View Full Version : Brief Loss of Motor Skills???

02-27-2014, 02:58 AM
I have been experiencing also in the last few months brief episodes where I couldn't make my hand work. I have always bounced back fully from this within 15 minutes or so, but of course I am left freaking out and in a full-blown panic attack. I see a doctor next week, but in the meantime I am curious if loss of function has happened to anyone else. Is this something neurological or just a new, fun panic attack symptom?

02-27-2014, 03:43 AM
How bad are we talking? Anxiety can cause some, but it usually isn't severe. Lack of coordination, that sort of stuff. Muscle movements feeling a bit off etc.

03-01-2014, 04:11 PM
It is gone within 10-15 minutes. Fully recovered. My doctor mentioned that it may be a form of migraine. This all started happening a few months ago when I began taking Prozac. I no longertake it and am fearful to start the nortriptyline I was prescribed.

03-01-2014, 04:25 PM
Well you answered the question I was going to ask. you have seen a doctor and they associated it with something

So if that it is the case, it may be what they suggest and it may get somewhat worse with your anxiety jumping into the game

But what it isn't, is harmful

So instead of fearing it when you experiencing it, have some fun with it by sending random texts to your friends

And the best part of the game is when you try to explain to your friends that you texted, that you weren't drunk just because you wrote "gdusdh sdhfufhod s fhsifof shsod s dijsidi"