View Full Version : Frustrated...

02-27-2014, 05:30 PM
So any who knows my story know my family n i are not close but what's amusing is they only get a hold of me when they want something. No 'hi how are you?' No small talk just ask question n then back to not talkin. I'm really confused on what to do. Do i try to reconnect? I've tried before and they just pushed me away. I mean my mom stayed with my Dad knowing full well he abused my brother n me. How does someone do that? Choose a monster over her kids. Every time she calls or text, I'm hoping its to say sry or at least talk. Nope. Worst part is even after everything id do anything for her. She's my mom. Ugh! This stuff hurts. None of its fair n i feel like I'm always the one paying the price.

02-27-2014, 06:45 PM
I remember your story, and as you've stated, she chose to stay with that man...
No, you don't re-connect...Why? She hasn't resolved the problem, or even acknowledged the problem either..
She chooses to ignore it, and she ignore it when you told her about it too...like, you were full of s**t...
So, what do you owe them???...
Have they ever tried to reconcile???? No....
And, how do you ever move beyond such trauma anyway, even if they did recognize it?....
You have to move past it in your mind everyday, on your own, and at some point, let it all go and forget the past but if its in your face, how do you ever heal??

Next time they call, maybe you just say no....sorry, can't help..
Do they help you??

Just some thoughts...
It isn't an issue that they'll ever choose to talk "about"...because they don't even admit it yet either.


02-27-2014, 07:22 PM
The only help i get is my mom will occasionally she'll take me to the grocery store when no one else can help. What i mean is she makes me exhaust my options before hand because she's so "busy" even tho i know she isn't. And even tho her n my dad both work, she asks for gas $. I barely skim by every month but somehow those 2 are always broke. Its unreal how full of BS they are. I asked her to take me to a store that's 10mins from my house n she acts like I'm askin to go to another country. If i didn't have young kids id just walk every time n nvr ask anyone for help. Ppl always tell me to ask for help but the minute i do is a HUGE deal n I'm such a burden. I've went weeks without eating just to avoid bein treated that way. I just let my kids eat everything n i just starved. My exhusband has been helpin more so i don't have to talk to my family.

I understand what you mean. As bad as they treat me, i shouldn't care but they're my family, its REALLY hard to let go. :'(

02-28-2014, 12:45 AM
When I was on the treatment ward at my hospital, I met so many people with so many mental sicknesses. Some quite mild, some very serious. There was one common theme between so many of them though. And that was family. Family have contributed to putting more people in treatment than almost anything else I know of.

A guy I know used to describe family as sweet poison. They make you sick but you just keep going back for more.

Does talking about it help? Shall we make this a moan about your family thread? I'm down for that :)

02-28-2014, 06:51 AM
Id just like outside opinions. Obviously i love my family.