View Full Version : Long-Time Lurker, Finally Doing Something About It All!

02-26-2014, 11:35 AM
Hi all,

I've been a long-time lurker of various anxiety+depression forums & as of 3 days ago, have finally decided to do something about my illness! A bit of history, I'm a 26-year old female from Canada, and as far back as I can remember I've had anxiety issues. I remember being about 12 years old, and wearing a halter monitor due to increased HR at odd times (likely panic attacks), as well as multiple other diagnostic tests that all came back normal. For quite some time my issue had disappeared. I was fairly content throughout high school, although not outgoing, I did stick with a small but great group of friends. I've always been somewhat of an introvert. After high school I went through an unpleasant break-up of a long-term relationship, and from then on my issues spiralled out of control. I gained a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time which completely destroyed my social life, self esteem and confidence, I lost touch with many close friends & found myself jumping from one meaningless relationship (friends & romantic) to the next. I allowed myself to be treated poorly by others because I felt this is all I deserved. I look terrible, so I shouldn't expect to be well-liked (was my mindset). This was a tough battle to deal with for quite some time. Despite all of this, I somehow found myself in University, trying to ignore my depression & anxiety in order to accomplish a goal. It was a roller coaster. I missed classes, exams, and failed a few courses during my first couple of years due to my A&D. I would feel so depressed & anxious about attending class, then when I wouldn't go I'd feel a sense of relief for a short period of time until the anxiety about failing set in. It was never ending. Luckily enough, I ended up meeting a few great classmates halfway through & my success drastically improved. My A&D was still very real, but studying, completing assignments and working with these classmates, I suddenly felt accountable to others & although I still contemplated skipping classes, exams and other obligations, I could never go through with it as easily as I once did. I ended up graduating and getting a job fairly quickly (this was 2 years ago) where I'm still working today.

Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to progress in any other aspect. I still suffer from A&D and feel as if it's only getting worse, the older I get. I'm constantly thinking of things I can do, accomplish that might finally make me happy. Furthering my education? moving? getting a new job? buying this? going here? any idea, and I've thought about it. I feel as though I'm on a constant quest for happiness that I just can't seem to find & the longer I take, the worse it gets, the more hopeless I become. Now I will say I have never thought of or attempted to self-harm. To best describe my feelings I'd have to say I want to live so much, it's exhausting!

Over the past few months things have gotten worse. I've had many physical symptoms of A&D. Body aches, heart palpations, racing heart, waking up from sleep with a high HR in a panic, tiredness, irritability, agitation, the list goes on and on. Once again, I had a collection of diagnostic tests that all came back normal & my doctor has put me on Escitalopram 20mg. Now, I will say I do not like the idea of any of these drugs. I'm afraid of them, afraid of the effect they may have on me, afraid of becoming a blur, or even worse, afraid of them worsening my mental health issues to the extent of hospitalization (which I have seen happen). I've also read about hair loss, loss of sex-drive, weight gain and other physical, and appearance side effects that frighten me as my confidence is already shattered. If any of these side effects happen, I know it will only make things worse for me, not better. Regardless of this, I have taken 2 doses so far & have felt terrible. I can't sleep, yet will lay in bed for up to 12 hours, I feel nauseous, dizzy, overall not well. I haven't taken a dose yet today, and am contemplating doing so as we speak. I've read nothing but negative comments about this drug online, and although I know people don't come to the internet to post positive reviews, I feel like it's a risk I don't want to take.

I do work in a field that requires attention to detail, and mental clarity (I'm in healthcare) & am now worried about continuing this drug as I cannot take time off work to get over the first few weeks of terrible symptoms, but worry about possible mistakes, or mental fog if I do continue taking it, while working.

I'm just at a loss right now & I'm unsure what to do. Any input, suggestions or words of encouragement? Feeling quite hopeless right now.

02-26-2014, 01:10 PM
Well welcome to you longtime lurker!!!
If you've lurked for long enough, then you know what I'm going to say???

Make yourself at home! Buckle up, it's gonna be a fun ride!!!!

Enduronman.. :)

02-26-2014, 01:32 PM
Well welcome to you longtime lurker!!!
If you've lurked for long enough, then you know what I'm going to say???

Make yourself at home! Buckle up, it's gonna be a fun ride!!!!

Enduronman.. :)

Thank you, Enduronman!


02-26-2014, 01:39 PM
Lexapro is an awesome medication friend and you've gotta stick with it!!
Alot of what you'd stated, is all very very common at first and there are many here going through this exact same thing, with the exact same medication too...
SOOOOOOO....Stay your course Flying by!!!
Yes, there are many positive reviews here too and they will arrive to tell you about them as well...
Do you take it in the am or pm,..because since you can't sleep...take it in the AM OK?????

