View Full Version : weird feeling when falling asleep...

02-26-2014, 11:47 AM
i get this sometimes its very weird its like your throat kinda feels tight and you cant get a fall breath or like a missed breath. hard to explain its when i lay down flat to go to sleep i dont have it all the time thought. its really hard to describe, if anyone has or had this and knows what i am on about that would be cool.

02-26-2014, 03:12 PM
Its a sign of acid reflux, believe it or not...when the stomach acid can make it up into your throat easier. Do you take anything for acid reflux?
If not, try eating a couple of tums tonight before you lay down,,about an hour before and see if that relieves this...
Yes, it can also make breathing difficult too friend..

Enjoy the day bruh!

Enduronman.. :)