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View Full Version : Feeling good but...

02-26-2014, 03:19 PM
I've been feeling good the past couple days and I haven't had much anxiety. I went to my therapist last night and it went great. I was out for like three hours with my dad and I had a slight bit of anxiety but I was alright and that was the longest I've been out in a week.

I was feeling very confident that I could go out and go to work and maybe have a normal day. But every time I get confident and am ready to go out it's like something tells me I can't do it. I feel like I'll be fine and won't have a panic attack but I still can convince myself to go out and drive somewhere or go do something. I feel good and normal but i still can't bring myself to go out when the time comes. Any suggestions to raise my level of confidence or courage or something? Idk what to do anymore.

Why do I feel confident and normal like I can do anything; but when the time comes I freeze up and tell myself I can't?

02-26-2014, 03:26 PM
Because there are (2) sides of the brain tugging on each other..
One side is the confident, powerful side,..
the other is the let's stay in this hole, and be weak side....
You've gotta let the one, overpower the other..it is that simple..
You've gotta make up your (1) mind to go do something, a challenge, and go do it...even if just to the store for a pack of smokes, or gum, just go...
You wouldn't back down from a fight if someone was threatening you, or someone that you cared about...
Why back down from this?? It isn't more strong and powerful then you are, is it?....it's just, a thought..in your mind.
Attack it, the same way that it attacked you...fight back, and you'll win.

Waiting for your action...go do something small...asap


02-26-2014, 03:32 PM
We'll I got my cigs haha I've been trying to find a reason to go out all day. I might even order a pizza just so I have to go out haha. I've got a doctors appt tomorrow to see about some medication. N ur right it is all just a thought but at this point I don't even want to go out unless I absolutely have to but when I have to go out I'm fine n it's Kool. But if I have the choice I just don't take it

02-26-2014, 03:42 PM
Idk maybe it's cuz I do nothing but work all the time and work is stressful sometimes but I've very much enjoyed staying home with my family cuz I never get to come here cuz I have my own place with two people I work with and that's like half hour away from my parents home. I don't like feeling the anxiety though but then again who does haha but yes I think I'm in a rut

02-26-2014, 04:38 PM
Yeah haha I hope we both do. I have doctors tomorrow so at least I'll Have to go out

02-26-2014, 04:42 PM
It's very good that you started going out !! Just think positive and don't be afraid of anxiety it will not kill you remember that !! If you feel scared stop and question what's scaring you and then fight back Just like a boxer take round by round fight don't make it control you, it's hard but you could do it and you will secede Good luck.

02-26-2014, 05:04 PM
I'm just afraid of having a panic track because I hate them so much. Not that anyone likes them haha