View Full Version : Just had a big attack

02-27-2014, 02:16 PM
You'd think after 10 years I would be used to them by now...but nope :( Just figured I would come on here and talk a little, always makes me feel better just to talk about it and get opinions. So long story short about 4 months ago after 5 years I got off SSRI's and my doctor put me on Adderall(for anxiety, strange I know). My anxiety is in the form of panic attacks and fear of losing my breath. He said he thought it might make me focus better and off the anxiety. The first few months went good, but as of January things started to go downhill. Within the last 2 weeks I've had about 4 really bad panic attacks and now a constant nervous feeling. I told my doctor yesterday that I needed to get of the Adderall and back on Celexa. This morning was my first morning back on the Celexa(havent taken an Adderall since Monday). I realize it probably wont kick in for a few weeks. On top of all that I developed a cold on Tuesday and am very congested today. I just went to take a shower and I think the steam from the bathroom was making the air a little thin, and on top of my congestion it felt like I couldnt breathe very well. By the end of the shower I was feeling short of breath and worked myself into one of the biggest panic attacks I've had in many years. Now is it possible I really was getting a lack of oxygen from the stuffy air on top of my congestion? I have calmed down now(after popping a Xanax of course), but just wanted some general thoughts on my current situation. And also what people think about me being prescribed Adderall for anxiety. Thanks all.

02-27-2014, 04:00 PM
Adderall for anxiety...I can't say that I'd ever heard of this before as it is an amphetamine and generally creates excitability..of course.
I take Ritalin though, to help with my ADD ADHD and oddly enough, it does help also with my anxiety.
I however, can not take Adderall...it causes nervousness but I can sleep like a baby on Ritalin...go figure..
Celexa is a good medication for depression, but has not been approved for depression w anxiety...only Lexapro has here in the states.
As far as the breathing issues, you may have an upper respiratory infection and not realize it...shortness of breathe, very congested, heavy lungs,...
Maybe that one should be checked out by the Doc..usually steam should ease the lungs, but in your case it made it worse..possible infection.
Yes, xanax is calming i must say,...
The adderall thing is still strange to me..I dont have an answer for that one btu Ritalin helps with mine...so, idk.

E-Man.. :)

02-27-2014, 04:12 PM
Well I've only had this cold for 2 days, I work for a Walk In Center, usually URI infections happen after having a cold for an extended period of time, 2 days seems much too early. But I will def ask the doctors at work about it tomorrow.

02-27-2014, 04:21 PM
Couldn't hurt to ask, considering the hot steamy air gave you so much of a problem and made you feel breathless. Usually if I had sinus congestion, steam would be clearing and one of the best remedies for it, at least temporary..
Seems abit odd to work yourself into such a panic if the air supply was thin, if it were only a cold friend...
Hopefully it hasnt yet made it into the lungs,.and you'll be ok.

Welcome by the way, I've not seen you here before. :)


02-27-2014, 04:24 PM
Thanks, I joined years ago and just havent posted much since joining, but lately with my anxiety flaring up I figured it couldnt hurt coming on and chatting with people who understand.

02-27-2014, 04:37 PM
Very welcome!

Yes I see that. LOL!! you joined just after I did...Post as much as you wish because somebody around here usually has an answer!!...LOL!
Yes, we understand the anxiety issues quite well too friend...and I've seen many,,many post in this time too...
Still cant figure out the Adderall scrip though....I'm stumped on that one. :)

02-27-2014, 06:54 PM
Well its back to the world of SSRI's for me for now...and lots of Xanax of course...

02-27-2014, 06:56 PM
and if that's what it takes, then so be it!! Whatever works best for you...

E-Man :)

02-27-2014, 08:05 PM
Not at all strange to happen in the shower, breathing is naturally harder when you have a cold and the humidity generated from the shower makes the air thicker. When my anxiety is high, and I'm congested, I hate eating because it makes me get stupid gas bubbles and I can't burp as I digest, thus it sends me in panic mode...feeling you can't breathe is a panic attacks main trigger. I'd say, this incidence in the shower would not have panicked you if you were going through a less stressful period, but under the circumstances, it's a normal anxiety trigger.

I've had similar attacks before, the best advice I could give is to tighten every muscle in your body, hard, for as long as you can and release, because that will get your heart beating and breathing back to normal. Not to be crass, but masturbation also helps because it's also a muscle tightening activity, plus the orgasm is a bonus, since it makes you feel good and lessons the intensity of future attacks you may have later in the day/night.. It's like your body has exploded once already and it's too tired to do it again. Lol