View Full Version : I am disgusted,

03-26-2008, 12:23 PM
about those people that want to earn a profit from other peoples' misery. Look at them, they are all around us. "Learn how to STOP chronic anxiety and Panic ..." ... "..." "...".
It's a shame. It's not you - you seem a good organization. But in order to get back money for your server costs etc. you decided to do advertizing.
And this is not advertizing for an xbox 360 - this is advertizing peoples' misery. That is a HUGE difference in my oppinion. If there was an ad about: "blablabla is the best washing machine ever" ... that would be okay. But no - it has to be custom fit, doesn't it?

P.S.: And yes there are quite few few non-profit organizations in the world working through charity.