View Full Version : What - is - wrong - with - me......?

02-27-2014, 01:23 PM
Recently I have been having problems with my car. I love cars. I own a marque. One which fans own. I am passionate about it.

After a 5th visit to diagnose an engine issue. I asked the "franchise" not to give me the car back until it was fixed.

It was given back to me unfixed.

I also have been back to a paint shop several times for them to amend their work and today I learned that a repair which they have tried to fix 3 times was actually carried out not as accurate as it should have been. Leading to shut lines in the car being a few mil out.


When I collected the car and noted the problem was still there. My whole day has been consumed with unbelievable anxiety.

I just can't seem to take it - it has got on top of me and I am unable to do any work today or concentrate on anything else.


Although the paint shop moaned but said they would again fix the errors. And the franchise said that they will call me on Monday with some news. I am beside myself.

What on earth is wrong with me?

Does my Anxiety disallow me to process things calmly?

Am I over perfectionist?


I nearly threw in the towel and traded the car in today which would have been a loss of £15k - I just don't have the energy to

a. Go back to the paint shop

b. Go back to the franchise

c. Put the car up for sale

d. Deal with the negotiation process and uncertainty of buying another. They cost £35k and £47k new.


This is ridiculous but it shows my illness is even more terrible. I couldn't train at the gym I couldn't work and now I am in bed. I give up.

02-27-2014, 04:07 PM
Just merely frustration bruh,..it all adds up, and is just another crappy day.
Tomorrow will be better for sure..
You did all that you couldve done and held yourself together during this whole process too....
Take care and take it easy friend.....

E_Man... :)

02-28-2014, 06:04 PM
Thanks man - first day I have felt like having a bath and watching a movie. It sucks when you cant even do things you normally like.