View Full Version : My story

02-26-2014, 11:02 PM
Hey everyone my name is Brian and I am 30 years old and this is my story about my severe health anxiety. I guess it kinda started in 2005 when my mother passed away from ALS. It was always in the back of my head that one day I will get it but I really didn't have any anxiety about it just thought about it a lot. All my problems started around 2 months ago. It started with a feeling that there was a lump in my throat. Went to the ER and they said everything was fine but the feeling wouldn't go away. Then I started getting weird chest pains went to the ER and they couldn't find anything they said it was probably acid reflux or GERD. I had a hard time believing that I really thought something was wrong and now I have a lot of problems. I get headaches, blurry vision, still have a lump in throat feeling, I get a rapid heartbeat feeling, my hands get pretty shakey mostly in the morning, cold sensation in my right foot, i'm very weak sometimes I don't wanna get out if bed, and I've lost a lot of weight in the last two months, and lately I have a weird feeling in my stomach almost like my stomach has a heartbeat. I have been to the ER 6 times and seen my doctor every week since all this started. There is nothing medically wrong with me but I still have trouble believing that. Last week my doctor diagnosed me with severe health anxiety. I now take 20mg of Prozac in the morning and 50mg of trazodone at night to help me sleep. I've been taking this for 5 days now. I went to the ER today for my chest pain and rapid heartbeat they ran some test and said I was fine but even while I'm writing this I feel like my heart is going crazy but it could be the weird feeling in my stomach. I've had countless EKGs 2 echocardiograms and a stress test there is nothing wrong with my heart but I can't shake the feeling that there is. Right now I am wearing a event heart monitor. I have to wear it for 30 days I'm on day 7. Everyday I call the monitor company everyday to make sure everything is ok and every time they say everything is fine. Sorry that this is kinda long but it does feel good to get it out. Does anyone else have the symptoms I have? I'm mostly curious about the weird feeling in my stomach I know it sounds weird but it feels like it has its own heartbeat. I'm trying my hardest not to google anything about my stomach cause some weird disease will pop up and that will just make my anxiety worse. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Brian

02-27-2014, 06:03 AM
Hey Brian!!
I think that I have already properly welcomed you into the forums after last nights ER visit and as I told you, there are many many people here that have this sam fear friend, they just havent stepped forward yet to explain the simalarities in your feelings and their own.

1. Yes, they have a constant worry about their heart.
2. Yes, they have been to the ER and doctors countless times.
3. Yes, they all more than likely have GERD and or acid reflux but most don't take the medications designed to treat it, and they won't accept that it also affect their hearts.
4. Yes, they all have that same lump in the throat feeling too.
5. No, most of them will not take medications and are afraid of them for possible side effects, so you're abit different and can be a leader in helping them to push past that fear.
6. I think many of them just needed to see this connection between a person that thinks just like they do, but actually takes the medications to make them feel better too.

I will keep bumping your thread, until more of them introduce themselves to you..I know who they are...

Now, we just gotta get you a scrip for some (omeprazole) and you my friend, will be on the road to recovery...

Very nice to have you on the forums bruh and I thank you for your honesty too friend...

Enduronman (Chris)..... :)

02-27-2014, 06:30 AM
I am gonna talk to my doctor about the possible GERD but I did buy some Prilosec OTC last nite and if I'm gonna get through this I need to trust what my doctor says and take my meds she prescribed them for a reason I was a little hesitant last nite about taking my trazodone after the talk last night about mixing it with my Prozac but after tossing and turning for a while I decided to take it and fell asleep 20mins later. I just need to keep telling myself I can do this if not for me then for my children I know it scares them when daddy has to go to the hospital and I need to quit putting them though that and again thank you for the help last night you got kept me occupied while I was in there

02-27-2014, 06:47 AM
Very, very welcome bro, yes..its for the family because the kids are petrified when you continue to go to the hospital.
Yes, PLEAASSEEE take that Prilosec OTC in the morning about 30 mins before you eat, and you WILL notice that your chest/heart doesnt hurt ANYMORE!!..OK??
Yes, keep taking the trazodone to help get you to sleep and if this concerns you then ask your Doctor..you were going to the hospital long before that too...
You're so right that it is so unfair to those kids to see that, I admire your thinking in this regard more then you know...
I am hoping that some of our other members that have these same issues will come along too, or even some that have already been through this and came out the
other side and made it out safely...there are those too...I know who they are as well.

Today will be a better day with NO ER visits!!!...YEAH!!!!

We're here if you have any questions friend..

Enduronman.. Chris :)

02-27-2014, 06:51 AM
No ER visits today

02-27-2014, 06:53 AM

Hopes for a better day today friend...and take that Prilosec!! Dr. EMAn. LOL!


02-27-2014, 07:50 AM
Hey brain :)

I was in the exact same situation that ur in now not so long ago was constantly at the ER and doctors no matter what tests i had done i still wouldnt believe that there was nothing medically wrong with me!
But i stopped going for reassurance stopped paying the aches and pains attention and started taking medication and i can now say i'm 90% recovered and you can do the same :)

Stay positive and dont continue to look at yourself as a victim of anxiety remember your stronger than this and with some positive thinkin and medication you can beat this.
Good luck

Debbie :)

02-27-2014, 07:51 AM
Brian* damn autocorrect on this phone lol

02-27-2014, 08:54 AM
Thank you again for coming on here Debbie!!! You're a blessing!!

I hope that others will too, I know that they're out there..

Hope youre having a great day again today too...:)

02-27-2014, 09:00 AM
My days been pretty good thank you :)

Hows your day been?

02-27-2014, 09:05 AM
Doing great!! Got both my injections and I'm feeling pretty good, nothing holding me back from getting out of here other than this 19 deg weather! BRRR!!!!...
I wanna get some pics of my town to post in that new thread "Where do you live"....
I think that'd be cool....
Glad you're doing well Dweeberrrrr and send me a message if you need anything too! :)


02-27-2014, 09:06 AM
Glad your doin well and the injections have helped you :)

And yeah i will do thank you


02-27-2014, 09:59 AM
Love the new avatar too!! Little Graduate! :)

02-27-2014, 10:03 AM
Thank you that was when she finished nursery seems ages ago now aha

02-27-2014, 02:14 PM
Thanks everyone I'm feeling pretty good today was thinking bout going for a walk but it is to dam cold out. Once the weather gets nice I need to start getting more active

02-27-2014, 03:21 PM
Still kinda curious if anyone has the stomach feeling I'm talking about

02-27-2014, 03:50 PM
Usually, the GERD medications take care of that within a couple of days bruh,..glad to see you're doing better too!!!

E-Man.. :)