View Full Version : Ok to lighten the mood, i have sex questions!!

02-25-2014, 07:32 PM
Yeah I knew that would get you here lol! I generally do not make mention of this subject much but I really need some advice here. Any time I take an SSRI (this time it's Prozac) I have zero desire for sex, which is not my norm. My husband tries to be understanding but this is so not fair to him. He feels like I'm not interested in him anymore, that's not the case. I feel terrible and it puts me in a bad mood if he mentions it. I'm so worried he will stray for more attention elsewhere. Does anyone have some sincere advice, I hate to speak on such a touchy subject but I'm really needing some help here thanks :)

02-25-2014, 07:47 PM
1. Boron. 1mg
2. Zinc. 25mg to 50mg
3. L-Arginine. 500mg to no more than 1000mgs...

Have fun!!!...You can get this anywhere I believe...
Worth a shot!
And ALWAYS take a multi vitamin too with these meds we all take,,,...to be safe.

E-Man.. :)

02-25-2014, 08:08 PM
Really? We should take vitamins? I keep hearing their not that helpful? What's a good kind

02-25-2014, 08:10 PM
BAHAAAHA!!! 1. Boron. 1mg 2. Zinc. 25mg to 50mg 3. L-Arginine. 500mg to no more than 1000mgs... Have fun!!!...You can get this anywhere I believe... Worth a shot! And ALWAYS take a multi vitamin too with these meds we all take,,,...to be safe. E-Man.. :) what you mean to be safe??? Are the meds we on dangerous, now I'm somewhat paranoid :)

02-25-2014, 08:27 PM
E-man is giving good ways to regain your drive back. If your husband does not understand the side affect of your meds then I would recommend that both of you do some research together. Show him what it does and both actively look for remedies together. You both already share the problem so why not share in the solution. You will grow closer and he will see that you truly love and care for him. It will also put his mind more at ease. Hope all goes well

02-25-2014, 08:28 PM
Thank you so much, I just don't want him to be disappointed I me

02-25-2014, 08:30 PM
So if I tell you to fake it to you make it, Blessed

That probably wouldn't be exactly helping? LOL

02-25-2014, 08:33 PM
Lol wow not exactly, I can't even get in the mood to attempt to fake it ..

02-25-2014, 08:43 PM
Just take it in stride, you're a strong woman and never forget your inner strength. Your husband will see your efforts and love you that much more for it.

02-25-2014, 09:02 PM
I sure hope so, here of late I know he's getting real flustered with the whole "honey I'm too tired I don't feel like it" mood. Sorry guys, but being like this makes the doomed feeling seem all the more real. I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare and my life could be the way it was, but I guess we all wish for that huh :)

02-25-2014, 10:50 PM
I sure hope so, here of late I know he's getting real flustered with the whole "honey I'm too tired I don't feel like it" mood. Sorry guys, but being like this makes the doomed feeling seem all the more real. I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare and my life could be the way it was, but I guess we all wish for that huh :)

this is the field of my expertise. :) look u should start always with some erotic games.things like massage, erotic licking, role play and other things.this is to start the fire. then start slow, no need to be hardcore. slow love. ise chocolate or other sweets.just let yourself go girl. u must give it a try and your body will respond. oh and on ssri my sex mood is like of a sexual maniac :pppp

02-25-2014, 10:57 PM
Oh Blessed. Threads like these I fall in love with you all over again.

02-25-2014, 11:55 PM
This why went with natural remedies. I had similar problems. It's VERY frustrating. Talk with your doc first, but, I find St. John's Wort works just as good without the side effects. Also going to a sex shop with your husband might help. You can both look around and find things you both like. good luck and have fun

02-26-2014, 05:27 AM
Oh Blessed. Threads like these I fall in love with you all over again. well hello there Blessed Jessed :)

02-26-2014, 05:28 AM
These are all good ideas , thanks for the advice :)

02-26-2014, 05:39 AM
well hello there Blessed Jessed :)

Haha that's awesome :) Have a blessed day!

02-26-2014, 05:43 AM
Maybe just maybe it's not all about you. LOL Imagine that! Maybe hubby needs to get his game on, ya know? I mean hell I have no idea, but it sure beats beating yourself

for all the lack of interest, and it's not a big deal either way. A man needs to court a woman, even after many, many years of imprisonment (ooops I mean marriage).

A foot massage, flowers, reading a book together, a date night each week. This shit gets overlooked and it's important to both of you. So everything I could say has been said

by others, except maybe it's him too. Maybe it's time to turn it up a little, get your freak on. Whatever that means for you. Do you want me to get graphic here? I sure will.

Sex is as natural as red on a tomato.

PS: I really wanted to lay it all out graphically. I'm a bad boy, but good at it. :D Oh yea, Peace!

02-26-2014, 06:09 AM
Read 50 shades of grey together ;)

02-26-2014, 06:27 AM
Noting to be worried about, Blessed. Lack of sexual desire is a common side effect. Like Sapper said, sit down with him and do research together. As a guy, I would take a lack of intimacy as rejection. It's just in our nature. We just have to be reassured that we are not the reason. I just went through this with my wife. She has hardly no sex drive. We have a 3 year old and I understand it takes alot out of both of us. She has reassured me it's not me, and I trust her.

Don't hide anything from him when it comes to the meds and I'm sure he'll understand. Reassurance is a good thing. But remember, with you reassuring him, you also have to have understanding and patience.

Maybe talk to your doctor about ways to improve the drive without the use of meds.

It's only a bump in the road. When you get to the new pavement it will be smooth driving :)

02-26-2014, 07:24 AM
Noting to be worried about, Blessed. Lack of sexual desire is a common side effect. Like Sapper said, sit down with him and do research together. As a guy, I would take a lack of intimacy as rejection. It's just in our nature. We just have to be reassured that we are not the reason. I just went through this with my wife. She has hardly no sex drive. We have a 3 year old and I understand it takes alot out of both of us. She has reassured me it's not me, and I trust her.

Don't hide anything from him when it comes to the meds and I'm sure he'll understand. Reassurance is a good thing. But remember, with you reassuring him, you also have to have understanding and patience.

Maybe talk to your doctor about ways to improve the drive without the use of meds.

It's only a bump in the road. When you get to the new pavement it will be smooth driving :)

Going through the same thing. Im just plain exhausted sometimes to the point where I dont even realize when im falling asleep.

02-26-2014, 07:40 AM
These are All really good suggestions. He just keeps asking me: what do we gotta do to make this all better? Now mind you when I came off Prozac last time after being weaned I got the desire back no problem . I don't feel like I'm stable enough to come off again. I'm only 33, I know it's the meds but it makes you feel so unattractive and worthless