Stick around, you'll like everyone here..

Enduronman a mania.. LMAO! :)

02-26-2014, 01:50 PM
Lexapro is an awesome medication friend and you've gotta stick with it!!
Alot of what you'd stated, is all very very common at first and there are many here going through this exact same thing, with the exact same medication too...
SOOOOOOO....Stay your course Flying by!!!
Yes, there are many positive reviews here too and they will arrive to tell you about them as well...
Do you take it in the am or pm,..because since you can't sleep...take it in the AM OK?????

Stick around, you'll like everyone here..

Enduronman a mania.. LMAO! :)

Thank you!

I have been taking it in the AM but as soon as the afternoon hits I am exhausted & I can actually sleep at that time, but then run into trouble at night since I had already slept earlier in the day. I also do shift work, which rotates weekly from days to evenings so I'm afraid this could be a problem. When I work the day shift, taking the pill in the AM would be alright since I'd be home by the time I get sleepy, but when I work the evening shift I'd be exhausted by the time it's time for me to go in for work.

Hopefully these side effects subside soon.

02-27-2014, 11:13 AM
Well, it's day 4 of Citalopram and it's been terrible. I should also mention I made an error when typing my original message by stating I was on Escitalopram, when in fact it is Citalopram 20mg.

I haven't been able to sleep very well at night, waking up frequently, and even had a panic attack last night (palpations, high HR, sweats & faint feeling). I feel as if I'm in a blur. My balance also seems off, increasingly dizzy almost like vertigo? I've been having a difficult time talking to others at times, unsure of what to say, or saying something ridiculous and feeling like a complete moron afterwards. It seems as though my anxiety has become 100x worse since starting on Citalopram. Prior to this, I was able to for the most part manage with my anxiety, but since starting Citalopram it's become difficult. I have read that I may expect this, but went in to see my doctor anyhow as it has been so bad that its affecting my ability to attend work, which I cannot afford. He advised me to cut my dose in half, bringing it down to 10mg of Citalopram per day & see him again in 2 weeks time (this is also a GP, not a psychiatrist as I live in a smaller city & access to psychiatry besides during a crisis situation is very minimal). He also confirmed many people feel worse before they begin to feel better on this medication and I shouldn't worry (which I already read). It's just been difficult as I had to call off work this AM because of this, which only increases my anxiety even further.

02-27-2014, 11:34 AM
I wish it was the Lexapro rather than the Celexa...how hard would it be to actually get a medication that is approved for BOTH depression AND anxiety rather than the one you're on which is only approved for Severe Depression and is shittttttyyyyy when it comes to anxiety???????....YES it can increase anxiety greatly...whereas Lexapro only does that minimally during the first week or 10 days...
Do You have insurance??
Can you just call and ask for the switch to Lexapro generic instead if its generic yet, if not you'll have to get the name brand of course...
I hate to see shit like this...
BUT, if you call your Doc and say "I had to call off work because this Celexa is making my anxiety worse can I please try Lexapro instead?"

Then more than likely they'll say OK!!!...


ANDDDD>>> I just typed all that and all he did was cut your dose in half, but you've already been in to see him today????????


02-27-2014, 12:08 PM

I've read so many conflicting reviews on the separate medications which I brought to his attention but he said we might need to try different ones until I find what works for me as everyone tolerates them differently. I do have a few friends on Celexa for anxiety & they swear by it, but I have read some negative reviews online. I don't have drug coverage unfortunately. I was originally prescribed 10mg Cipralex which was over $100 and did not come in generic form so I had to switch to Citalopram as it was so much cheaper.

02-27-2014, 04:04 PM
Haven't taken my dose yet today, as I'm going to attempt to take it at night instead. I took it in the late AM for the first 2 days and was a zombie by mid-afternoon, took it at 5PM last night and felt terrible by 9PM so I'm going to try it before bed tonight, and see how I manage tomorrow during the day. Feeling pretty horrible right now. Almost wishing I hadn't started taking it, as everything feels so much worse, but I shall stick it out.

02-27-2014, 04:12 PM
Yes, you've at least gotta give it a fair chance to see if it works or not, then report back to the doctor based upon facts..I hope it gets better for you!!..

E_Man.. :)

02-28-2014, 01:08 AM
Hey long term lurker!

