View Full Version : Back to Work today. Feeling scared.

02-26-2014, 08:00 AM
Im going back to work today after a pretty bad few days and a new diagnosis. I woke up feeling somewhat okay but within half hour I was feeling scared and anxious. I really wanted to get through the day without having to take an Ativan but it isn't going to happen today.
I've been feeling a bit better since Monday but I only think it's because of the meds.
I finally told my closest friend what had occurred over the last few days and she was supportive. She could also tell in my voice something was wrong. That made me sad. I didn't want her to worry about me as it makes it all seem very real. But I need the support. I wanted the close people around me to know what's going on instead of them just not knowing and worrying more.

I hope to get through the day with no real struggle!