View Full Version : New here...

02-27-2014, 02:09 PM
So my story.. I just recently turned 21 & I've had anxiety/panic attacks for about two years now.. When it first started, I really only got attacks at work so I went on disability for a few months.. After being off work, the attacks went away but the a anxious feeling has always been there so I've just dealt with it.. All of a sudden I was taking a trip with my boyfriend out of town & as soon as we got there, I panicked because we were an hour away from home so we immediately turned around. On the way home, my car broke down so I was STUCK out there for about an hour. Horrible. Anyways.. Since that day, my anxiety has been bad. I can't be away from a hospital. I worry constantly when I leave the house.. Today is day 9 on prozac & I don't think I feel better yet. I'm scared I'm gonna feel like this forever :( I've thought about taking Xanax but I wanna give my Prozac a little more time to kick in.. Anyone take Prozac? Please save the bad experiences.. I don't need to worry anymore right now lol thank..

02-27-2014, 04:04 PM
Yes, people here do take Prozac and there experiences have been good although theyre not on here at the moment...
Sorry you're having to deal with all this, but you just have to give it time friend...
If you have xanax, take them,..especially when you think you need to enter the hospital..its just anxiety...
Nothing to worry about, youre in a good place Brooke...


E-Man... :)

02-27-2014, 04:16 PM
Thank you!! I'm having a rough day today with my anxiety acting up so I'm thinking I'll never make it through! It's hard waiting for the meds to do their job.. I really think I am going to see about getting Xanax to get me through..

02-27-2014, 04:42 PM
Hi Brooke I'm in the uk so my meds are slightly different here.
I started Prozac for my anxiety/depression alongside a beta blocker. I found the beta blocker kicked in long before the Prozac which took about 3 weeks. But I'm managing a lot better now and have little to no side affects after them initial 3 weeks.
I would suggest sticking with the Prozac for a little longer and give them a chance.
I can't really comment on the Xanax as I'm not sure what they are so listen to E-man on them lol.
I hope your meds start working for you soon :-)

02-27-2014, 06:37 PM
Beta blocker? Never heard of that.. But I'm trying to give the prozac a chance.. I'm just having a REALLY hard time waiting for it to kick in.. The other days weren't bad, but today I'm feeling really anxious :/

02-27-2014, 06:40 PM
Beta blocker? Never heard of that.. But I'm trying to give the prozac a chance.. I'm just having a REALLY hard time waiting for it to kick in.. The other days weren't bad, but today I'm feeling really anxious :/

Beta blocker slows your heart a bit and lowers your blood pressure

Counters the adreneline

Niicole Lynne
02-27-2014, 06:56 PM
Beta blocker slows your heart a bit and lowers your blood pressure Counters the adreneline

That sounds terrifying lol

02-27-2014, 07:00 PM
That sounds terrifying lol

Unless you can't calm yourself down, then it is a blessing

They really work

02-28-2014, 06:34 AM
Unless you can't calm yourself down, then it is a blessing

They really work

They are a blessing Nixon they seem to stop my palpitations really well which calms all my negative thoughts. They were fab on my driving test too I was really calm!

02-28-2014, 12:12 PM
They are a blessing Nixon they seem to stop my palpitations really well which calms all my negative thoughts. They were fab on my driving test too I was really calm!

Hi petrified just doing a bit of US "jargon busting"

Xanax is a brand name of benzodiazepine (alprazolam)

We Brits tend to prescribe something pretty similar, normally (Diazepam)

02-28-2014, 12:46 PM
Hi petrified just doing a bit of US "jargon busting" Xanax is a brand name of benzodiazepine (alprazolam) We Brits tend to prescribe something pretty similar, normally (Diazepam)

The British version has a side effect of making you polite

The US version has a side effect of making you want everything for free

02-28-2014, 03:08 PM

Its good to be missed, I suppose!

Frankie, A dude from Ireland is in the welcome thread

Put your cape on and go rescue him

02-28-2014, 03:28 PM
The British version has a side effect of making you polite The US version has a side effect of making you want everything for free

This is quite true Nixon, I once tried a Xanax when I was working in CA, I was like ...OMG....I just feel like I'm so "street"...cruzin' da' hood listening to Springsteen in my (Prius). :)

02-28-2014, 03:50 PM
This is quite true Nixon, I once tried a Xanax when I was working in CA, I was like ...OMG....I just feel like I'm so "street"...cruzin' da' hood listening to Springsteen in my (Prius). :)

I thought I was over this years ago

Getting ready to start a thread on "uncool car" anxiety

And just to clarify....."da hood" and "Springsteen" is one serious oxymoron

02-28-2014, 03:59 PM
I thought I was over this years ago Getting ready to start a thread on "uncool car" anxiety And just to clarify....."da hood" and "Springsteen" is one serious oxymoron

I'm all about the cliche, I made my friends take me camping in an RV on the beach, played Springsteen and cooked hot dogs and corn on a campfire......they did explain "you know this is not how we actually live" .... I said I don't care, it's how the Brits think you live and I want it :) We got so drunk that we got fined by the park for leaving the fire lit (in high fire risk season) and the bears came scrounging for the food left out......."bloody tourists"!

