View Full Version : "Bad" News comes in threes...

02-26-2014, 04:39 AM
Hey Guys,

I'm still doing well but it has been an interesting start to the year to say the least.

They say that bad news comes in threes, well, first I found out I had Health Anxiety, then I found out I have mild-IBS & now I've been told there is a high probability I have Asthma!

All this leaves me wondering if my Health Anxiety was brought on by a combination of the IBS & Asthma making me feel under the weather in one way or another for a prolonged period of time. I guess I knew something was wrong but couldn't put a finger on it & that led to me worrying why & obsessing whenever extra symptoms appeared.

I'm not actually all that surprised to get diagnosed with Asthma because I've always coughed & sometimes wheezed after intense exercise - I just thought I was unfit. I didn't realise I was out of breath in the mornings until I started taking Peak Flow readings the past week... the first time I used the reliever inhaler, I was shocked how much easier it was to breath!

Hopefully getting on top of all three of these problems will continue to improve my mood.

02-26-2014, 05:28 AM
Chatterz, good to see you.

What did you do to piss off 2014 ;)

At least if you've got the bad out of the way, maybe the rest of it will be a sweet ride.

What did you get for the IBS? Peppermint capsules or something?

That's an annoying condition. So many variables to it.

02-26-2014, 05:33 AM
Yes, bad news = threes.
Most people are born with asthma I thought, weird that it kinda grew on you bruh,..sorry.
No reason for alarm man, it can be treated quite simply with inhalers and they make ya feel good too!! (I know my daughter had asthma inhalers, I used em at times)
Get well Chatty!! We're here if you need us...

E-Man.. :)

02-26-2014, 05:50 AM
What did you get for the IBS? Peppermint capsules or something?

I got Gaviscon Advance Suspension & yes it is Peppermint ;)

I also got prescribed some Domperidone for nausea but had to stop taking it because it was giving me heart palpitations... I had a lot of fun reading up about how it changes electrical signals to the heart & is associated with death in the elderly & young children - it's not even used in the US anymore. They then gave me Prochlorperazine, which ironically is a typical antipsychotic but I stopped using that because it was massively sedating to me even on the smallest dose. I've not got anything else for it yet but it's not been an issue thus far.

Most people are born with asthma I thought, weird that it kinda grew on you bruh,..sorry.

I believe Asthma usually becomes apparent when you are at school but it's possible to have adult-onset asthma too.

However, I've coughed a lot after exercise since I was about 14-15 or perhaps younger, so I've probably had mild Asthma for years. It probably just been aggravated by my smoking last year, with my recent running & cold weather bringing it to light.

02-26-2014, 06:48 AM
Geez! The treatment sounds worse than the cure sometimes!!

How often do you need to take your pump for the asthma? I was gonna ask how it had affected your training, but you already answered. You live up to your Chatative name!

Dunno if you read the other thread, but I got my hands in some Rooibos. Pleasant. Very pleasant!

02-26-2014, 07:53 AM
Rooibos is the bomb!

I have to use a Preventer (steroid) Inhaler twice a day & have a Reliever Inhaler to use as required.

My Doctor says that when the Preventer starts taking effect properly, in a couple of weeks, I'll have little need for the Reliever.

I'm going to try using the Reliever before my run tomorrow & see what difference it makes.