View Full Version : why can't I be normal ( how I managed to work myself up over embarrassing event)

02-27-2014, 01:07 PM
I had been doing so good. I was able to control my intrusive thoughts and general anxiety for 6 months now and then one thing bad happens and everything has gone bad. I made the mistake of drunkenly pursuing a co worker who I had been talking to a lot at work but she has a boyfriend, which I was okay with. Now im sitting waiting to go to work were she'll be and completely freaking out. Ive been obsessing over this all week and I can't seem to get a grip on myself. What if im never able to feel normal around her or anyone at work ever again, why do I even feel bad, what if I have to quit my job over this etc. I totally realize this is all overblown in my head but im frustrated that I can't get past it. I want nothing more than to just feel good and normal again like I had been feeling the past few months. I think this all has to do with me having feelings for this girl which makes me feel really guilty.
There's moments of peace were everything feels good and normal but then some negative thought comes to my head sends all these negative emotions through my body. I had to take 2 ibuprofen just to fall asleep last night.

Im sorry for this long rant, I know that there are far more pressing concerns that people have to deal with on here but I was feeling desperate for some reassurance.

02-27-2014, 04:10 PM
You've gotta just let this one go dude, forget about the past, and move on friend...
You made a mistake, so what,..we all do..

Enduronman... :)