02-28-2014, 09:39 AM
Had a much better sleep last night. Cut my dose in half to 10mg & took it at about 9PM. I also took 50mg of Gravol so not sure if that's what saved me. Feeling good so far today, but mornings are usually overall better for me, it's later in the day when things start to go south. We shall see. So far so good!

02-28-2014, 09:51 AM
Sounds like an overall success!! What an interesting name for a sleep aid GRAVEOLE... Yes, I added in my own letters to make it sound more..sleepy!

Hopes for a better day LTL!!!....just flying by....LOL!

Enduronman.. :)

02-28-2014, 10:09 AM
Well there you are sneaking around Frankie!

Hope you have a great day too!

E-Man.. :)

02-28-2014, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the support! :)

Just curious, as far as Citalopram goes, I have read that 10mg isn't high enough of a dose to ever reach therapeutic levels? Does anyone have experience with this? My doctor advised me to cut my 20mg in half as the side effects were wicked, but should I assume he will up it back to 20mg when I see him in 2 weeks?

02-28-2014, 01:37 PM
Yes friend, but by that time it will be at certain levels in your bloodstream and the higher dose will be much more tolerable then too...:)

You won't freaaakkkkiiingg out!!! YAY!!


03-02-2014, 03:28 PM
Well, been working for the last few days! Somehow made it through. I find I have a very tough time the night before work. Not being able to sleep right through, waking up almost every hour, on the hour & checking the time. The mornings are the hardest. I spend most of my time getting ready for work, thinking of ways to get out of it, but I somehow find the strength to get myself there! (that could also be due to the fact that I need the $$!) After an hour or so at work, I'm fine. Likely because my job is very busy, so I don't have much time for my own thoughts. I've been taking my Citalopram before bed, along with 50mg of Gravol & haven't had any luck with a good nights sleep, which is odd because I began taking my Citalopram in the morning when first prescribed, and within a few hours I was dozing off in the afternoon. This is why I don't take it in the AM anymore, because I can't be wanting to doze off at work. Anyhow, I'm going to try another OTC sleep aid tonight along with my Cit, see how it goes. So far, not feeling any better/different but the terrible side effects have subsided since I dropped down to 10mg, from 20mg a few days ago. It's been tolerable.

03-02-2014, 03:33 PM
Wonder if anyone's had noticeable chest pain/aches when laying down to sleep with anxiety? I find night time to be the worst, as soon as I lay down I find myself tossing and turning to try and find a spot where my chest won't hurt to no avail. I've tried a whole bunch of antacids, even though I don't eat much junk but they don't do a thing for me. Worrying about this doesn't help my anxiety.

03-02-2014, 05:29 PM
Well you've been busy! And, at least you're trying to get different things dialed in just right too. Another OTC sleep aid couldn't hurt.. I hope you actually get a good nights rest somehow!! OMGAWD!!!
That made me laugh "I spend most of my time thinking of ways to get out of it"...
Don't break your own leg!!!
The chest pains are probably just ger or gerd and maybe you need a better medication to help deal with that (omeprazole) is a great one!!

Hope you get to feeling better friend!

Enduronman.. :)

05-05-2014, 10:21 AM
Hey all,

Thought I'd stop by for an update. Still taking Citalopram and am happy to report I notice quite the positive difference. I haven't had any major panic attacks thus far, my anxiety levels are generally way down. I no longer experience any panic, or low feelings that used to cause me to want to call-off work. I'm able to feel much more at ease around others, and feel a general sense of calmness all around. I am dealing with a few side effects like excessive tiredness. I'm napping a lot more, and for much longer now a days. I do shift work, so I can run into a difficult time if I'm at work when the nap urge hits. Coffee or other stimulants do nothing for me, but they never have. I also have an increased appetite, which is not good at all, since I'm already dealing with 40LBS of extra weight. I've also noticed other, emotional issues that I've maybe had for a while? and never noticed until I've looked, now? I have absolutely no desire for partnership, or a romantic relationship. The thought of this literally exhausts me, but oddly enough I don't feel a sense of loneliness, rather I feel comfortable alone? Which frightens me as I know a meaningful partnership and family is something I've always wanted in the long run.

Has anyone else dealt with increased appetite on these pills? How have you combated weight loss while on Citalopram?

05-05-2014, 08:59 PM
I have the same two issues with the Lexapro I take - fatigue/tiredness and increased appetite. It's very hard but I've tried to be diligent and watch everything I eat and work hard at it. I count calories and that helps. There is so much on the internet about weight loss because it's not just those of us who take medication who struggle with this! I saw a Doctor on tv and he has started the "Shredd diet". I read the reviews on Amazon.com and I might buy his book.