View Full Version : Back already, Yaay!!

02-26-2014, 03:10 PM
Heeey! Long time no see. Or not haha.

I figured it wasn't a good idea trying to "leave the anxiety behind". I was trying to avoid it and just ignore that I have it, because I still haven't accepted it. But I have now. This is me. My name is Elias and I have anxiety :)

I've decided to stay here. Forever, lol. I like it, I like the support and most of all, I like the people here. My family supports me in every way, but there is some questions that they can't answer. I also want to help people who is in the situation that I was in. Nobody deserve this, wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

About 3 months ago I was writing a letter to my family and friends. Not a very happy letter. I almost hurt myself. But, I took the courage and decided to get up out of this sh*thole. Here's my succes so far:

- Dp/Dr almost gone. I'd say "90%" cured.
- No panic attacks for 2-3 months(!)
- Not worrying and anxious 24/7.

I still have alot to overcome. But this, this is a huge step for me.

Feels good to be back, 3 days felt like a year lol. Cya around :)

02-26-2014, 03:20 PM
Welcome Elias!

Such a wise young man..
Stay as long as you need too bruh, you know that we're all here to help you through this last 10%...
No,..this isn't "forever" it is merely a temporary phase in life..then you learn to control "it" and not "it" controlling you...
I am so glad that your family is behind you 100%, you'll need their support too...and understanding.
Yes, it is a shithole, but there are ways out too, we just have to find them friend...
Good to see you again, now...remember, part of your recovery involves helping others whether you still have it or not, I still have it, and I still help others...
It helps me, to recover...from such a difficult and challenging life that I had lead....and still do to this day.

Enduronmania!!...(that's funny as hell isn't it!!)...
Chris.. :)

02-26-2014, 03:20 PM
You made it longer than most

Glad you are back

02-26-2014, 03:33 PM
Welcome back :)
There is to many amazed people in here that I would miss chatting to,I would not leave lol

02-26-2014, 03:34 PM
Welcome Elias!

Such a wise young man..
Stay as long as you need too bruh, you know that we're all here to help you through this last 10%...
No,..this isn't "forever" it is merely a temporary phase in life..then you learn to control "it" and not "it" controlling you...
I am so glad that your family is behind you 100%, you'll need their support too...and understanding.
Yes, it is a shithole, but there are ways out too, we just have to find them friend...
Good to see you again, now...remember, part of your recovery involves helping others whether you still have it or not, I still have it, and I still help others...
It helps me, to recover...from such a difficult and challenging life that I had lead....and still do to this day.

Enduronmania!!...(that's funny as hell isn't it!!)...
Chris.. :)

Thank you bruuh!!

Exactly, this is what I've been noticing. When I have control of it, it's like it's not there. It's a bluff, all of it.

Yeah, one of the best feelings in life is when you help someone. Maybe my last 10% is helping others recover.

Btw, bought alooot of choclate milk. Friends are questioning this, but I'm like "If eman confirm this, then this is the right sh*t". Haha :D

02-26-2014, 03:38 PM
Welcome back, Elias

I can't tell you enough how great it is to have a family that supports you 100% ..It's so awesome that they do :) ..And yeah, this forum is just great, pouring with support and superb people ..I can't leave this place! It's too awesome :)