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02-27-2014, 11:51 AM
Hi all I am feeling really anxious today. Had horrible headaches yesterday and today have had rush feelings in my chest and now have horrible arms pain in my left arm. Is it just anxiety?

Sure re from problems last year and had my heart checked and ECG and bloods were ok. But could things have changed?

02-27-2014, 11:57 AM
All typical signs of anxiety :)

Your fine and you need to keep telling yourself your ok and this is just anxiety instead of letting them scare you :D

The headaches are more than likely all from tension because of how your feeling

02-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Hi, when I am anxious or have bad day I spend the whole day with heavy chest, arm and neck and upper back pains, it is a very big sign of anxiety disorder, if your worried always get it checked, but try and calm Down, take your mind off it, and most of all don't concentrate on the pains because if it is anxiety it just gets worse,
I know its hard have suffered and lead a reasonably normal life for 20-25 years with same pains.....

Good luck del ......always keep fighting it, don't let it win...

02-27-2014, 12:58 PM
Thank you, I just feel so worried that I am going to die . These pains are so physical and I have suffered from anxiety for the last few years and I just worry with the headaches - is it a tumour and these chest and arm pains is it my heart ?