View Full Version : Laurie. 25. My story.

02-26-2014, 10:31 AM
Hi everyone. My name is Laurie n i guess ill just start at the beginning. When i was younger i was neglected. My mom wanted nothin to do with me. My dad was always working or drunk n my brothers just picked on me as brothers do. Bein the only girl w/3 brothers I've always been kind of a tomboy n its made me a little different. At 14 i started to 'develope' n suddenly my Dad had an interest in me. He molested n beat me. No one knew. My older brother was away at college and my younger brothers were all outside or at my cousins house. My mom would be at work n he'd come after me. I didn't fight back at first. I was scared and he manipulated me into thinkin it was somehow my fault. This continued until i finally got the strength to run away. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I just said enough n started walkin. Didn't take anything with me. I don't know how many miles i walked. Got to a friends house n called my gram. Went to stay with her n that's when the truth came out. Had to. My mom called frantic not havin a clue why i ran off. I finally told her n it broke my heart to. Some of my family weren't surprised. Oddly enough. My older brother called me a liar. That hurt. Since all that... I'm an outcast in my family. They all avoid me as much as possible. I know some of them just have no idea what to say. Its not an easy thing to swallow. Its been almost 6yrs since i got away but I've developed anxiety since then. The depression has always kind of been there. Your own Dad doin that is a betrayal that cuts deep.

Ok enough sharing for today.

02-26-2014, 10:35 AM
Laurie this must have been so hard for you to write but I wanted to say well done for getting it all out and having the strength to write down what's happened to you. It's so awful that your family have no contact with you when you've done nothing wrong, which I hope you know, you did nothing wrong. You sound like a really strong person walking away and starting up on your own but don't be downhearted by how your feeling at the moment, i would honestly recommend going to see a doctor who could put you in touch with some professionals to help you move on from such traumatic events. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me xxx

02-26-2014, 10:46 AM

Thank you. I've thought about seeing a doctor but honestly i don't want to. I'm afraid they'll try to put me on meds or make my problems worse. So far I've been kinda treating myself with self help books on anxiety n depression but there are days where i go backwards. My kids account for a lot of my stress but a lot more of my positive attitude. :) They r who i live for! Their father n i recently divorced but its for the best. Him n i have our own problems n it was causing a lot of stress. Wasn't fair to the kids to live in such a hostile setting. My son is autistic n honestly that causes me A LOT of anxiety. I fear for him all the time. I just let him start preschool this yr n at first it was only 3 days a week but now they asked me to let him go all week. I hate bein away from him. Unable to watch over n protect him. It really gets to me. :(

For anyone who doesn't know autism. Basically its sensory overload where kids take in too many things n their brain has trouble sortin them. Many kids have it but every case is different.

02-26-2014, 01:21 PM

We're here for you now, friends...that you can count on too!..
Thinking of you friend..

Try to make this a great day too!!

Enduronman.. :)

02-26-2014, 02:49 PM
Hi Laurie its very brave of you share that! one of my sons also has Autism, so I understand all the worrys and concerns this can cause for a parent. As Eman say's we are all here to support each other. Good to meet you Cully

02-26-2014, 03:24 PM
An official welcome, Laurie

One of my best friends is named Laurie so that must make you AOK

That is a hard story to tell I am sure and must have been horrible

I dont understand how parents can do things like that to their kids fully knowing that it will screw them up

you obviously have alot of strength and I wish you only to get stronger

02-26-2014, 04:44 PM
Thanks everyone! :)