View Full Version : Magnesium

02-26-2014, 10:55 AM
Hello all! Fairly new here and I'm sorry if I'm asking questions that have already been answered. I'm still trying to figure this out! In fact, I have two friend requests and for the life of me I can't find how to accept...! Anyway, here is my issue. I've been taking 325 mg of a powdered magnesium for two weeks (Doctors orders) and my stomach is killing me ever since I started. I thought I'd get used to it by now. Could it be that it's too much along with my diet? Can't get through to the doc. Anyone else taking magnesium and have this problem and if so does it eventually go away or should I lower the dose. Honestly, that's what I'm leaning toward. Thanks!

02-26-2014, 11:32 AM
You're taking magnesium citrate right? Try magnesium chloride. Empty stomach when taken? Take on empty stomach if not. Let me know how you are doing. Peace

02-26-2014, 11:39 AM
You're taking magnesium citrate right? Try magnesium chloride. Empty stomach when taken? Take on empty stomach if not. Let me know how you are doing. Peace

Yes, it's magnesium citrate. I'll get the chloride. Have to hit the grocery store anyway because where I'm at, we're supposed to get nailed with a snow storm this weekend! Thank you!

02-26-2014, 11:41 AM
If that does not agree with you reduce the dose. The dose you are on is low. Wal Mart has slow Mag. It is good, and coated tablets too. I hope you feel better soon. Do you

have anxiety about health? Just wondering. Peace J

02-26-2014, 11:49 AM
Please no apologies J. We all ask questions to learn here. You're fine. Just keep us posted. I read you were on lex, and zol, and they petered out after 4.5 yrs. Are you trying another? Effexor XR is something I take, my son uses lex, but the XR Effexor is good. When I began taking it I was at 150 mg. I am now at 37.5. The lowest I can get, and I have split the capsules to before to 17.75. For years I quit it all together, due to being too tired feeling. The body will always let ya know what's best as far as time to roll back or increase. Mine does anyway. Sounds like anxiety is thick for you right now. Any therapies? Peace If this is too nosey just disregard please.

02-26-2014, 12:18 PM
Please no apologies J. We all ask questions to learn here. You're fine. Just keep us posted. I read you were on lex, and zol, and they petered out after 4.5 yrs. Are you trying another? Effexor XR is something I take, my son uses lex, but the XR Effexor is good. When I began taking it I was at 150 mg. I am now at 37.5. The lowest I can get, and I have split the capsules to before to 17.75. For years I quit it all together, due to being too tired feeling. The body will always let ya know what's best as far as time to roll back or increase. Mine does anyway. Sounds like anxiety is thick for you right now. Any therapies? Peace If this is too nosey just disregard please.

No, you're fine! I don't have health anxiety. In fact, I'm a ton better that I was a month ago. I am in therapy. I'm just really trying to battle this without an SSRI if at all possible.

02-26-2014, 12:26 PM
Very good. If you can that is awesome and I think you are fully capable of it. Are you in Cognitive therapy? Behavioral? They are all good and one can learn very useful

skills. Congrats to you! Sometimes "better" is simply placing ourselves back into the "what we prefer" state. That's a great place to remember and experience again

especially after an intense inner struggle. You're on a good road, if you do try the mag chloride, let me know how it goes please. I definitely think it works, L-glutamine is

great too, stay around 1,000mg if you try that. It passes the blood brain barrier and makes GABA. GABA alone can't cross over, but is good for the gut. Eman knows quite a

lot about this L-glutamine.


02-26-2014, 05:39 PM
Very good. If you can that is awesome and I think you are fully capable of it. Are you in Cognitive therapy? Behavioral? They are all good and one can learn very useful skills. Congrats to you! Sometimes "better" is simply placing ourselves back into the "what we prefer" state. That's a great place to remember and experience again especially after an intense inner struggle. You're on a good road, if you do try the mag chloride, let me know how it goes please. I definitely think it works, L-glutamine is great too, stay around 1,000mg if you try that. It passes the blood brain barrier and makes GABA. GABA alone can't cross over, but is good for the gut. Eman knows quite a lot about this L-glutamine. Peace

Thanks again. Not doing too well tonight. Feeling down. Tired of the ups & downs....My therapist said in the beginning that she'd be doing CBT with me, but if she has, I've not seen a difference.

Niicole Lynne
02-26-2014, 05:56 PM
Thanks again. Not doing too well tonight. Feeling down. Tired of the ups & downs....My therapist said in the beginning that she'd be doing CBT with me, but if she has, I've not seen a difference.

Nights are the worst for me
Here for you :)

02-26-2014, 06:07 PM
Nights are the worst for me Here for you :)

Thank you. Idk what I'd do without people who truly understand & don't judge! The thing that's frustrating me so much now is that one day I'm 100 % fine, & the next day I'm a panicked mess! I just don't understand.

02-26-2014, 07:44 PM
It can go that way, the thing is you are having days that are very good. Be sure to remember you will have these increase. Please be patient with yourself, you're doing great, and

proactive in taking care of yourself. That's a long, long way from where some people are. Give yourself some credit, and I'm sorry it's difficult tonight, and yes I agree nights are harder,

but get some chamomile tea, take a warm bath or shower, just spoil yourself right now especially. Much Peace

02-26-2014, 08:13 PM
I would also recommend you try melatonin 3mg a night. This is helpful for relaxing for sleep too. Wal Mart carries this, and it's cheap. Peace

02-27-2014, 05:19 PM
Wondering how J girl is doing this evening. Hopefully well. Peace

Niicole Lynne
02-27-2014, 05:27 PM
Thank you. Idk what I'd do without people who truly understand & don't judge! The thing that's frustrating me so much now is that one day I'm 100 % fine, & the next day I'm a panicked mess! I just don't understand.

I spent 7 days in hell this past week and have now had 3 days fairly good
It's a process! Don't get down hun
Keep posting :)
Message me if u ever need a chat buddy :)

02-27-2014, 05:32 PM
Wondering how J girl is doing this evening. Hopefully well. Peace

I'm doing okay. Feeling almost normal today. That's how it goes with me. Trying to think positive and have a better attitude. Thanks for thinking of me!

02-27-2014, 05:34 PM
I spent 7 days in hell this past week and have now had 3 days fairly good It's a process! Don't get down hun Keep posting :) Message me if u ever need a chat buddy :)

Thanks! That'd be great! Hope your day was good today. Mine was, actually. :-)

02-27-2014, 05:36 PM
Good Good Gooood! Glad to hear from you. Thanks for updating us. Now don't try to have a good evening, just do it. :D Peace Midwesterner. My son lives in Moline Il. That's Midwest right? LOL

02-27-2014, 05:40 PM
Good Good Gooood! Glad to hear from you. Thanks for updating us. Now don't try to have a good evening, just do it. :D Peace Midwesterner. My son lives in Moline Il. That's Midwest right? LOL

Yep, that's Midwest! Wonder if he's been threatened with the same snow storm we have...
I WILL have a good night! :-)

02-27-2014, 05:41 PM
There ya go, that's the attitude! Peace