View Full Version : Researching

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:20 PM
Oh my gosh it's gotten so bad! I look up EVERYTHING! I have some sort of digestive issue that i've been trying to fix but i'm not patient and in the mean time I'm looking up every possibility that it. Could be and it's doing something awful to my anxiety. I cant stop though! I obsess and get paranoid if I dont. I just keep wishing I could go to the Dr and just KNOW for sure but I cant because of my parents and the fact that It really could be something entirely fixable and it'd be a waste of a trip. I cant stand this! Even my beau is getting onto me for it. Going so far as saying he wants me to have a non-smart phone so I dont have internet access 24/7 (which would probably be good for me but i dont want to downgrade and Im on a family plan). AAAAAAAAAH! Brain why do you have to be so CRAZY!

02-26-2014, 06:28 PM

A non-smart phone doesnt sound like a bad idea actually...put him on here so we can chat about taking your phone away please...LMAO!!.

WTfudge are you trying to figure out??? It can't be this damn complicated there's only so many things that it could be.....:)

02-26-2014, 06:28 PM
Geez Olive, you just described my whole night. I'm making an appointment tomorrow. You can't go see a doctor? It is obviously really causing you loads of anxiety if you've just had the same night as me. Our stress response exacerbates all symptoms in the tummy so it's kind of imperative to get help for it.

Well shit now what's wrong with our Frankie?????!!!!!! grrrrr


02-26-2014, 06:39 PM
they both will be fine. Girls keep cool:)

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:45 PM
Geez Olive, you just described my whole night. I'm making an appointment tomorrow. You can't go see a doctor? It is obviously really causing you loads of anxiety if you've just had the same night as me. Our stress response exacerbates all symptoms in the tummy so it's kind of imperative to get help for it.

No i cant see a dr yet. Not until we've exhausted all other possibilities. See... My family is incredibly supportive and loving and very understanding of my disorder. But they refuse to cater to it. No matter how worked up I get over every little thing, they talk me down and make me wait it out. Usually they're right.
I'm currently convinced that I have either something wrong with my pancreas or diabetes (which also has to do with the pancreas). I'm constipated, i'm hungry ALL THE TIME, i've lost weight again, i get super tired midday, sometimes to the point where I just HAVE to sleep or else my head will explode, my mood swings between happy and horribly scared and depressed that i might have some
Horrible digestive disease and I'll look like I'm anorexic and die slowly and horrifically. But as soon as I'm properly distracted, it goes away and I'm happy again.
I also get spells of feeling super weak too...

Mom says it's because of my new diet (i've been trying to heal leaky gut syndrome) and that my body is still adjusting and crap... I'd feel a whole lot better if a professional told me but i wont get to talk to one until we finish the diet and nothing's changed.

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:46 PM
OMG!!!! A non-smart phone doesnt sound like a bad idea actually...put him on here so we can chat about taking your phone away please...LMAO!!. WTfudge are you trying to figure out??? It can't be this damn complicated there's only so many things that it could be.....:)

Lol he'd have a hay day, i wont lie lol. He might actually benefit from this forum himself. Hems got PTSD, depression, and anxiety

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:57 PM
Ok, while it's not an approach I could try I think you know you and your family obviously and clearly have a lot of comfort from your decisions together. I will be hoping for the best outcome for you and soon too :) feel better.

Thanks :) i know a lot of people dont exactly agree with our methods but it is what it is. My parents are extremely practical and logical. I am extremely NOT. So it does feel like we clash a lot

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 08:04 PM
I sort of have which is why we're trying to heal my stomach instead of just my head.

02-26-2014, 10:06 PM
I just forced myself to close the Google browser a few mins ago. I'm having abdominal pain as well. The health anxiety is horrible. I can definately relate

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 10:13 PM
I just forced myself to close the Google browser a few mins ago. I'm having abdominal pain as well. The health anxiety is horrible. I can definately relate

Yeah i hate it so much :(

Olive Yew
03-02-2014, 09:17 AM
Yes :) and so has the paranoia issues. It's like if anything new develops, my brain needs to freak out about it for a few weeks