View Full Version : worry worry worry

02-27-2014, 03:07 AM
Does anyone else have the constant fear or worry that they're going to die everyday? Some help would be great!

02-27-2014, 03:10 AM
Well, I've had more of those days than I'd like. Is it physical symptoms causing your fear? Or just a general anxiety and worry?

02-27-2014, 03:16 AM
Well, I've had more of those days than I'd like. Is it physical symptoms causing your fear? Or just a general anxiety and worry?

Both really. General worry mostly i'd say unless i have a physical pain..

02-27-2014, 03:27 AM
I try not to dwell on my mortality. Most days I'm successful with it. I usually don't think about it much unless I'm really sick or having a full-on panic attack that's causing distressing symptoms. I sympathize with the stress and worry of thinking you're about to check out any minute. I've had episodes of that. It's really always helpful for me to just write down a list of affirmations that I repeat and meditate over to calm and reassure myself. Things like...I am well. I am safe. I'm in no harm. Also, assure yourself that you are loved and at peace. Sometimes, just repeating every positive thing you can think of will lift you out of fear.

02-27-2014, 03:44 AM
Does anyone else have the constant fear or worry that they're going to die everyday? Some help would be great!

Hi I used to live with this fear constantly! Hence my name on here being petrified. For me it's was the medication and a course of CBT that finally got me over the worst.
Don't get me wrong my fear of dying is still there I'm only 27 so not ready yet. But I think the fear lessens with age as well.

02-27-2014, 04:01 AM
Hi I used to live with this fear constantly! Hence my name on here being petrified. For me it's was the medication and a course of CBT that finally got me over the worst.
Don't get me wrong my fear of dying is still there I'm only 27 so not ready yet. But I think the fear lessens with age as well.

I'm going to see my doctor on Monday to see if I can get medication to try ease the worry. I'm only 20 so I shouldn't need to think about it really.

02-27-2014, 04:05 AM
I'm going to see my doctor on Monday to see if I can get medication to try ease the worry. I'm only 20 so I shouldn't need to think about it really.
I think that would be a great place to start. I hope you get past this daily worry soon. You are young and it's time to enjoy and live life.

02-27-2014, 04:32 AM
I'm going to see my doctor on Monday to see if I can get medication to try ease the worry. I'm only 20 so I shouldn't need to think about it really.

Good for you going to see your doctor! Hopefully they can help you. I no meds often take a bit of time to work but it will be worth it.
I understand the worry though as once that thought and worry if there it's really hard to shift it.
Good luck on Monday, let us no how you get on.
I hope you have a great day today!

02-27-2014, 04:40 AM
Thank you for the help guys! I'll let you know how i get on!

02-27-2014, 05:30 AM
I have GAD and get really worried. That's the main thing with my GAD is worry, for no fucking reason. Sickening already. Some days I'm good and I feel like a million bucks then other days I just can't find the off switch, like I'm waiting for the shoe to drop and shit to hit the fan. Always worry about worst care scenario, I've gotten to the point with my anxiety that it doesn't scare me as much anymore as it does piss me off. I just want it to go away and want to be a happy 23 year old again. It's quite draining actually. I go to CBT and it helps, I have been trying to not take meds for a while now and I am starting to think that I might just start taking the meds because it's interfering with my school a lot. Not sure where I was going with that. It's quite common, and having a fear of dying is a legitimate fear for a lot of people, but it's how much you think about it right? Do you go to therapy? Look into CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and see what resources you have around where you live. It's a really good type of therapy, it does take a while for it to start working and before you can start connecting the dots so to speak. Good luck lady! Hope you feel better soon :)