View Full Version : Quick question

02-27-2014, 10:12 AM
Just a quick question well alot of you already now my health anxiety stemmed from my daughter having surgery well shes due to see er consultant again and hes goin to book her in for her next operation . I'm not thinkin about too much at the moment as ikno this will make me worse i was just wondering if youve got any tips on how to get through her next operation without going back to square one with my anxiety.

I think the 1st time i reacted so bad was because her consultant never told me what he was doing to her and just said they was doing full surgery 20mins before taking her down so didnt have chance to ask any questions! And she was gone for 4 and half hours with me not knowing anything when she did come back she couldnt move her leg asked the nurses why this was they didnt now after a hour her consultant came and told me that he had put in a nerve block and that was it!

The next surgery will be to remove her plates and screws and to also shave down some of the bone.

How can i prepare myself for this better this time?

02-27-2014, 10:17 AM
Also it was 4 weeks after the operation that i was told what the procedure included which was they had to snap er thigh bone rotate her hip joint and then put the thigh bone back into the hip joint and fix plates and screws into her leg.

02-27-2014, 10:18 AM
Us Mommys have it rough. :/ My son had to get an MRI at 2yrs old when he was diagnosed autistic. Never wanna go through anything like that again. Props to you for bein able to handle surgery. Best wishes to u n urs!

02-27-2014, 10:19 AM
Also it was 4 weeks after the operation that i was told what the procedure included which was they had to snap er thigh bone rotate her hip joint and then put the thigh bone back into the hip joint and fix plates and screws into her leg.

Ok wow... I'd have put my hands on someone. I'm not patient or chill when it comes to my kids. They'd have told me or lost an arm.

02-27-2014, 10:22 AM
Try to remember they're professionals. They've taken years of studying to get where they are. They wouldn't let anyone unqualified around her. Just keep reminding yourself this is what they're trained to do. It'll be ok :)

02-27-2014, 10:29 AM
Yes Dweeber,
The more information that you have, the better off you'll be. It sounds as if they've actually told you everything about this proceedure this time around though so that's good. How long does this one expected to take, and when can you see her?
You're a very strong young lady that's for sure, and have damn near kicked this anxiety in the ass..I can see that in how you present now.
Do you still have some concerns about this upcoming surgery for her or unanswered questions?
If so, ask to meet with the Doctors and get them answered. That would best your best weapon,..information.

E-Man.. :)

02-27-2014, 10:30 AM
Yes Dweeber,
The more information that you have, the better off you'll be. It sounds as if they've actually told you everything about this proceedure this time around though so that's good. How long does this one expected to take, and when can you see her?
You're a very strong young lady that's for sure, and have damn near kicked this anxiety in the ass..I can see that in how you present now.
Do you still have some concerns about this upcoming surgery for her or unanswered questions?
If so, ask to meet with the Doctors and get them answered. That would best your best weapon,..information.

E-Man.. :)


02-27-2014, 10:32 AM
Thank you :)
It was horrible i thought she was only goin down to have the dye put into her veins and detailed pictures taken of the bone.

But no he said full surgery to me this meant nothing whats full surgery?

And holdin my daughter while they put her to sleep cuz she kept ripping the anaesthetic mask of her face was the worst part i'm her mom i normally protect and here i was holding her down while she was screaming worst feeling in the world

02-27-2014, 10:36 AM
I'll have a meeting with her consultant before the operation this time so i'll be able to ask them what there plans are this time!

Its about a hour and half procedure and i get to see her as soon as shes out of recovery i'll be waiting outside the theatre doors for her!

I feel in myself i'll be alot better this time because i will be able to ask questions i just dont want it to knck me back to square with the anxiety i now there will be some because thats my little girl there but i dont want it to be full blown.

And i'll have chance to ask questions this time so wont need to google anything and read horrible stories.

My daughter as perthes disease which affects 1 in 1000 children

02-27-2014, 10:40 AM
Thank you :)
It was horrible i thought she was only goin down to have the dye put into her veins and detailed pictures taken of the bone.

But no he said full surgery to me this meant nothing whats full surgery?

And holdin my daughter while they put her to sleep cuz she kept ripping the anaesthetic mask of her face was the worst part i'm her mom i normally protect and here i was holding her down while she was screaming worst feeling in the world

Omg i know exactly what you mean. I had to pin my son down why some nurse put a needle in his arm for an IV. I cried more than he did and i wouldn't let go of him. When we went to the MRI room i carried him n when the DRs tried to take him from me the nurse actually grabbed the DRs arm n warned him not to touch my son. To let me put him in the machine. I must have had my fierce face on. When it comes to my kids, I'm super protective. N i wasn't about to leave him.

02-27-2014, 10:44 AM
I was the same i made sure that i placed my daughter on the bed they tried to get a iv needle in her hand but decided after 15mins they couldnt in that time my daughter was worked up and screaming for me to take her home and thats all i wanted to do i felt like the worst mommy ever she went to sleep screaming i want to go home and came out saying the same thing but we had to spend two days at the hospital as she had to learn how to use her crutches (which she should have been given before the op to practice)

02-27-2014, 10:46 AM
You look, appear, present, with straight up authority now Debbie so I know that this surgery is NOT going to throw you ANYWHERE!!!
And, you'll have all the information available and access to the Team working on her too..and if not, you'll make access to them! I can see this!!..

I think you are very, very well prepared for this and so the next thing is to get your youngster to be as strong as her Mum is...then it'll be a breeze.
Share the strengths that you have with her, and don't "show" her any worry or fears because she'll pick them up through you...


We're all proud of you as far as you've came too...unreal. Phenominal actually...

E-Man.. :)

02-27-2014, 10:48 AM
Wow. I'm sry hun. I totally know what you mean. I couldn't get outta there fast enough after he was done. I cried after we got home for the same reason. Felt like a bad mom for lettin someone cause him pain. Only way i got through it was tellin myself over n over that it had to be done and better safe than sorry. Wouldn't risk my kids health to save my own feelings.

Good luck w/everything hun! I'm sure it'll be fine. *hugs*

02-27-2014, 10:55 AM
Thank you broken wings and e-man (once again) for all the help, advice an support means alot and i really appreciate you both talkin to me about this

02-27-2014, 10:56 AM
Thank you broken wings and e-man (once again) for all the help, advice an support means alot and i really appreciate you both talkin to me about this

You're VERY welcome! Its what were here for :)