View Full Version : Scared to go out still

02-27-2014, 02:47 PM
I am still afraid of going anywheres outside of my house. Now don't get me wrong I can go out to a couple places by I can't be driving and I'd have to be with my dad. I haven't been to work in two weeks and I don't want to drive by myself to work because it's like fifteen minutes away and about 25 with morning traffic. I'd probably be fine with my dad driving me but idk what to do once I'm at work. Obviously he can't hold my hand all day and I'm not a little baby haha I don't need my daddy with me everywhere he is more of my "safe buddy" if you will. But idk if I can handle being at work all day.

I've heard people say I'll be fine once I'm working and it'll keep my mind busy but I just don't know. I fear of having a panic attack not because I think I'll die or something I know it only lasts like ten minutes and I know nothing bad will happen. I just hate that feeling of panic and anxiety so much that I've been trying to avoid it all together.

People also keep telling me to just get up and go but it's not that easy when you don't have much confidence. I know I need to start believing in myself but I just can't build up enough courage to just "go do it"

02-28-2014, 01:15 AM
Takes some time Tmr. Frankie has an agoraphobia thread in that section of the forum. I'm not sure if that's something you'd find helpful.

She's doing some exposure right now, which is usually the best way of treating dislike of going out.

Getting the right amount of exposure is key, and picking the right places too.

Too much and it just wears you out and makes you not wanna do it again. Too easy and you don't gain much.

After you've done it successfully a few times, it does often get easier.

Don't mind the ones who rush you or simplify things too much. Just go at a pace you feel is right for your therapy.

02-28-2014, 06:16 AM
Yeah well I got a doctors appointment today and I'm gonna have to drive like a half hour by myself to it so I'm not goin

02-28-2014, 06:28 AM
Can you chat with someone while on on the way? If you have Bluetooth or a headset....just call up someone and chat with them on the way. It may be enough to keep you distracted on the way.

02-28-2014, 06:40 AM
I would yea I could just use speaker phone but I'm still too afraid

02-28-2014, 07:11 AM
Was it an important appointment?

02-28-2014, 07:22 AM
Yeah it's for my anxiety but I'm too afraid of driving by myself that far and my parents are both at work and I have no one else that can come with or drive me

02-28-2014, 07:51 AM
I don't know how to drive. Lived in big cities all my life. Terrified to learn. At any rate, I see you live in New Jersey. I would bet you there are cab companies you could use. I used to have a summer house in Sussex County and my parents would use cabs if the car was in the shop or whatever. I think it's particularly important to get to your doctor's appointment since it's supposed to help you. It' worth the expense.

Second -- take a long time to drive to your appointment, budget yourself an hour and when you feel stressed drive off the road and rest a bit. Maybe?

Finally, what about taking some driving lessons to conquer your fears. I mean driving lessons for anxious people.

02-28-2014, 07:58 AM
Yea there's cabs but still very expensive and I don't how I would be with some random person driving me

02-28-2014, 08:25 AM
Yea there's cabs but still very expensive and I don't how I would be with some random person driving me

Train or bus? You should really give it a go. Once you get through it, you will feel such a sense of accomplishment.

A few years back, I suddenly became anxious while driving. I stopped driving on the highway, then local roads, then I completely stopped driving. I told myself that I had to start to try again... and thats what I did. I started with short across the street trip. Once I got comfortable with that....I started to take longer trips. Im still working on highway driving but I will get on for a few exits then get off. Let me tell you, it will make your day when you see that you can do it.

02-28-2014, 08:48 AM
I've been here before. Anxiety ruled over me. Couldn't be anywhere without my dad. Missed school for 3 weeks in a row. Finally I just had to face it. I took a step back and took a deep breath. Once you get back into the swing of it all it will be better overall. Don't get me wrong, the first couple days will be very rough, but you can't let anxiety control your life brother. Music really helped me.

02-28-2014, 03:40 PM
Well I went to the doctors today and they gave me Zoloft. So I'm hoping it works

02-28-2014, 04:34 PM
I know how you feel, but try not to blame "going out" as the reason, cause panic attacks can happen anytime, even at home, they are more likely to occur when away from home, true, but you can still very much get them at home. Just never stop your life because of a panic attack, keep going, eventually they will dissipate again.