View Full Version : Are schizophrenics aware they are schizophrenic?

02-26-2014, 08:19 PM

Sounds like a very scary disorder to have. I just wonder if it is something they are aware of, or if they really don't know what's going on..

Niicole Lynne
02-26-2014, 08:32 PM
Curious.. Sounds like a very scary disorder to have. I just wonder if it is something they are aware of, or if they really don't know what's going on..

I have heard of both
They know of their other voices and actually see them as friends or apart of them

02-26-2014, 08:38 PM
there were three on my fathers side of the family, and they were all being treated for this disorder. One of them was extremely bright, intelligent, yet also thought that he was a part of some secret Government thing too but knew everything about anything..somewhat odd and misunderstood but very smart...
I don't know the answer to this question, whether they "knew" it or not..it was just how they were and that particular disorder is so difficult to understand I think..
He also thought he could communicate with other worlds...the other two weren't that bad off, or odd and you wouldn't know it of you spoke to them either...
Interesting question?...

E-Man.. :)

02-26-2014, 08:59 PM
From what I read, most are really not aware they are acting inappropriately, that it's a psychotic disorder. but I do tend to think it's different from bipolar disorder, bipolar seems like a nasty streak to a person, less the case with schizophrenia, where they just kind of scatterbrained during their worse spells.

Niicole Lynne
02-26-2014, 09:03 PM
From what I read, most are really not aware they are acting inappropriately, that it's a psychotic disorder. but I do tend to think it's different from bipolar disorder, bipolar seems like a nasty streak to a person, less the case with schizophrenia, where they just kind of scatterbrained during their worse spells.

If you have ever watched the show on tv about the young girl named January she has schizophrenia and she is very aware of her voices and things around her that she talks to Nd associates with and what not
Her story is very interesting

02-26-2014, 09:54 PM
No, they generally aren't.

02-26-2014, 09:56 PM
From what I read, most are really not aware they are acting inappropriately, that it's a psychotic disorder. but I do tend to think it's different from bipolar disorder, bipolar seems like a nasty streak to a person, less the case with schizophrenia, where they just kind of scatterbrained during their worse spells.

Correct, they are two completely different conditions. The mania experienced in bi polar is not psychosis.

02-26-2014, 10:00 PM
Tell it to my close friend who suffers with schizophrenia, you guys have no idea....Of course he knows that he is schizophrenic, otherwise he would not function on his own. He knows about the voices, actually he calls me when it happens and I talk him into taking the meds and calling for help......

02-26-2014, 11:06 PM
Dahlia, you go so angry at everyone lately :p

For my cousin, when he got schizophrenia, he didn't know, he just thought all of the delusion stuff was real. Then he got diagnosed, and treated a bit, and now he knows that he has it, although sometimes if he doesn't take his med, he starts to forget that he has it a bit. He's gone back into jail a couple of times, and into sectioning, because he didn't take meds and the delusions came back and he thought they were kinda real.

Chatters on this forum had it, told us he's cured now, I think he knew the whole time he had it.

It does seem like one of the most horrible things you could go through really. No wonder it's a big fear for most.

02-27-2014, 04:06 AM
I think some do. Schizos who take meds for their condition are likely to be aware of their condition. Otherwise why would they be taking meds?

02-27-2014, 05:24 AM
I'll tell you what my therapist told me. She said crazy people don't know they're crazy. The only people that think their going crazy or fear they are going crazy are completely sane people. Crazy people aren't scared of losing it while we on the other hand, would fear it. Hope that makes sense.

02-27-2014, 06:54 AM
I'll tell you what my therapist told me. She said crazy people don't know they're crazy. The only people that think their going crazy or fear they are going crazy are completely sane people. Crazy people aren't scared of losing it while we on the other hand, would fear it. Hope that makes sense.

Yep, this.

Schizo was one of my biggest fears until someone told me this.

02-27-2014, 06:59 AM
Yep, this.

Schizo was one of my biggest fears until someone told me this.

Alias, are you back?

02-27-2014, 07:02 AM
Yep, this.

Schizo was one of my biggest fears until someone told me this.

!! Right!? I get a lot of worry anxiety and I told my therapist I feel like I am going to drive myself mad running around in circles in my head all the time, and then she told me that, said if I was truly going mad I wouldn't be scared of it! She gave me a empathetic pat on the back and said I was going to be ok. Best moment in therapy history right there for me! Crazy people walk around holding a yellow marble thinking it's the sun in their hands..... non crazy people think ' well that's nuts' and us people with lovely anxiety think *worst case scenario ALL THE TIME* and think omg what if that's me one day. lol The human mind really is a SOB sometimes.

02-27-2014, 07:03 AM
Alias, are you back?

You didn't see my post yesterday?? :O

Ofc I'm back bruuuh! :D 3 days felt like a year,

02-27-2014, 08:14 AM
Oh I am sorry that I sound angry:( I had not that intention. Something triggering me in this post.)
I said about my friend he was 25 when he was diagnosed with it. He had to quit his job, because he could not function being at the job, he went to hospital for a few month , learning at the therapy how to live with this disease.... He he went through hell and he still is there. He is in relationship with a nurse , probably the best option. He decided not to have children because there is a risk of passing the gene...
More or less he is functioning.....

My best friend mom raised 3 children being schizophrenic...of course she knew about it. she was on meds , still is on it...Terrible disease, probably some people are so deep in their illusion, that they never come out of it, What a waste. Very sad....

02-27-2014, 08:29 AM
You didn't see my post yesterday?? :O

Ofc I'm back bruuuh! :D 3 days felt like a year,

Oh, I'm very sorry to hear Dahila. I was only kind of joking. What with everything that happened yesterday, I thought maybe you lost your patience. Never mind :) all good.

Alias, so you're back!! Good to see you. You're such a lightweight. I done 4 days ;)