View Full Version : Anxiety and depression

02-26-2014, 04:45 PM

For those of you I have seen a lot on here and have been helpful sorry that I haven't been on in a while. I will start by giving you a little update on my condition. My anti depressants seem to be working a lot better then before and some of the side affects (impotency) seems to have got better (not that I've had the self esteem to meet anyone) I start my cbt on Friday which I'm really excited about I haven't met anyone who says that cbt doesn't work so I'm very positive. I'm still smoking a lot of cannabis but drinking a lot less. I'm in the process of cutting down tho.

I feel I'm wasting my first year at uni. Which makes me more anxious which is silly.
I've defo noticed that my understanding on my illness and situations that will make it worse has improved but I still don't have anyone I can talk to about it? I feel instead of relying on others to share this illness with I've recanted and dealing with it much more personally now. This I'm undecided on whether it's good or not.
I've been excersiing a lot more too. With all these benefits and improvements I find it strange that my doctor is still increasing my antidepressants. I don't want to be on them anymore but I don't want to go back to where i was. Anyway all of this is just me getting clear in my head of anyone reads it it's an added benefit.

Please feel free to comment openly about your opinions on what I'm doing right or wrong?

Cheers again guys and I hope you are all seeing some improvement too!


02-26-2014, 05:36 PM
Brother Mike...

This is great news friend!!! You, I, and many others that were here throughout oct, nov, dec of 2013 know where you were then and how badly you were struggling...
I'm friggin proud of you man for staying this course, and for continuing the medications daily too as you had some other thoughts about those earlier on too....
You're getting wayyyy stronger bruh, in many, many ways and this is admirable and inspiring to others too..
So your drinking has been cut down (great!) and youre smoking some weed (so what!) no one ever died from smoking too much weed to my knowledge..
You're just enjoying your first year of uni,..just be sure that you pass OK???!!!!!
You present here, alooootttt more stable, and thank you for returning too as some of the others will notice this too that were here and helped you..
Yes, dealing with it personally is great, but this forum is also a great resource too friend to keep you on the right tracks because as I recall you saying,....
talking to others about this was like talking to brick walls...We understand brah...

We are improving too, keep moving forward brother Mike!!!

Enduronman.. Chris :)

03-01-2014, 05:53 AM
Thankyou Chris for your kind words and support I hope everything is going okay with you :) forwarddddd!

03-01-2014, 06:20 AM
Mike. Great to hear of the progress and glad you checked in

I get that you don't like the meds but if they are working, don't be in a rush

Use them for your progress as the CBT continues and then you can make a decision if you want to keep taking them

Thinking you need to be off if them will just add stress. You don't need that

Something tells me that by year 2 at school, you will be rocking the world there

Stay the course and keep us in the loop as you progress