.

02-28-2014, 12:15 PM
Thank you yea it really rattled me last night but I'm still pushing on, I just hate the after effects of fear of doom and death that it leaves, having hard time moving past that

02-28-2014, 12:16 PM
Guys I had F***** stressful morning with the lawyer, got panic attack , loook I am alive and kicking and going to work to fight with a bunch of assholes. What about that? Any advice to poor Dahila:(((

02-28-2014, 12:37 PM
Can you play some of john or Eckhart in your car? That help me when I have to go to town.

02-28-2014, 12:43 PM
Guys I had F***** stressful morning with the lawyer, got panic attack , loook I am alive and kicking and going to work to fight with a bunch of assholes. What about that? Any advice to poor Dahila:(((

As bad as you think your English is, you never misspell a curse word and they are never used out of context. ; )

Something tells me people at your work are in for a rough go today

Any lawyer will stress you out. They are are vultures

Try being married to one!

Sorry you had a panic attack. I know you have done well with them and this time is no different.

I hope you have a great day at work regardless

P.S. I hope I never get a job at your office. You'll yell at me. : )

02-28-2014, 12:45 PM
Can you play some of john or Eckhart in your car? That help me when I have to go to town.

Just hearing Jons voice relaxes me. Such a balanced, calm guy.

02-28-2014, 12:46 PM
thank you Nixon it was what I needed:)) I am ready to go , the only bad side of the story is - 14 cesius :))) Thanks

02-28-2014, 01:23 PM
Can you play some of john or Eckhart in your car? That help me when I have to go to town. ok and who are these lovely people?

02-28-2014, 01:59 PM
I wake up in the exact same panic you've described some nights. It's terrifying, so I can certainly relate to how you're feeling. Luckily it was short-lived as you were able to fall back asleep, as was I most times. When they come on, I try deep breathing, counting to 3 while inhaling, and the same when exhaling. It isn't an instant relief, but it helps. At first I used to get up and start pacing my house, which only made things worse. Hope all is well.

02-28-2014, 07:58 PM
Can you play some of john or Eckhart in your car? That help me when I have to go to town.
You gave me the idea, I made the cd and listening when driving, it is nice

03-01-2014, 01:40 AM
ok and who are these lovely people?

They write books and do talks on buddhism. Both have very calming voices.

How you doing today Miss. Blessed?

03-01-2014, 06:36 AM
Yeah Jesse listening the Full Catastrophe in car maybe is not such good idea, Jon's voice relax me immediately.... It is so level, no emotions, and it seems like he is talking to me. Mr Tolle is a bit different, and he requires some effort when listening..

03-01-2014, 11:39 AM
They write books and do talks on buddhism. Both have very calming voices. How you doing today Miss. Blessed?im doing ok thank you! Got really shaky at work, almost like my sugar was too high or low, freaky!! But we were really crazy busy and my boss today was very high strung and wants you to help four customers all at the same time, gotta love him. Anywho I got really shaky and I kept telling myself it will be over in 15 minutes. Once we closed and I walked out that door,,,,,, BOOM- Relief!!! So yes in much better now . I did take an Ativan but sometimes u just gotta do it. :)

03-01-2014, 12:01 PM
Doing great Blessed, doing great :)