View Full Version : Need some forum encouragement....

02-26-2014, 07:28 AM
Nothing huge...just having a rough day. SAD is in full effect....it is snowing again.....I think I caught a virus from my daughter so im not feeling great. Still have to work but I feel miserable. I just need a little pick me up today.

Hope you all are having a good day.

02-26-2014, 07:56 AM
I'm having a bit of a rough day to remember tomorrow is a different day :) xx

02-26-2014, 08:21 AM
I'm having a bit of a rough day to remember tomorrow is a different day :) xx

You are right. I'm trying desperately to stay positive today. Thank you both for your kind words.

02-26-2014, 08:26 AM
Sorry about the snow, the virus.. and having to work on top of it all.. it must be a yucky feeling for sure. I feel for you.

And, I was never a cheerleader, but I'll grab some virtual pom poms and do my best.

Kick that SAD in the caboose,
Pick yourself up from the snow
C'mon, get up, let loose,

Nothing too huge, right? ;)

02-26-2014, 08:27 AM
I am new here but I want to offer you some words of encouragement.
Everyday is a new day and offers different obstacles-some good, some bad, but you'll get through it:)

02-26-2014, 09:08 AM
Try putting some music on hun and relax. Think of some place beautiful. The beach if you like the beach. Palm trees and sun. Dance and breathe. You'll be alright :)

02-26-2014, 09:23 AM
You are right. I'm trying desperately to stay positive today. Thank you both for your kind words.

You can do it hun think about things that make you happy xx

Kyle Morgan
02-26-2014, 09:32 AM
Sorry about that, I hope your day picks up. :) Try to relax a bit

02-26-2014, 10:07 AM
Hi trini sorry your having a tough day, I hope it got better for you and tomorrow your going to have a fantastic day :-)

02-26-2014, 10:09 AM
Good luck my dear Carribean friend. We'll all do our best until the master of encouragement, Eman, comes along :)

02-26-2014, 10:43 AM
Thank you so much, each and every one of you for taking the time to say something nice. I really needed it

You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much.

Jesse- I think I need some of that Trini weather in my life. Im in serious withdrawal mode......lol.

02-26-2014, 10:44 AM
Sorry about the snow, the virus.. and having to work on top of it all.. it must be a yucky feeling for sure. I feel for you.

And, I was never a cheerleader, but I'll grab some virtual pom poms and do my best.

Kick that SAD in the caboose,
Pick yourself up from the snow
C'mon, get up, let loose,

Nothing too huge, right? ;)

I loved this!!!! It made me laugh.

02-26-2014, 01:19 PM
I can just say hiiiii Trinnnn
and you'd smile!


Enduronmania.... :)

02-26-2014, 01:21 PM
And Eman has arrived! Back to back motivation from NTF and Eman. Don't say your day isn't getting awesome right about now ;)

We can't bring you Carribean sunshine, but we (or at least they) can bring the laughs!!

02-26-2014, 01:23 PM
ANDDDDD>>>> The Comedy Relief has arrived!!! YAY!!! (gawd all those meds just kicked in at once and I am FREEEEEAAAKKKKIIIINNNN!!!!!).... :D

Enduronmanamania!!!!... LMAO!!!

02-26-2014, 01:24 PM
I dunno about you Trin, but I'm laughing!!!!

Hope you're having a good day there.

02-26-2014, 01:46 PM
Laughter, smiles, it really makes the day better!!

I hope your day is moving along in a positive direction, Trini. And I'm glad I could make you laugh... It's not everyday I pull out the virtual pom poms and on the fly cheers, but it sounded like you needed it! Come to think of it, maybe we'd all benefit from a cheer leading squad; matching outfits, choreography and all that.. E-man, you'd join me, wouldn't you? ^^ ;)

02-26-2014, 02:35 PM
Laughter, smiles, it really makes the day better!!