02-28-2014, 04:02 PM
I thought I was over this years ago

Getting ready to start a thread on "uncool car" anxiety

And just to clarify....."da hood" and "Springsteen" is one serious oxymoron

ohhh nooooooo....

02-28-2014, 04:03 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Just f**kin with ya 14!

02-28-2014, 04:12 PM
I'm all about the cliche, I made my friends take me camping in an RV on the beach, played Springsteen and cooked hot dogs and corn on a campfire......they did explain "you know this is not how we actually live" .... I said I don't care, it's how the Brits think you live and I want it :) We got so drunk that we got fined by the park for leaving the fire lit (in high fire risk season) and the bears came scrounging for the food left out......."bloody tourists"!

You when I go to London so Jesse can teach me the art of drinking warm beer, I may ask you to go

I think I could drink warm beer with you

Get all drunk and go go crazy being polite to people

02-28-2014, 04:15 PM
You when I go to London so Jesse can teach me the art of drinking warm beer, I may ask you to go I think I could drink warm beer with you Get all drunk and go go crazy being polite to people

Yeah sure me and Jesse can queue for the beer and you can just stand in line (see what I did there).

Oddly I find Americans far more polite than the Brits (californians anyway).

02-28-2014, 04:17 PM
Yeah sure me and Jesse can queue for the beer and you can just stand in line (see what I did there).

Oddly I find Americans far more polite than the Brits (californians anyway).

California has the best drugs is why

What does Queue mean?

02-28-2014, 04:18 PM
California has the best drugs is why What does Queue mean?

Queue = Standing in line :)

02-28-2014, 04:20 PM
Queue = Standing in line :)

Oh gotcha

Here, if we stand in line we say "stand in line"

02-28-2014, 04:21 PM
Queue = Standing in line :)

It's one of the unique British psychological phenomena, see anyone standing anywhere then line up behind them and politely wait your turn, but never question why or what you are queuing for?

02-28-2014, 04:25 PM
It's one of the unique British psychological phenomena, see anyone standing anywhere then line up behind them and politely wait your turn, but never question why or what you are queuing for?

I just may move there. I think I could queue with the best of them

Does the sun ever come out there?

Can I get Princess Kate's autograph and a two person selfie with her?

And is that Jack the Ripper guy still running around? Heard he was screwing up the club scene

02-28-2014, 04:26 PM
lmao!!! :)

02-28-2014, 04:35 PM
I just may move there. I think I could queue with the best of them Does the sun ever come out there? Can I get Princess Kate's autograph and a two person selfie with her? And is that Jack the Ripper guy still running around? Heard he was screwing up the club scene

We still have the "Yorkshire ripper" incarcerated at her majesties pleasure.

You wouldn't get within 100ft of the royal family.

And yes we have around 11 days of sunshine a year.

Unfortunately there are only 9 Prius in the whole country.

02-28-2014, 04:37 PM
We still have the "Yorkshire ripper" incarcerated at her majesties pleasure.

You wouldn't get within 100ft of the royal family.

And yes we have around 11 days of sunshine a year.

Unfortunately there are only 9 Prius in the whole country.

You are a great addition to this place

I like your humor to keep things light

needs it in here sometimes

02-28-2014, 04:39 PM
You are a great addition to this place I like your humor to keep things light needs it in here sometimes

I'm deadly serious

02-28-2014, 04:54 PM
I'm deadly serious ;)

So am I!!! I love this game!!! :)

02-28-2014, 04:57 PM
I'm looooving it! ;)

Frankie you will appreciate this probably more than most.....but you know when you just occasionally throw professionalism out of the window and you can't quite stop yourself laughing so you pull strange faces and have to excuse yourself from the situation?

This happened today!

I had a lady who was seriously petrified of being in an accident and being brain damaged (vegetative state), she was shall we say a "very local lady" it went like this :

Me : "Hi (empathetic face) so tell me a little about the problems you are facing". (Gentle encouraging smile)

Ms X : " I am terrified of becoming a cabbage"

Me : .................(strange face.........coughs a bit........could you excuse me a moment...........)

03-03-2014, 01:06 AM
Hi petrified just doing a bit of US "jargon busting"

Xanax is a brand name of benzodiazepine (alprazolam)

We Brits tend to prescribe something pretty similar, normally (Diazepam)

Diazepam? That's some strong stuff! I no my hubby had them on a detox and he was checking the hospital beds for their imaginary gas mains lol. Think I will stick with my propananol lol

03-03-2014, 08:22 AM
Diazepam? That's some strong stuff! I no my hubby had them on a detox and he was checking the hospital beds for their imaginary gas mains lol. Think I will stick with my propananol lol

Used in the right way they are fabulous little beasts, but yes too much and you are definitely en route to an alternate reality :)

03-03-2014, 08:23 AM
Used in the right way they are fabulous little beasts, but yes too much and you are definitely en route to an alternate reality :)

I can imagine :-)
Plus thanks for explaining :-)