View Full Version : things happening to me

03-25-2008, 04:43 AM
I'm lazy for everything.
Never happened to think people look at you with suspect all the fucking time?!!Never happened to see your phisical appearance change almost completely when you look in the mirror at your home and then outside?!
You never got the impression to not understand a thing about everyone and everything around you,coz you simply always go wrong,generally?
I hate everyone and at the same time try to be a good person.I realize I'm completely alone just sometimes,the other times I push away the thought and it WORKS! :o
Never got the impression people don't care at all and just act for their interest trying to take just as more as they can from you and everyone else?!Never got the feeling you just don't know how to live and be an ungrateful?People ever loved you coz you were always patient and kind even when you didn't have and started not to like you very much coz you really started to get angry when it was really needed and started to respect yourself a little more?!
Never feel completely in blame towards everyone?!!!!!