I hope your day is moving along in a positive direction, Trini. And I'm glad I could make you laugh... It's not everyday I pull out the virtual pom poms and on the fly cheers, but it sounded like you needed it! Come to think of it, maybe we'd all benefit from a cheer leading squad; matching outfits, choreography and all that.. E-man, you'd join me, wouldn't you? ^^ ;)

Are you kidding me!! IN A MINUTE I WOULD!!!! I think that would be funny as hell, and I don't care if everyone is laughing at me or not because I'd be laughing too!!! I'd just think of that movie...Dodgeball!!... LMAO!!! :)

02-26-2014, 02:41 PM
You are right. I'm trying desperately to stay positive today. Thank you both for your kind words.


I was noticing in your post you said, "I am trying". Whoaaaa hold up there girly. That's what may bringing about such huge expectations for you and this day.

I suggest you stop trying, and say yes to just how you feel. That struggle can end right now, and a little peace, joy and happiness can slip in. It's not gone ya know, you just

forgot it, or misplaced it behind the trying stuff. This really helps me and I know it can help you too. Law of reverse effort. Look it up, it's not perfect but what is? Absolutly nuthin say it again!

My ex used to go to the tanning bed, I bought her a month pass and she'd be mad as hell, then after a time or two she'd be really happy again.

02-26-2014, 03:47 PM
I can just say hiiiii Trinnnn
and you'd smile!


Enduronmania.... :)

Yep. You are right! I am smiling.

02-26-2014, 03:55 PM
I know you're laughing!!! I am!!!! BAH ABAHHAA!!
Hope you had a great day Trin!!...

E-Man.. :D

02-26-2014, 04:07 PM

I was noticing in your post you said, "I am trying". Whoaaaa hold up there girly. That's what may bringing about such huge expectations for you and this day.

I suggest you stop trying, and say yes to just how you feel. That struggle can end right now, and a little peace, joy and happiness can slip in. It's not gone ya know, you just

forgot it, or misplaced it behind the trying stuff. This really helps me and I know it can help you too. Law of reverse effort. Look it up, it's not perfect but what is? Absolutly nuthin say it again!

My ex used to go to the tanning bed, I bought her a month pass and she'd be mad as hell, then after a time or two she'd be really happy again.

You are right. I just feel like crap today....physically with whatever this virus is....and its weighing me down mentally. You guys really do help to lift my spirits though. I just hate this achy feeling, even in my eyes and slight headache right in the forehead area. I just dont handle being sick well at all. I am just going make some chicken soup, bundle up under the covers and find a good movie.

Niicole Lynne
02-26-2014, 04:07 PM
You are right. I just feel like crap today....physically with whatever this virus is....and its weighing me down mentally. You guys really do help to lift my spirits though. I just hate this achy feeling, even in my eyes and slight headache right in the forehead area. I just dont handle being sick well at all. I am just going make some chicken soup, bundle up under the covers and find a good movie.

I don't do well with being sick either so I feel yah!

02-26-2014, 05:03 PM
What you going to watch Trin?

Im not sure yet.....I have to look and see what movies are on tv tonight. Husband is making me angry though. He is laying downstairs watching tv and wants me to prepare my daughter's dinner. As sick as I feel I didnt even want to make soup for myself and I certainly didnt want to handle my child's food while sick. Well when i told him I wasn't going to do it he stomped upstairs and huffed and puffed about it the entire time. He made the dinner though so I didnt say anything. Not one word.

02-27-2014, 04:08 AM
Hi trini! How are you feeling today? I hope you are feeling a little better today :-)

02-27-2014, 04:22 AM
Hi trini! How are you feeling today? I hope you are feeling a little better today :-)

Im feeling a little better today, thanks all! Still sick but not as bad off as yesterday. Thanks so much for all the nice and kind thoughts and words!

I hope each one of you have a great day!

02-27-2014, 04:29 AM
Im feeling a little better today, thanks all! Still sick but not as bad off as yesterday. Thanks so much for all the nice and kind thoughts and words!

I hope each one of you have a great day!

I'm pleased you are feeling a little better.
I hope you have a great day too :-)

02-27-2014, 06:21 AM
Glad you're feeling better Trin!!!
Hi Petrified!!

Have a great day you two...smile :) :) :)
